Most Important For CCW!

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Read old posts in this section. Lots of free info and most of it is good info.

Don't get worried about finding the perfect ccw firearm the first time out. Renting stuff at the range and shooting other people's firearms is nice, but until you actually live with a firearm and see how your clothes, car, posture, muscles, lifestyle, and brain work with that firearm you can't really tell what is perfect and what is not.

Mindset is good to think about but I pretty much figure I will know the truth of my mindset when I have to either use my ccw or face someone who means to do me harm. I think I have the mindset to use my ccw, but then again I think that thinking about it and knowing it are two different things.

classes are good. Competition is good. With either you want to practice as you wish to perform.

someone mentioned what other people at the range must think and really that should not be a concern. I go to the range to work on my skills, I don't expect to have anyone with me if I need to use my ccw to protect myself so their skills don't mean much to me.

There is a lot I can't really think of right now. Basically with a ccw you learn about living with a firearm. I come home and wipe mine down at the end of the day and check things over and I shoot it a lot and carry it a lot. I have changed a lot of things because of having a firearm on my side and I have changed firearms a couple times already because what I thought would work was not so great in real life.

Best advice I ever read was to just put some time in each week reading old posts in here and at other sites. You want lots of information and opinions from all sorts of people and you will learn whose opinion to somewhat ignore and whose name causes you to stop and read that post 3 or 4 times and really think about what they are saying.
You could stuff a bazooka in your swim shorts and nobody would ever suspect that you are carrying a bazooka.
What in the world would they suspect that was?:eek:

On the question of being able to kill if need be, that was a question I asked myself long before "shall issue" existed in this great state. The answer was for myself and my wife, a resounding yes. I agree that this is a must for anybody that believes himself/herself to need to carry a firearm.

Another is that no matter how small in size the weapon is, it can never be too small.
The most important thing I've learned about carrying for almost 30 years (usually a .45), is that I've never pulled a weapon needlessly. I do NOT go looking for trouble, I think before I act, etc etc etc..

So basically.. I've rarely ever needed to even think about using my carry weapon. Howver from what I've seen, most people seen to think it's a license to go looking for trouble and thats dumb... better to have and never use then need to use it. Because everytime a weapon is used, especially if it's used badly, it hurts all of us.
Thanks, Guys

I wanna than all of you for making me think.

Jim, harsh, but good.

This one subject has caused me more introspection in the last couple of months than any other.

I can handle death. Been up close and personal.

I know I can deal when the moment comes.

However, having never CAUSED death, I have some concern about the after party.

In any case, if my training is solid, I'm sure my family will live through [incident], as will I.

Doubt sucks. I guess I will have to be willing to experience whatever the fallout is.

Oddly, I worry more about arrogant commie pinko rat bastard socialist corrupt stupid anti-constitutional weasels masquerading as prosecutors and jurists, than I do about my own ability to reconcile my own acts.

Sucks that one's biggest boogie man might be called "justice."
My own advice is:

Understand that you are a civilian. You are not a cop or somewhere in-between a cop and a regular civilian. Do not try to step in and “take charge” of a situation. If it is not your fight; it is not your fight.

Virtually everyone buys too large and heavy of a pistol for concealed carry at first with the mistaken idea that they can somehow make it work. Concealed carry is not the same as undercover police carry, or professional security carry, or proprietor in store carry. Gun dealers sell big pistols to people with new CCW licenses everyday and profit nicely from it. “They’ll be back” they say.

There are those who say they carry their big ole 45 and then there are those who actually do. What percentage is what I cannot say. I suspect many do carry that big ole 45 some of the times but for the most part that big ole 45 is at home in the safe. People should be more intellectually honest with both themselves and to others who place weight upon their words.

There are times when I carry my big Glock 35. But the little Kel Tec 380 goes with me everywhere.

What makes for good form in precision target shooting does not necessarily make for good form for close in defense shooting.

I notice when I am at gun ranges that virtually everyone shoots while seated with their pistol supported on the bench. Learn to shoot unsupported while standing and squatting. Spend part of you shooting practice shooting one handed. Practice rapid fire on multiple targets. Falling plates are great if you have access to them. Low light practice is an eye opener to say the least. If you have a double action pistol or revolver, practice with the double action trigger pull as well as the cocked trigger pull.

A holster that will keep you gun secure and comfortable to drive with is important too.

I have not read the thread, I started to but game was on & now cops is thats my two cents ...I will add more pearls of wisdom later because I know you are all eager to hear what I have to say.

The cavalry, when it arrives, doesn't know the good guys from the bad, until they have consulted the score card...REMEMBER THAT!!!

I couldn't agree more. When the police pull up, you are just some guy with a gun in his hand with a bleeding dead body on the ground in front of you. If the threat is over holster the weapon.
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