Mousegun Monday!

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I have carried a p32 for 2 decades. Get some European fmj & stick to that. Look at the primers & if they are sealed that's usually a good indication the mfg. makes good ammo.
Went a different route. Bought a Ruger LCP ll. It disappears in my pocket with the holster it came with. No printing smooth draw.
The Iver Johnson company of yesteryear is different from the one in the 80s and currently. Now and in the 80s they just imported guns and put their name on them. Back in the 19th and early 20th century they were the manufacturer.
A few have been added since the last picture undertaking,
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OneFreeTexan writes:

I have a. Grendel P-10, a 380 internal magazine.. I think it qualifies as a mouse gun,,,

I have one of those, picked up on a department PO when Grendel was marketing them to local law enforcement agencies back in around 1988. It's a neat curio, with a purpose behind its design, but I don't consider it a "mouse gun" due to its caliber. But it is indeed abut as small as a Raven .25, which does qualify (to me) as one.
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