Movie: "American Gun"

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Dec 26, 2002
Wherever I go, there I am...
"American Gun"

The above link takes you to Roger Ebert's review of "American Gun", which seems to be another motion picture telling a somewhat one-sided story of guns in America.

The most interesting paragraph...

"All three stories ask the same question: How do you lead a reasonable life in a world where a lot of your fellow citizens can and do walk around armed? There seem to be two possible answers: They should be disarmed, or you should be armed. A third answer, implied by some gun owners, is that they should be armed but many other categories of people should not be. They never include themselves in those categories."

Overall, this movie seems to take the stance that guns can only be used to kill innocent people; I'm still waiting for a major Hollywood-style movie that tells the story of a bunch of people hanging out at the range, you know, not killing people. But that would be boring, I guess, and wouldn't make money...

I didn't post this to bash Ebert, just to alert you guys about this movie, which I never knew was coming out. I think I might send a letter to Ebert letting him know that firearms can (and frequently are) used for non-violent purposes; maybe some of you guys could do the same.
I wanna check it out. I actually watched the other "American Gun" last night. The one with James Coburn but this one looks more interesting.
A third answer, implied by some gun owners, is that they should be armed but many other categories of people should not be. They never include themselves in those categories.

That is funny considering that it is libs and their laws that have erroded away the 2nd amendment. This includes banning cheaply priced guns that may be the only thing many poor inner city people can afford to own. The response I have heard from most REAL gun owners has been that anyone but criminals should have the option to carry a gun. The only "gun owners" that I know of that want to keep guns out of others' hands are those hypocite liberal elites like Dianne Fienstein that run out and buy a gun when they feel threatened but still work to keep guns out of everyone elses hand. :scrutiny:
Ebert is a huge Lefty

He takes regular swipes at Bush and the entire Republican party every chance he gets here on local Chicago media.

All gun control is good and common sense to Roger, Syriana was the best film of the year, he loves Michael Moore and thinks George Clooney is one of the smartest guys in Hollywood today.

His latest bashing efforts are on the Washington "culture of corruption". For some reason he always fails to mention his and his wife's involvement in a phony Chicago area casino licensing scheme that the Feds busted up last year.

All of the casino's financial backers were supposedly minorities and it was an Illinois version of affirmative action I guess. It was one of those Hillary style investments, "Invest $100,000 or so and get $1 million back in a few months".

It turned out the primary backers were mobbed up and the minorities and women involved were the window dressing. But for Roger that's totally different and his wife and he were just "misled".

I have found his vision of what constitutes quality entertainmment and mine to differ markedly.
You could do a movie showing realistic use of guns. Like you said just hanging out at the range maybe hunting carrying a concealed gun at the grocery store maybe even cleaning them. Get Kevin Smith to direct it and make it like Clerks with guns :neener:
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