moving to Baltimore from the UK UPDATE

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Jul 2, 2011
Baltimore, MD
I would like to thank you all for you guidence in this and have finaly got my approval to move to the USA and will be with you all on the 18th July:D:D:D. I have been told that I cannot bring my guns with me:mad: and will miss opening day of the grouse season but hay ho, so I hope to see you guys soon.
Congrats on the move, and welcome to America. Talk to a FFL who handles imports--there are some restrictions on what can be imported to the US, but I'd imagine that any firearm that can be owned in the UK shouldn't be a problem legally to import. Might cost some money, but if you have nice guns it may be less expensive than replacing them here (or if they have sentimental/family value it may be worth it no matter the economics).
C'mon now Navy - we're a heck of a lot better than some other places in the nation.

Graeme - glad you got the good word! The offer still stands, btw. Just say the word and we'll go put some rounds downrange. :D
Welcome.... If you dont try to collect the kings taxes and avoid conscripting our sailors we'll all get along just fine....(& Avoid burning down the White House - it's bad manners). ;)
Why are you moving to the People's Republik of Maryland? It's an icky state. Baltimore...shudder....

Move to a real state like Virginia and own just about any firearm you want. Silencers? No problem! Full auto? Buy all you can afford! Open carry without a permit; concealed carry permits are "shall issue", and localities are pre-empted from being stupid about firearms.
Why are you moving to the People's Republik of Maryland? It's an icky state. Baltimore...shudder....

Icky? Republik? :rolleyes:

The bottom line is that the gun politics in MD definitely leave a bit to be desired, but we're improving rapidly, and we're far, far from the worst state in the nation in regards to the 2nd Amendment.

So please, let's not go there. It's divisive, pointless, and adds nothing to the conversation at hand.

Oh, and btw - suppressors and full-auto are no problem here.
[That's about enough of this kind of talk.]
Why are you moving to the People's Republik of Maryland? It's an icky state. Baltimore...shudder....

First off, it isn't our business why he's moving there. He's coming to the USA, and that's GREAT!

Second, no, it isn't an icky state. It is a beautiful and varied state with a lot to recommend it, especially for a shotgunner looking for great clays shooting, bird hunting, and water-fowling on the amazing Chesapeake bay.

Even Baltimore is an interesting and historic city with no more troubles than most metropolitan areas. (My favorite machine gun dealer lives there!)

It has a few laws that most of us here don't care for, but none that are going to bother a shotgun aficionado in the least.

Move to a real state like Virginia and own just about any firearm you want. Silencers? No problem! Full auto? Buy all you can afford! Open carry without a permit; concealed carry permits are "shall issue", and localities are pre-empted from being stupid about firearms.
We really do try to avoid the "my state is better than your state" fluff here. Especially when it is inaccurate. MD is very NFA-friendly, so you can buy all the silencers and machine guns you can afford. You aren't likely to (yet) be able to get a permit to carry a sidearm, but there are very dedicated folks in the state working to fix that, and they'd appreciate all the help they can get.

Let's welcome Graeme here and help him enjoy his new expanded freedoms. We could use more good folks in MD!
I once did live just outside of Baltimore. There were were problems with "assault rifles" and some counties would seize your guns from your car even when unloaded if you could not show you were either going directly to or from a range and your house. But, hey you can own machine guns maryland if you can afford them and many models of handguns. No problem with shotguns. DC would be more similar to Great Britain, except now you can own some sort of handguns in DC.
Sam1911 said:
MD is very NFA-friendly, so you can buy all the silencers and machine guns you can afford.

Yeah, but in Washington, Sam... Military members such as myself have the "duty" to collect machine guns and other "interesting" guns!

RCW 9.41.220
Unlawful firearms and parts contraband.

All machine guns, short-barreled shotguns, or short-barreled rifles, or any part designed and intended solely and exclusively for use in a machine gun, short-barreled shotgun, or short-barreled rifle, or in converting a weapon into a machine gun, short-barreled shotgun, or short-barreled rifle, illegally held or illegally possessed are hereby declared to be contraband, and it shall be the duty of all peace officers, and/or any officer or member of the armed forces of the United States or the state of Washington, to seize said machine gun, short-barreled shotgun, or short-barreled rifle, or parts thereof, wherever and whenever found.

Oh... that's actually probably not a good thing, is it?.... :evil:
I promise that I wont try to collect the kings taxes and will avoid conscripting your sailors if you all stop throwing the amber nectur that is the drink of the civilised world (tea) in to the water................ Besides which being an ex Royal Marine Commando I think our Navy is doing fine!!!
People in the coastal cities like Baltimore are spoiled by good seafood that all of us folks further away only get flown in (not that great when you've had good seafood) in or on vacation. Major league baseball, pro football, and horse racing are in the Baltimore area. ACC college sports, the ocean, country to hunt, and freshwater and saltwater fishing. There will be a lot of fun activities in that area.
I promise that I wont try to collect the kings taxes and will avoid conscripting your sailors if you all stop throwing the amber nectur that is the drink of the civilised world (tea) in to the water................ Besides which being an ex Royal Marine Commando I think our Navy is doing fine!!!


Just avoid wearing red coats and funny hats and all will be well. You can "school us colonials" in proper tea etiquette.

What is the first gun you're going to buy? Maybe you need a custom 1911 from Ed Brown or Les Baer and a CMP Garand to commemorate the occasion.

BTW, there are ranges near Baltimore. They hold CMP John C. Garand matches and clinics up there. You get a half day clinic and a shooting match for something like $30...all day fun with Garands. I know there's a range near the beltway in Baltimore, but it appears they're not hosting a Garand match. They will loan you a rifle if you do not have one (ask about it when you call them).

Looks like the next one is in October in Cumberland, MD:

You should also attend an Appleseed; help out if you can.


Just remember, you can carry your handgun openly in Virginia without a permit. I do recommend a retention holster such as a Safariland ALS or Blade Tech WRS or Blade Tech Thumb Drive. So if you come down to go shooting, make sure to have a lock box for when you go back. If you OC:

Apply for a Virginia Concealed Handgun permit. You should also get New Hampshire and Utah (gives you the most state coverage). None of those permits are good in Maryland, though.
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The problem with Maryland is the carry law. It's almost impossible to get a concealed carry permit and you cannot even have a gun in your car unless you are going directly to a range or hunting.
Welcome to the US. As you probably have figured out, it's all a matter of perspective; a move to MD from Arizona or Vermont might feel draconian (at least gun-wise), but from the U.K. will probably feel like a breath of fresh air!
I would think a former British Marine would want to have an L1A1 and Browning high power in his collection relatively soon.
I would think a former British Marine would want to have an L1A1 and Browning high power in his collection relatively soon.
I would think a former British Marine would want to have an L1A1 and Browning high power in his collection relatively soon.

The SLR, or L1A1, is a very very close friend of mine and we traveld many many miles together but the new SA80 was a piece of junk. I was in the Royal Marines when we converted to the mark 1 SA80 and it had so many problems. I believe the updated version, by H & K is far better, we should have gone down the M16 road. As for the Hi Power I was more thinking of getting a Glock or a 1911 but having only limited time on the 1911 and none on the Glock then when i get settled I was going to shop around and see else there was, or even a 92F
If you get the itch to play with a collection of various service sidearms, my club is only about an hour north up Rt. 83 into Pennsylvania. We'd be happy to arrange to have on hand a selection of the usual suspects so you can make an informed decision. :)
Welcome to MD(when you get here anyway), as stated there are a few gun laws that aren't the funnest. But there are several decent ranges in the area and quite a few other activities as well.
When I became an FFL I had my dad send my old shotguns from the UK over, i missed them :)

Its not too bad a process really, all just paperwork.
The problem with Maryland is the carry law. It's almost impossible to get a concealed carry permit and you cannot even have a gun in your car unless you are going directly to a range or hunting.

The carry law is in the process of being fought in court, and will undoubtedly change soon.

As for having a gun in the car, you're not entirely correct. The specifics of transporting a handgun in MD are described under MD Criminal Code, Section 4-203.

In general the gun must be unloaded, in a case or holster, and going either to or from a repair shop, legal place of purchase, residence, organized shooting match or public or private exhibition.

Additionally, while there are indeed a number of restrictions on the transport of firearms in the state, MD cops are generally not interested in causing trouble for people who aren't obviously in need of further scrutiny. That doesn't mean that the OP (or anyone else) should be a test case, but in comparison to places like Illinois, our cops are pussycats and don't automatically demonize gun owners.
"but in comparison to places like Illinois, our cops are pussycats and don't automatically demonize gun owners."

With all due respect, bull malarchy...............
I have lived in MD all of my life, and though it is a beautiful state with diverse topography, weather, seasons, and the bay, the gun laws here are horrible. For example, just last week on thursday, an employee of an ffl approved gun store met his co-worker, or same said ffl approved gun store, and handed him his rifle and handgun for some smithing work. One of Anne Arundel county's finest undercover idiots decided to arrest the owner of the firearms for violating tranporting laws, even though they were co workers at an ffl location and one of them was giving work to the other.

Not to be rude to anyone, but I have dealt with MD cops all of my life, since I've lived here all of my life. And every single chance I get to lie to one of them, or hide the fact I'm going to a range, or that I have loaded weapons on my person, I do, because when an honest citizen tells the truth in this state the only thing the cops want to do is score gun-grabbing points with their superiors.

You can argue against me on this all you want, but I simmunitions train with cops, shoot with cops at the ranges, listen to them talk, and have dealt with them on the streets here too. I don't tell any of them anything, because none of them are trying to serve and protect you. All they want to do is fleece money out of you for their bosses.

Enough said.
-Quentin James Mise, of Glen Burnie MD.
With all due respect, I've lived here all my life as well, and have come up against some cops I'd rather not have dealt with. However, I stand by my comments. I've dealt with cops while transporting, and the worst I've ever gotten was a warning.

So, while I respect your experience and close contact with the police, I humbly submit that your perspective is not the only valid one out there on the subject.
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