MSU learns an odd lesson from VT shootings

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This is what happens in academia. People who have no clue as to the historical background of an institution get hired and then have no understanding of the cultural significance of historical traditions.

I am more than willing to bet that the great majority of admin and faculty are from else where. highly prized catches to raise the supposed standards of the University while in all actuality, killing the true spirit of the place.
Just FYI: WAY down in the comments is something stating that, according to Mr. Puffer, pepper spray is NOT prohibited under the new policy. Of course, I browsed the comments *after* putting together a nicely worded e-mail telling them my thoughts. :banghead: Had I known, I would've pushed more on the concealed carry permit holder thing.

Just so y'all know. Now I'll probably get an e-mail back talking about how pepper spray isn't mentioned and I'll have to state the other case clearer. :scrutiny:

I'm under the impression that they changed that due to the initial backlash... originally, it banned pepper spray.

And for all of you who are displeased, give us Montanans some time, we'll deport this jerks California-esque policy ASAP.
I'm under the impression that they changed that due to the initial backlash... originally, it banned pepper spray.

Correct. The original *specifically* banned pepper spray as well as everything else regardless of what the recent news claims that "Associated Press report published by Montana newspapers outside of Bozeman omitted the proposed exception for personal-sized pepper spray."

I read the article and went to the source information. Chemical spray was specifically prohibited on the source info with no mention of size of containers. I think the backlash caused the revision after the fact.
I read the article and went to the source information. Chemical spray was specifically prohibited on the source info with no mention of size of containers. I think the backlash caused the revision after the fact.

Yupp, they realized they disenfranchised every concerned father and his wallet.
OK, I sent a message to the president and CC'd it to the VP, dean Mr. Puffer, and also the Women's Center. :) Mr. Puffer replied back with a very short note saying that the pepper spray wasn't in the policy and he hoped this allayed some of my concerns.

ziadel - That's interesting. Wonder whether I should bring it up in the reply or not - probably not.

BTW, on the storing (not carrying) in dorms issue - I can see where it could be a problem. Drunk college students + guns do not a happy combination make. Of course, they could solve the problem (sort of) by providing heavy-duty safes in each room, but I hardly think a university like that would adapt their dorms for RKBA. However, not everyone lives in a dorm, and those students should be allowed to carry on campus, period.
BTW, can anyone here weigh in on what a "small, personal protection dispenser" of pepper spray means? It sounds really vague.
"We decided we needed to be more specific," said Glenn Puffer, associate dean of students.

So that's it! Cho was just unclear that he was not allowed to mass murder with a Glock and a P22. If VT was more specific in their policy, they could have avoided this mess.

I'm glad someone finally found the problem and did something about it.

The law may restrict concealed carry, but the state law is silent on open carry.
True. Also state law only forbids carry in state BUILDINGS (along with Banks, and bars.) However if you don't not enter an MSU building I do not see how this silly rule can prevent you from legally CCW'ing outside on campus.
Like I said when I go shooting I drive across campus everytime and I'm not about to stop.
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