Multidisciplinary SD training library

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Aug 17, 2007

I'd like to recommend some DVDs for people who would like to become better-rounded at their blind-spots, or brush up on some cutting-edge material. I've given categories for each DVD and they are listed, approximately but not precisely, in the order I'd recommend buying them.

I'll edit in links at a later time but a Google search for the name of the DVD will generally turn up a good purchase site.

By the way, self-defense, fighting, whatever you want to frame it as, is a many-year, even lifelong, pursuit. I'm not here to say what level of proficiency a THR member needs or should seek. But, I am here to point you to some extremely solid material that will allow you to grow as long as you want, usually paired with some good instruction... but one of the best things about these DVDs is you can use what you learn to go seek instruction, whether from the creator (Southnarc for example) or from similar types. You can use them to learn what type of instruction to seek, and then compare what you find with what you saw/learned on the DVD.

Some of this may function at first to let you know what you Don't know, because most of us have these blind spots.

Some of it's immediately usable, and other things may take a long time to learn to refine. I won't mince words: go get the Shivworks DVDs, PUC + REM2 or PUC + FHG, now. Crazy Monkey Defense is good to buy too, but only if you have the perspective on how to integrate it with the other material, and it won't do a lot of good without training partners, either.

Vital perspective on interacting with others ("unknowns")
Shivworks Practical Unarmed Combat - level: very basic
Shivworks Reverse Edge Methods two - level: basic to intermediate (also contains knife-centric methods for self-defense, but much more focused on tactics than most material - a must-have) Note: for budget-minded people who cannot afford ANY training and may not even have a handgun, this is the DVD I recommend - you can even use improvised objects such as a DVD case in place of the knives - I can't emphasize enough how important this material is.

Handgun, 0-5 feet
Shivworks Fighting Handgun - this is the bare minimum reduction of ECQC, Southnarc's famous 2-day course on running the gun at zero-distance. Paired with the two DVDs above this will begin to patch the biggest holes in the skillsets of those who have never trained with Craig and who haven't put years into solving the "0-5 foot problem" themselves. level: intermediate (need to have prior handgun experience... for those who would prefer that to knife-based material, buy before REM2)

Rodney King's Crazy Monkey Defense, Volume 1 - this is the most effective stripped down form of boxing instruction and is fairly usable with no training. More importantly you can review this material prior to MMA or boxing instruction and use his techniques to a huge advantage - there are no shortcuts, but it's extremely simple and provides a VERY effective unarmed method; for anyone turned off by "boxing" please realize the footwork and defensive methods are invaluable, too. I can't say enough good things about this material! level: basic
Clinchin' 2 with Paul Sharp and the Singer Bros (Performance Edge Productions) - this is basically "wrestling for the street," and while many don't know it yet, wrestling is a crucial, basic skill for fighting; if you get grabbed, entangled, or otherwise up-close and personal with one or more people, wrestling keeps you upright, stable, and gives you the best "delivery system" for well as the best chance of escaping. This is an excellent accompaniment to Southnarc's ECQC course since that course is very grappling-centric for the purpose of ungrappling. level: basic to advanced (material may be grasped by beginners but takes a very long time to master - best accompanied by actual instruction then training partners at the very least)
Mario Sperry's Vale Tudo Series 1, 6-disc instructional series - I do not yet have first-hand experience with this but have viewed some clips and have it on order. It's a magnum opus on ground-fighting from the perspective of minimizing damage, stabilizing, reversing the problem, and getting away and/or standing up. Yes, it's complex enough to merit a 6-disc set. Yes, you need accompanying instruction (BJJ or MMA). It is NOT "turnkey" for practitioners of street self-defense, but the ground-game - knowing how to get someone off you if you have been knocked over - is vital. level: intermediate to advanced
Erik Paulson's Grappling Drills - a good accompaniment to any of the above, particularly the Sperry series - gives workable drills in order to help learn the basics and beyond. level: basic to advanced

Emergency medical

ISR Matrix Series with Paul Sharp and Luis Gutierrez - this probably deserves to be in the Fighting section but it's got the most benefit, probably, for LEO. It's based on maximum safety for control of resisting subjects, including in pure self-defense situations where contact has been made. Extensive reviews and clips exist online, go check it out. level: basic (no prior experience needed)
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Conwict- I've looked for Shivworks Fighting Handgun for a while now and can't find any copies. Any suggestions outside of patience?
Sidhe, yes... most DVDs won't give you 100% proficiency in any skillset but will often contain usable pieces, and more importantly, prevent that all too common "I know everything I need to" don't-know-what-you-don't-know mindset.

Here is one source for the shivworks DVDs but Fighting Handgun is sold out. Maybe email the retailer? also used to have them. Hmm...
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