Multiple Deaths in Iowa City,Iowa Shooting

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Winchester 73

Apr 10, 2007
Multiple Fatalities in Iowa City, Iowa
Published: 3/24/08, 10:46 AM EDT
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) - Multiple people were shot to death Monday morning in a home on Iowa City's east side, authorities said.

"Yes there are multiple fatalities," said Jessica Lown with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation.

A statewide police bulletin said authorities were searching for a suspect who was possibly armed.

No details were available on how many people were shot.

The scene was wrapped in crime tape, and an ambulance was in the home's driveway.

"Lots of family needs to be contacted," Iowa City Police Sgt. Troy Kelsay told The Gazette, a Cedar Rapids newspaper.

Kelsay told The Des Moines Register that dispatchers got a call at 6:31 a.m. saying officers needed to get to the address immediately. The caller then hung up.

Students and faculty at the University of Iowa received text and telephone messages warning that there was an active shooter in the Iowa City area. The message said police were looking for a white man in his 40s, driving a 1998 tan Toyota Sienna minivan.

Iowa City schools were under lockdown as a precaution, according to a report from KCRG-TV in Cedar Rapids.
My sister in law goes to the university there. My mother in law got an automated phone call from the univ. saying that there was a gunman and the school was in lockdown. Naturally, she couldn't reach the sis in law (probably swamped cell network), and she called my wife. All of them freaked until I made it into the office (was in my car at the time) and found that it was a nonstory as far as that goes.

The idiot administration overreacted, cried wolf, and unnecessarily worried the families of every single student. Going through all that because the gunman MIGHT have run to campus (across town from the murders) was just idiotic, and apparently the local public schools did the same.

Fools, the lot of them. My sympathy to the families of those murdered, but the school administration really needs to answer a few questions as to why they felt the need to hit the panic button over nothing at all.

They're still freaked out over Virginia Tech, when the killer (who doesn't deserve to have his name remembered) murdered the girl he liked and an RA who tried to intervene. Many tried to crucify President Steger of Virginia Tech for not "pressing the panic button" after this happened (his failing occurred long before 4/16/08). The University in the article was just CYAing for the same potential situation.
They're still freaked out over Virginia Tech, when the killer (who doesn't deserve to have his name remembered) murdered the girl he liked and an RA who tried to intervene. Many tried to crucify President Steger of Virginia Tech for not "pressing the panic button" after this happened (his failing occurred long before 4/16/08). The University in the article was just CYAing for the same potential situation.

There's a fine line between murders that happen on campus and a lag before the killer heads elsewhere and murders that happen in town (NOT on campus) with no actual evidence that the guy is heading their way, only a chance that, well, he MIGHT. Because, you know, he could go ANYWHERE. Like a day care. Oh, the humanity!

In their attempt to cover their rears (that was my estimation of it too) they devalued the entire system by crying wolf. Next time nobody will pay attention to it.
No real evidence that he even had a gun. The news in Des Moines (on the scene) just said that the first cop to respond thought it was a shooting because of the nature of the bodies. After invetigating, it was NOT a shooting. They won't say what it was but it WAS NOT a shooting.
the last i saw on this story was the father was probably the shooter and looks like the kids were all adopted (looked oriental) mom and dad are both white... he should have been a felon if his record was correct he had taken around half a million dollars from the bank he worked at so he should never should have been able to buy a gun... (we all know how well that works)... it's a tragedy no matter how you look at it.... i'm hating more all the time to see these people shooting so many innocents up... i hope the van that crashed and burned was the shooter.... news said he left a note that said he couldn't cope anymore ... too bad he thought had to some many people with him if he wanted to check out.... sad stuff.............

The above has links all over the internet for newspapers and other news sources.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Five found dead at Iowa City home

By the Press-Citizen

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• Photo gallery: Five found dead in IC home

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Iowa City Police are investigating the death of an Iowa City mother and her four children in their east Iowa City home.

According to Iowa City Police Sgt. Troy Kelsay:

Iowa City Police received a 911 call about 6:31 a.m. directing them to 629 Barrington Road in the Windsor Ridge subdivision in east Iowa City. The call came from a cell phone and the caller immediately disconnected.

Police arrived at the scene and found the house unlocked. They entered the home, fearing for the family's safety, and found the bodies of Sheryl Sueppel and her four children. Sueppel's husband, Steven Sueppel, wasn't there and the family's tan Toyota Sienna minivan was missing. Police haven't confirmed the cause of death, but did say that the incident was not a shooting.

QUOTE: ...was not a shooting.

MORE news on the link plus comments.

With the FEDS (Federal Reserve) "banksters" propping up the stock market, all kinds of garbage and BAIL OUTS that the taxpayers will end UP paying for right before a "depression" - YOU will find more crooked things like the supposed "accident" or death of a former well known Ohio political man who was investigating the banking mess and other alleged fraud things in the mortgage business LAST autumn. You know before more of the ___ hitting the fan! That GOOD Gilmore man was a former BANKER and trying to do a big time investigation too - he was already in his D.C. home. Very sad because he was close and going to have a big news story and more INVESTIGATIONS. Yes, I have read many accounts of that story and, no, my tin foil hat does not need adjusting. Thanks anyway.

How very convenient...


The murders are sad and I wonder if and how they will tell more about the burned body. One never knows when it comes to truth/fiction along with GREED, money, power and so forth.

The man could have been guilty and/or someone could have SET HIM UP and he was the PATSY! THINK of ENRON and tons more in white collar crime where those criminals do more damage than some other mickey mouse crime! YOU have many of those crooks get away with grand theft and crimes but they manage to get their GOLDEN PARACHUTE package right before the others get screwed. THINK of the recent events. The Bear Stearns guys! Check out those package deals right before the FALL and bail out!

I don't know if THIS banker was guilty or not - set up or not. It would be easy to do in this day and age because we have had FALL GUYS and patsies over the years and in HISTORY.

SOME white collar crime is way, way worse than some kid who did x, y or z but the KID or young man may get jail and the WHITE COLLAR CROOKS get away with it or claim they went NUTS - then they get whatever... just like the D and R politicos! UGH.

Meanwhile HONEST middle class Americans continue to get the SHAFT.

he should have been a felon if his record was correct he had taken around half a million dollars from the bank he worked at so he should never should have been able to buy a gun

I don't think he had been convicted of anything - CNN reports that he had been indicted last month. His trial was to start on April 21st.

If it was not a shooting... what was the M.O. of the above Iowa murders?

This reminds me of those KILLER Moms who I happen to think were NOT 'nuts' and did those crimes with full intent. Yes, I know some of them got another trial and so forth. Makes no difference to me because they were KILLER Moms (You have KILLER Dads too.) who drowned one kid after another one in a bath tub - then she made a telephone call... other cases too... killers with full intent in MY mind.

Yeah, no offense.

Technosavant: It may seem like an over-reaction, but it's pretty standard procedure to go into a lockdown if there's a serious crime in the area and there are suspects unaccounted for. We're a pretty out-of-the-way school (nearest town of 10k+ is a good half hour away, hour to the nearest 100k), but still have lockdown procedures. We actually have two scenarios. The one most are familiar with is for a confirmed intruder on campus. That would probably play out pretty poorly with our inability to respond. The second is for any general threat in the area: suspects fleeing nearby towns, rail accident (much more likely -- busy line 2 short blocks away), animals loose, etc. In these, most of the operations go on as usual, with outdoor activities moved inside and heightened awareness as the main changes.

It was probably more than needed for the calls to go out, but I suppose they'd get slammed for not notifying people if anything did happen, and also get pounded (as VT's administration did) for waiting until more was knows, by which time it was too late.

Not a big proponent of firearms on campus (have you been around teen-twenties?!) but something needs to change.
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