Multiply Your Voice

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Aug 18, 2007
We need the broadest and most effective set of voices in the political arena, now. Many of us have and will write to our individual representatives, senators, legislators, and governors.

Some of us also support the collective voices of pro-2A membership organizations.

We can each do our part by throwing full support behind as many of those organizations as possible.

I have belonged to the NRA and the Virginia Citizens' Defense League (VCDL) for some years. Today, I realized the importance of multiplying my voice. I urge all here to act, as I did, today.

I upped my NRA membership from Annual to Life:
for current members only, this site offers nice discounts on extending by 1, 2, or 3 years, and a discount price of $600 for upgrade to Life Member.

I joined the Second Amendment Foundation:

I joined Gun Owners of America:

If your state has a state-level group like the VCDL, please consider joining that organization, also.

In today's political environment, your money IS your mouth; put your money where your mouth is.

Most sincerely, and with highest regard,

Ok, all great things to do. +1 for Craig.

I upped my NRA membership from annual to life member. Now up yours....:)

I went to my lgs and purchased a Colt Government .380, not that I needed it, just to show that I'm not out of the game and to throw another background check into the mix for the antis to fret about. Plus, I really liked it. Plus it will be great for summer CCW carry. Plus I really liked it.

I took a newb shooter single mother to the same lgs and helped her pick out a pistol. She had been on the fence about firearms until one day at Walmart when she got stalked by a creep. That incident got her right off the fence. She picked the pistol and I bought her some ammo and an extra mag. Range time will happen when the background check clears. Now she is one of us.

Attended the pro 2nd amendment rally here.

Paid for sons CCW class, will pay for permit application come Tuesday.

If all of us do some positive thing(s) the antis will be overwhelmed.

I will be contributing to NRA-ILA this coming week, joining GOA and SAF, and may buy a 10/22 just for the hell of it. I have also been buying a magazine or accessory here and there - it pumps more money into the gun industry, which gives them more money to help fight infringements.
I've been writing my Congress critters and donating to the NRA-ILA fund. Like to do more but right now this flu is kicking my butt. :)
updated NRA to life. NRAILA donation. All others except Virginia Citizens Def. League have joined and additionally contributed. Joined VCDF

even joined VGOC Virginia Gun Owner's Coalition.
I too have been joining new groups and donating additional funds.

Might I suggest another thing that I am doing, that I think is just as important? If you have friends/family/coworkers/anyone who is even remotely into shooting/guns etc, encourage them to join these same groups. I had several buddies who were into shooting, and concealed carry, but never joined any of the pro-gun groups. They were all kinda new to guns, and they were wondering what they could do to support our side in these issues. I suggested they join the NRA, SAF and GOA to help support the cause, and most of them have now done so. :)
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