My 5 year old son has cancer :(

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We met with the doctors today and there are going to do surgery to remove what is left of the tumor. However due to the location of the tumor he will no longer have vision in his right eye and most of the muscle in the right side of his face will be removed. The right side of his face will need plastic surgery throughout the rest of his life to make it look normal compared to the rest of his face. And even with that they can not guarantee that the tumor will not grow back. So i am left with the decision to go ahead with the surgery or not. If not they guarantee it will come back soon. If they do it they give me a 50/50 chance that it will come back. There is also 5% of the tumor that is on his brain and is near a major mass of arteries and if they dont do the procedure correctly he could lose blood flow to the right side of his brain. It is very difficult for me to decide what to do.
Sorry to hear about your a father of a 5 year old also...I will pray that the surgery goes well, and for a speedy recovery!
Your son, you and your family will be in my prayers. May God bless and strengthen you all during this battle. Listen with your heart and trust that God will lead you in your decisions.

Oh, and please let your son know that I think that Spongebob is the greatest cartoon ever made, my favorite show on TV (I just happen to be a 42 yr old with great taste)
My heart goes out to your son and also to you. As a cancer survivor, I can definitely say that I'd rather have the disease myself than watch a loved one go through it, as you must. I will pray for Almighty God to grant comfort to your son, wisdom to his doctors, and strength to you as his care giver.


I haven't had to deal with cancer, but when my little one was 6 weeks old he got whooping cough. We had to stay within a few feet of him 24/7 to make sure if he started coughing that he started breathing afterwards so we slept in shifts so that someone was constantly with him. The day he turned 2 months he had a bad coughing spell and died in my arms. He was gone for about 3 min and I got him breathing just as the sherrif and ambulance got here. 2 weeks at Vanderbilt Children's hospital, quite a few more scares, and he slept with a monitor for 3 months. He got past it and is as normal as can be. Your boy will bounce back, no matter what happens to him. Children have a strength that we don't have.
Hold on to your faith, it will guide you through this. Think long term and do what you think is best. Get as much info as you can and make the best decision you can based on what you have. Do not second guess yourself. Any choice you make in good faith is the right one.
Every "gun nut" in Norfolk, VA will be praying for your little guy and your family. God Bless and stay strong.

Special thanks to the moderator for bending the rules so we could support one of our own
My oldest son just turned 5 today. I cannot fathom the torture you must be enduring as a father. Prayers sent, God Bless.
...What a thread to find for my first post. My heart goes out to you and to your entire family. My daughter was diagnosed at 4 years of age, I know the feelings you're going through right now. Just stay strong for your it turns out you'll find that it was your son who shows all the strength you'll need to draw from. Hug him a lot...
May God bless and protect you and yours. I will say a prayer for your son. And give mine a kiss. 5 is far too young.
We're still with you here in Oklahoma City.

Bullseye308 said it best,

Do not second guess yourself. Any choice you make in good faith is the right one.

We're lifting you and your son up in prayer again this morning.

God bless him...

HEres a good site if you are into alternative therapy.. I know the doctors will tell you never to go here, but I have known many who have recovered from supposedly irreversible cancer. I',m a health nut and have not been sick in long time. A friend's grandmother was on the death bead with pancreatic cancer but pulled through with heavy duty regimen of herbs, deep breathing, yoga. Not saying to junk your chemotheraphy, but, well if its not too late there are many things you can try in addition to your conventional treatment. As you know with ATF, the AMA, and FDA is always our friends, right?
Many prayers coming your way. Tough call on the surgery. Best chances and quality of life have to figured in to the decision. Best of luck and I pray everything goes well.
I can't even fathom what you are going through. You and your son have the prayers of me and my family. And I pray to God your boy will come through this alright.
Your kid is super cute, god bless and may you both be strong during your trying times. Prayers Inbound.
I told my son about all of the people on here that gave there best wishes and that were praying for him as well as those that have donated to help us out and he drew a picture for me to post. I have been teaching him respect for firearms at a very young age and he likes to draw guns so this is for you guys.

I haven't posted on this thread yet, because-- to be completely honest-- it has been hard for me to even think about what you guys have to be going through.

But I've been sending out prayers since this thread started.

Hang in there and stay strong.

-- John
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