My best buck with a bow!!!

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Jan 7, 2010
Got on the stand before light on december 3rd. I planned on sitting all day but it only took about 45 minutes. About 5 minutes after sunrise i let out a series of tending grunts and about 5 minutes later this guy came in grunting with his ears pinned back and looking for a fight. 27 yard shot and 34 yard retrieval. He gross scores 132 1/8" pope and young. I included pics of him after i boiled his skull as well.



Great job! Many go their whole lives without killing an animal like that with a bow. Nice to hear it only took 45 minutes for him to show up too. Congrats and thanks for sharing the pictures.
thanks guys, i have been archery hunting for 6 years now and i feel very fortunate to take a deer like that. He was also the first euro i did myself, turned out better than i thought he would.
lol, your right.
mathews switchback xt 29 1/2" draw 63 lbs
hha sight
ultra hunter drop away rest
gold tip xt hunter arrows
100gr 3-blade muzzy broadheads
Great buck SD, good job on the hunt, and the clean up, looks great.

I sat on a 10 acre plot Monday we bought a few years back. Every year we find numerous scrapes on it, and the oldest grandson said that was reason enough to buy it.

Him and I hunted a couple of them over the weekend seeing nothing. Monday morning I sat for an hour an a half and saw 5 shooter bucks, go figure. I had the wrong equipment for where I was sitting and never evne tried to get a shot off.

Like you, I had set out several doe bombs in the trees along one of the scrape lines, and right at the first hint of light I hit the grunt. It took roughly 10 minutes before the first came through, hitting several scrapes as he passed through the thick brush and across the property. After that about every 5 minutes or so another one would follow right up the same path.

It was VERY cool simply to watch them do their thing, and move on. Of them all I would have taken the first as he was sporting at least 10 points, and it would have been my first deer from the property along with taking it with my Contender handgun. Thing was the 4X scope that I tell everyone NOT to put on a handgun was what killed me. LOL

That will be going in the safe after the first of the year. It's great for wide open pastures and for working uploads, but up close in the woods, you need a 1X or 2 at the very most. Doesn't really matter, I know they will still be there spreading their genes, and the grandson still has some time to try for them as well.

Thanks for posting.
41 MAG, I have had alot of fun rattling and grunting bucks in through mid november to early december, I havent had much luck with doe bleats though. You are right, it sure is something to have an aggressive buck come in and do his thing.
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