My Daughters First Deer!

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Congrats Sir, I hope to be in the same situation tomorrow, I was unable to hunt today with my daughter but we got a blind set up this afternoon.
Congrats to the both of you!!! I just got my second deer last weekend, and I'm 60. This was my first deer from actually going afield and hunting for them, the other one was more of a pest control kill.
Congratulations , y'all just made a lifetime memory . I love to see fathers that take their girls hunting . She made a great shot and nice first buck .
Spent about 3 and a half hours in the blind this morning, saw a pair of does about a 1/4 mile south that disappeared into another woods. Nothing else, but when I broke open a thermos of hot chocolate for her I got lots of smiles. My Mom lives at the other side of the farm, watched the buck in the field about a half mile from us mounting a doe, got her thrill for the day I guess. :rofl: So I know it has lasted the first day of deer gun season anyhow.
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