My first IDPA match, had fun and learned a lot.

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Jan 18, 2005
IDPA junkie in DFW, TX
This evening I went to and participated in my very first IDPA match. I got there early so I could practice a little and work on my nerves. I had butterflies like a kid on his first date. After burning through a couple hundred rounds I felt a little more relaxed when match time rolled around.

I signed up in the CDP class with a 5" Springfield 1911 in 45acp. I used Blazer 230gr aluminum ammo, a Wilderness Tactical 5 stitch belt, an Uncle Mikes kydex paddle holster and 2 comp-tac mag holders.

The match consisted of four stages and there was about 30 people participating.
The first stage was just plain crazy. I don't think I could have ever predicted anything like it, especially for my very first stage ever.
It started with the shooter seated at a table with a cabbage patch doll on it, holding the dolls feet with each hand and there are three targets on the other side.
BEEEEEP! Draw from concealment while seated, put 2 shots in each target (only 6 rounds in gun), reload, jump up, grab the baby and run over behind a barrel and while holding the baby and kneeling down behind the barrel put 2 shots in 2 targets on the right while using the strong hand only, then switch the gun into the left hand while switching hands with the baby and the shoot 2 more targets 2 times each (weak hand only).

So what did I do? I was golden until it came time to move to the barrel. I took a step WITHOUT THE BABY and had to step back and grab it. Then when I got behind the barrel I shot the targets in THE WRONG ORDER. :banghead:

The second stage was not as complicated. But, I failed to fully seat the mag so my second shot was this nice little "click". DOH! Tap, Rack, bang bang bang, run to a barricade, bang bang bang RELOAD and why I did it I have no idea but I didn't let the mag drop, instead I grabbed it with my hand and held onto it. Bang Bang Bang. I think I had 11 or so seconds added to my time for procedure violations. :uhoh:

On the positive side, all my shots were dead on except 1 or 2 that were barely outside. NO misses though.

Stage 3. El Presidente. Standing with my hands up, back to the target.
BEEEEEP! Turn, Draw, 2 shots in each of 3 targets (only 6 in mag), reload, 2 shots in each target again.
Finally, I got a good time and no penalties.

Final Stage, back at the table. Seated and both hands on the table. Three targets on the other side. The center target is closest. Mag downloaded to 6 rounds again.
BEEEEEP! Two shots COM on each target, center target had to be shot first. Reload, 1 COM and 1 head shot per target.
I also got a decent time on this one and no penalties.

The scores were not separated by class. The whole thing was pretty loose. With all score sheets lumped together I finished right in the middle.
There were three first timers there including myself. Fun, Fun, Fun. I had a GREAT time and met a lot of nice folks. I think I learned quite a bit tonight and never once felt out of place in the group. Everyone was very helpful and quick to answer all my questions.
I am hooked and will definitely attend as many matches and my schedule will allow. :evil:
Outstanding!!! I am very glad that you got out and participated, that you enjoyed it is icing on the cake.

To finish in the middle of the pack at your first match is VERY VERY good performance. It doesn't happen often from what I have seen.

Now, get out and try a USPSA match in your area, they are great fun too!!
That babydoll stage was a tough memory test.
It just seems like the day the MD's imagination runs away with him and he sets up one or more tough or complicated stages, that is when a bunch of new shooters show up. They get pushed in the deep end right away. But as long as they/you stay safe and make a good try at it, you are bound to learn something.

Welcome aboard.
HighVelocity said:
So what did I do? I was golden until it came time to move to the barrel. I took a step WITHOUT THE BABY and had to step back and grab it. Then when I got behind the barrel I shot the targets in THE WRONG ORDER. :banghead:

Hey, at least you didn't make it all the way to the barrel before you looked back and wondered why that stupid doll was still laying on the table, like someone that I know real well!!:uhoh:

I just love it when a plan comes together.:eek:
Thanks for the positive comments and encouragement. I must confess though that I just saw the official scores and I dropped a few more shots than I thought. Still no misses though. :eek: I think next time I need to focus more on accuracy and less on speed. Another lesson learned.

Atticus said:
What were the approximate distances of the targets in the match?

The match was indoors in a pretty small space. I didn't step it off but I'd say that there were no shots over 10 yards. Very close shooting.
It's great to hear such a good report. I participated in my first IDPA event last Tuesday. No matches, just drills. But I learned a ton, and everyone was super nice and supportive. A couple of the guys stuck with me and went out of their way to help me out. I have my first match tomorrow. I just reloaded three hundred rounds of Rainier 180gr. to use at the match. I'll let you know how it goes. I can only hope to finish in above the bottom much less in the middle.
Dang HV, sounds like you did pretty darn good to me. I guess I'm going to have to start giving you some respect... :rolleyes:
HighVelocity said:
Why start now? Don't want you to strain yourself. :neener:

Well, I'm not going to go "all out" with respect right away. All I know is if you show up with a .45 and a Cabbage Patch doll, I best be on my best behavior.
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