My first introduction to a JBT

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rock jock

Dec 24, 2002
In the moment
Your first time is always a shocker. At least mine was. It came yesterday when I went to talk to my Democrat redneck sheriff about signing my Class 3 form. Now, keep in mind that I brought these to his office over seven weeks ago and have called at least a half-dozen times. His secretary told me she left the forms on his desk but he refused to return my calls. Finally, I went by in person last Friday. He wasn't there but another secretary called him on his cell and he told me through her that I could pick them up this week.

So, I arrive yesterday and, wouldn't you know it, he won't sign them. This is classic, just classic, I thought. I considered ranting away, but instead thought maybe this guy is simply ignorant of the purpose of the CLEO signoff, so I'll try to reason with him. Big mistake. Here's how the conversation went:

Me: "Can you tell me why you won't sign?"
Sheriff: "If I sign this, then I could be liable for anything you do with that gun."
Me: "With all due respect sir, that's not true. By signing the form you are not providing any approval, only acknowledgement that (1) as far as you know, I am not a prohibited person, and (2) the State of Texas and this county in particular do not prohibit these weapons."
Sheriff: "Yeah, I know that, but I still ain't gonna sign. I might be liable."
Me: "Do you know of any case law that's supports that conclusion?"
Sheriff: "Nope."
Me: "That's because there isn't any. You can't be held liable because you're not approving anything."
Sheriff: "Well, I still ain't gonna sign it."
Me: "I don't know if you are aware or not, but I actually don't need your signature. There is a perfectly legal alternative to the CLEO signoff. Asking you to sign the form is simply a courtesy so that you can know who in your county owns Class 3 weapons. I would think that as the Chief LEO for Backwater County that you would want to know who in your county legally possess machineguns, for example."
Sheriff: "Well, I don't think people ought to be able to own machineguns anyway."
Me: "Why is that?"
Sheriff: "There's no reason for them."
Me: "Well, there's no reason for someone to own a half-million dollar house, but that's still legal."
Sheriff (now angry): "Well, if you're gonna make statements like that, I ain't even going to continue this conversation. I still ain't gonna sign it."
Me: "Well, that's OK, I'll get one anyway."
Sheriff: "Fine."

Now, I think this guy is a snake in the grass. First, he doesn't even have the common courtesy to at least contact me by phone weeks earlier and let me know he won't sign. Instead, he leaves me hanging in the wind. Second, the guy has a personal prejudice against certain firearms. BUT, since he can't articulate a legal or otherwise logical reason for this prejudice, he fabricates some factually incorrect excuse (actually, several of them). In the end, he simply relies on his authority as a LEO to deny my request.

This, IMO, is cherry-picking the law and violates the spirit of his sworn duty. The NFA, as bad as it is, was never intended to provide discretion to a LEO as to whether he would sign or not. In fact, my dealer told me that I could hire an attorney to file a Writ of Mandamus to force him to do his job. As it turns out, it is much cheaper and faster to simply form a LLC in Texas and bypass ALL CLEO signoffs in the future.

Talk about a frustrating experience. I can see guys like these happily knocking door to door some day with their little confiscation squad.
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Naaah, not a real JBT. Jut a timorous political hack who is scared of his job and his electorate.

Keep that in mind come election time...

(Had one of those in the last county in NC I lived in too, it's not just there in TX.)
You should invite him to come shooting with you once you get your FA weapon.
Actually, its just a measley silencer. I can't afford a FA gun right now, although after my LLC goes through, I can buy all the Class 3 weapons I want with no pesky signatures. Might have to hock my truck and ride a bicycle to work.

About the invite suggestion, I'm afraid he would bring a cadre of deputies to watch me the whole time.

Did you hear banjos playing when you walked into his office ?
Just about.

You should have seen that place. When we exchanged words (without raising our voices, I might add), every head turned in our direction. I guess you just don't question the wisdom of the great leader.
Sorry brother, but I don't think that guy classifies anyone as a JBT....paranoid maybe, but not a JBT. Now if you want to meet a REAL JBT I know a couple. ;)
lol. Okay, I have a huge problem with people taking stupidity too far. I am intolerant of utter and deliberate stupidity. And when I do something stupid or ignorant, as long as its not my mum shoving it in my face, I have the decency and grace to admit it and correct my mistake. And, apparently this guy is a total jerk off. If he ever points his finger at you, or if he did, you should have told him to put his girlfriend away, she wasn't helping his arguement any.

Check out this FAQ if you haven't already, and go down to the part entitled "GETTING THE LAW ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATION" if you want to do it w/o incorporating. It also mentions a specific case where a LEO signing off on transfer paperwork was not liable for actions taken with the weapon later on.

Remember that if you incorporate, your company owns the weapons and if the company ever disbands or anything like that you will not get to keep them.

You're probably right. In the classic sense, he doesn't quite come to the JBT level, but he comes pretty close nevertheless. I do have to say that this guy lacks professional integrity. He swore a duty to abide by the law, but refuses to do it based on his own willful ignorance.
hey wait on minute hear!

I am from NYC and am as far from "redneck" as you can get.


I love banjo music and Bluegrass and class three firearms!!!

hey! why dont we have a class three forum here??

Thanks for the info. Excellent website, BTW. I'll probably go the LLC route anyway. I can say with a good deal of certainty that nobody else will sign off on the form.
thats so odd. When I went to get my chiefs signature for my FID forms, we talked for an hour about guns, collecting guns, shooting guns, and what types of guns he should buy for the towns tactical team. He said that the department doesnt have a big enough budget for AR-15's he said hes gonna use some of his own money for them. This is in NJ that my chief is pro-gun. Sorry to hear about your experience with the ignorant sheriff.
just for my own education is your class III a silencer or a machine gun. You mention to the Sheriff about didn't he want to know who had machine guns in his county and later you mention that it was just a silencer.

I don't think your sheriff is too smart or polite for a public official but he is the Sheriff after all. Someone in your county voted for him. :confused:

It is for a silencer. He knew that. I was just using a machine gun with him as an example.


Unfortunately, I voted for this twit. His opponent was a blow-hard Republican who may actually have been worse, or at least just as bad. Such is the unfortunate state of politics in SE Texas. I need to leave this area ASAP.
Dude's a petty tyrant, which is a distinctly different breed from a JBT.

You can tell the difference.

Upon leaving the presence of a petty tryant, you're missing a signature on a form that means something to you.

Upon leaving the presence of a JBT, your house is ransacked, you kitten has been stomped to death, your wife has been shot dead, you're on a gurney, you can't feel any sensation below your waist, and there's a tunnel of light forming before your eyes.

{Yup, the ATFE has done all of that. Several times over, albeit not recently, praise Vishnu}
Cool Hand Luke (great movie by the way),

I like bluegrass music, but when you have to deal with some of the country bumpkins we have in these parts, banjos playing in the background just sounded appropriate :).

Just my .02,
i wouldn't call the Sheriff a JBT either. this term is being used rather loosely on THR. perhaps not everyone knows that JBT stands for.

there is no "shall sign" law anywhere in the books for a CLEO signoff on a NFA Form 4. similarly, you can incorporate to bypass the CLEO signature. however it is an additional task involving paperwork and about an extra $200 to incorporate. it varies county to county and agency to agency who will or will not sign.

if the Sheriff will not sign, you can get the D.A.'s signature or a judge who presides over felony cases (i.e. superior court judge) as an additional source of CLEO signoff. Constables are not recognized as CLEO's by ATF.

sorry to hear about your experience. this is happening in Bexar Co. (San Antonio) and Harris County (Houston) as well. thank goodness even in liberal Travis County we're still getting CLEO signoffs.

let me know if you need any guidance on this. shoot me an email.
That's "jack-booted thug." I don't know whether Wayne LaPierre coined the phrase, but he made it famous.

I thought it was Rep John Dingell (D-MI) that coined it. That's one Dem that's pro-second amendment (and first, fourth, fifth, probably the whole pile)

Yup, it was Dingell. Interesting isn't it how the Dems and other anti gunners conveniently forget that and blame the NRA?
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