My girlfriend is going to kill me...

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"As for my girlfriend.....pray for me, THR."

Thats pathetic, I can not believe the way men get bossed around and nagged at by women, even thier wives, for doing what they please with thier own money. I could go on about a page long rant about how pathetic most men have come to be with women. Girlfriends are as easy to replace as a flat tire, mine is one more dumb opinion away from being canned.
And I'm not one to waste fruit. Perhaps water-filled coffee cans instead?

If you must, use plastic water of milk jugs, though. You'll have less potentially-sharp bits to pick up that way.

But, you need not "waste" fruit, either. Talk to the produce man in the grocery store and ask about any hand-rind fruit he's about to dispose of (if you do not know he's a shooter, say it's for your compost bin).
Cut some cane with a 45º angle at either end. Cantaloupes, honeydew, watermelon, all are nicely reactive. Also, they are fully biodegradable.

And, as a guess Carroll's ( will have .303 in stock.
AR27 said:
"As for my girlfriend.....pray for me, THR."

Thats pathetic, I can not believe the way men get bossed around and nagged at by women, even thier wives, for doing what they please with thier own money. I could go on about a page long rant about how pathetic most men have come to be with women. Girlfriends are as easy to replace as a flat tire, mine is one more dumb opinion away from being canned.

Not to vere off topic, but I believe this is bad advice. The OP obviously has real feelings for his GF and wants to make it work, but as he stated, eastern culture families are VERY tightly knit and it can be hard if the family does not approve. It sounds like the main issue is with the future brother in law, not the GF anyways.

Referring to women as mere objects to be disposed of is not very highroad. You have to remember that we are not the only ones that search this forum. Your actions on here don't just represent yourself, but gun owners in general. People that want to build a case against gun owners and RKBA search this place too. If they come across this thread, your comments do not put gun owners in a good light.
I wouldn't do a thing to the rifle, at least until you get a chance to shoot it and see how you handle those iron sights. Those rifles have some of the best iron sights ever made, and I would prefer hunting with those than with a scope if your eyes are up to it. A good aperture sight like that makes target acquisition really quick. They are really precise too, with that long sight radius. And once you get them properly zeroed, it is easy and quick to make your come-ups for different distances if you need to take a long shot.

Plus, to mount a scope you would have to drill and tap it, and probably would have to remove the irons, and even then you would have to put some kind of cheek riser on it to get cheek weld with the scope.

If you end up not liking the irons and wanting a scoped rifle, I would sell the Enfield to someone who would appreciate it like it is. You paid about what they're worth, so you could probably get most if not all of your dough back out of it. You could sell it for enough to buy a Stevens or something that will be more accurate, lighter weight, already set up to accept a scope, and which would not be ruining a piece of history.

Just my $.02
"I want to try and keep the peace."

Please take this as friendly advise. Run, don't walk, away from the marriage idea for right now.

You have two serious problems that are really one in the same. First, you have a woman that expects to control you. Second, your mindset and actions are such that you invite this disaster.

The BIGGEST lesson you can learn in life is that women do not respect men that they can control. Most women want to control their men. But, they unconsciously, want their men to stand up (without violence or yelling) and refuse to be controlled. They desperately want to respect you and your submission to them will keep this from happening. WOMEN DETEST WEAK MEN.

The more you try to please her, the less respect you will get. The minute you stop trying, you will earn her respect.
I'm going to assume that,since you say your gf is of "Asian descent"that she's slightly built. If that's the case,I don't advise letting her fire the .303British! I think I would try to borrow a 22lr,and if she likes shooting,go from there.As far as the in-laws,you may never change their minds,but if your gf shows a GENUINE interest in shooting,they may soften up,as time passes.The question of ammo is easier.Gander mountain,Cabella's,and many good sporting goods/firearms stores can get it for you.I've gotten good deals on it at wa...,and "May the Good Lord take a likin' to ya!"
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I don't think AR27 was saying that women are objects. We all know they are not. He is probably saying that GIRLFRIENDS are not permanent. The dumbest thing you can do in life is to ignore this truth.

The problem is not the girlfriend. The problem is in the OP's mindset towards the GF.
lol... what a great read. I feel as if we are really on the verge of a successful intervention. The good ones are certainly few and very far between. NoobCannon, save you money on the marriage and subsequent divorce and put it towards buying a bunch of cool guns.
Before this gets shut down.

I’ve been dating a Chinese GF for the past two years now and have no regrets. I find Asian women in general rather admire strong individualistic men. However unless you stand up for yourself she will cling onto her family and still be under their influence. I know this is contrary to what others here have said but it is just my experience. You really should have gotten this gun thing out of the way right up front; but since you’re into it now (which isn’t a bad thing) don’t hide anything from her; just be yourself. And whatever you do don’t think getting married will make any of the tension between the two of you or you and her family get any better.

Benellimax4 in the post above nailed it; however I realize this is not in every guy’s personality.

Although I also wouldn't change myself or my hobbies
to please a woman and I really can not recommend doing that
I would remind you all:
He did ask about an Enfield not
about marriage advice :D.

About the rifle.
If the bore is in good condition it should shoot well.
And yes, it is worth the money, if in good shape.
You do NOT want woman advice from me. I've been in more trouble, deeper trouble, and more persistent trouble since I've been married. than I ever got into before I got married. Trouble is, I don't seem to have changed. Go figure. Regarding firearms, I just say to my wife, "Sweetie, I'll do as you want. Do you want me to collect guns, or collect girlfriends?!" After a second to reflect on what an absolute idiot I am, she usually retorts, "Guns".

Now, what was it you asked? :D

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