my Letter To The Editor at Gun Week, re content of 1 December issue.

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.

It strikes me, perhaps incorrectly, that while passage of S. 659, which would be nice to see, is becoming less important with the passage of time. The 1 December issue of Gun Week, page 1 mentions that the anti gun suit brought by Jersey City, N.J. has been dismissed by the trial judge, which is what has happened to virtually all such suits. It might well be that the anti gunners have gone to far, shooting themselves in the foot to say the least, with threats of the dreaded "F" word (filibuster), and their endless mischaracterization (lying), about what the proposal would actually do, if enacted.

The above mentioned Gun Week piece, makes mention of the possibility that enactment or even a floor vote on S.659 might be held ransom to extension, broadening or reauthorization of that most ridiculous of all legislation, the so-called Assault Weapons Ban, which in it's almost 10 years of life, has yet to ban Assault Weapon #1, whatever an "assault weapon" might actually be. We know what an Assault Rifle is, a Selective Fire Weapon, chambered for an intermediate power cartridge, according to standard reference texts, the Dept. of Defense, and the Dept. of The Army.

So what have we here? Other than another example of the anti gun lobby at work, nothing at all that is new. What is it that we, on the pro-gun side need to do? It strikes me that the following is what we need to do. Pass S. 659. As to "giving" the anti gunners something for allowing passage, as an Irish friend of mine once noted, THE BACK OF ME HAND IS WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE. Next, as a matter of necessity, this so-called Assault Weapons Ban, and the restrictions on magazine capacity, scheduled to sun set in September 2004, should sun set. It's that simple, and there is nothing that will change the equation. Additionally, No Gun Control Legislation, however much lipstick and cake make-up might be applied to the face of the pig that it is, can be allowed to become law.

Get on your "elected things" and stay on them until such time as they understand what is required, and that nothing other than this will be accepted. In the last analysis, it is up to us, ALL OF US. No excuses, no stories, and if it becomes necessary to miss Monday Night Football, or such other "strange rituals" as might come into season during the course of the year, so be it. Choices have to be made, and they need to be made now, for if we blow this one, I suspect that pretty much without regard to who is President, we will have moved well down that "Slippery Slope", the one that leads to the total destruction of gun rights for us all, followed by the loss of other rights.
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