My new flashlight...

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Yep this has definitely been circulating around!

Betcha IDPA would be fun with that sorta set up!
That rocks! Especially if you could get it with a Glock 18 as the base weapon (or like he said, there's a space for an autosear). I take it that would be an AOW like wallet guns or the MP5K breifcases?
I'm confused. It fits in your back pocket? It has to be slightly wider than a Glock 17 though, so you'd have to have giant pockets.

Maybe I missed something.
Every time he put it back together he kept pointing it at his stomach. Gave me the jitters every time. I realize it was unloaded and he knew it was unloaded, but still. Cool gun - talk about concealed weapon. Don't need a CWL, you need a DWL - disguised weapons license.
I have noticed that on many many videos of this weapon, it is always pointed barrel staight up, I wonder if that is because it fails to fully open when held in any other way.
I didn't realize that the Amish allowed themselves access to technology like that.:neener:
Cool concept.
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