My response from Senator Barbara Boxer

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As I recall, she is one of the few that have a California concealed carry permit. But, of course, she needs one. We don't.
She did reply which is a +1. If enough people contact her she may change her vote. She should vote by her voters opinions not her personnel ones.

Unfortunately, the US Constitution says nothing about elected representatives being forced to do this. We do not have a democracy, we have a republic. We are supposed to elect officials based on their character (I know, don't get me started on this with her). If they have failed the majority of the people on their character, then they have to answer on election day.

Government has gone much worse since we have gotten this whole govern-by-poll thing. I have no doubt that Mrs. Boxer knows the majority of her constituents views on this issue, and if they disagree with her, is willing to stand up based on her "character." (Wow that was a hard statement to get out!)

Summary, we are a republic, not a democracy.
Summary, we are a republic, not a democracy.

Precisely...and you'd be surprised at the number of Americans who don't understand that simple fact. Basically, democracy is little removed from mob rule. If America were a true democracy, we'd literally have to have a national vote on every law that went before Congress.

As far as the character question goes...Too many politicians will say what they must in order to get the votes, and once in pretty much as they please. Those that don't, come under tremendous pressure and become drawn into the back-scratch game of Quid Pro Quo...and cast their votes according to either their agenda or based on their priorities.

Another point is that junior senators wield very little clout as opposed to the they very often cave in to the will of others.
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