N. Korean threat of EMP

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Jun 6, 2004
After reading One Second After by William Forstchen (with an eye-opening Foreword by Newt Gingrich on the report congress received), the thought of what an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) could very realistically do to our nation's power grid & virtually...everything electronic, I've kinda had it in the back of my head to get the digital lock on my gun safe swapped out for an old-fashioned spin-dial...just never quite got around to it.

With the growing threat of a nuclear ICBM being hurled our way from the madman dictator in North Korea, I'm beginning to feel a much greater sense of urgency. Be advised, one missile, detonated from something like 20-60 miles up (?'ing my memory) would send out the pulse that would fry electronic gadgets, thereby turning our digitally locked gun safes into great big blocks o' steel. As I'm in the Pacific Northwest (kinda...Idaho), this may hit closer to home with me than say, someone in Wisconsin, but...

Just wondering if anyone else here has already EMP-proofed your gun safe by swapping out the digital lock with a spin dial, and wondering if there are others out there like me who may be similarly concerned.


The gun safe will be the least of your worries if we get hit with an EMP. No vehicles, no power, no lights, no communication, no refrigeration. Unless you live in the country where you can hunt, the main purpose of a gun is to keep the masses from stealing food from you. If you have any.

Time to prep.
I've kinda had it in the back of my head to get the digital lock on my gun safe swapped out for an old-fashioned spin-dial...just never quite got around to it.

The dealer where I got my safe said this has recently become a very popular request.

It would be ironic to say the least, if the one time you really, really needed your guns... you couldn't get to them.
I'm with Shanghai's School of Thought: either combination locks or key locks on all of my safes. The KISS Principle at work: Keep It Simple Safe!
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EMP in most of the stories is a bit over rated. Not saying it will not do damage but its not as bad as the stories make it out to be, call it artistic license. But testing has proved cars did a lot better than expected. As far as your gun safes, there are very few made that can not be opened with an axe and a few hours. Calling them safes is a bit of an over statement. I keep an AR and a pistol out of the safe at all times in any event and I don't store ammo or magazines in the safe.

I'd worry more about a solar storm, an EMP is a nuke, its going bring retaliation. Solar storms we should get a warning. One just missed us a few years ago by mere minutes that would have been bad. But by the time it got here we had moved out of the way.
EMP in most of the stories is a bit over rated. Not saying it will not do damage but its not as bad as the stories make it out to be, call it artistic license. But testing has proved cars did a lot better than expected. As far as your gun safes, there are very few made that can not be opened with an axe and a few hours. Calling them safes is a bit of an over statement. I keep an AR and a pistol out of the safe at all times in any event and I don't store ammo or magazines in the safe.

I'd worry more about a solar storm, an EMP is a nuke, its going bring retaliation. Solar storms we should get a warning. One just missed us a few years ago by mere minutes that would have been bad. But by the time it got here we had moved out of the way.

The CME of 2012 missed us by two weeks, but was estimated to be larger than the Carrington Event of the mid 1800s. For those not aware of the potential effects such a solar storm could cause, it's well worth researching. Scary stuff.
My safe is 25 years old. All it has is a combination dial. The EMP blast would however kill my Goldedrod dehumidifier. :D

Time to borrow a few pages from the Israeli Defense Manual. If you know it's coming why wait for it?
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