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National Ammo Day

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Dec 19, 2006
New York NY


BELLEVUE, WA – Second Amendment supporters should buy ammunition November 19th to support freedom, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Monday, November 19th is National Ammo Day, described as a BUYcott of ammunition. The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the hands of law-abiding citizens.

According to the National Ammo Day website, each law-abiding supporter of the right to keep and bear arms is encouraged to buy 100 rounds of their favorite ammunition. Supporters are exhorted to “Make your support of the Second Amendment known--by voting with your dollars!”

“Gun stores, ranges, and ammunition manufacturers across the country are under constant attack by a barrage of federal, state, and local regulations, frivolous lawsuits, and protests,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “If every gun owner bought 100 rounds of ammunition, that would put an estimated 7.5 billion rounds of ammunition into the hands of law-abiding gun owners dedicated to defending our constitutionally-protected individual right to keep and bear arms.”

Mark A. Taff, CCRKBA Executive Director, went one step further and encouraged gun owners to not only buy 100 rounds of their favorite ammunition, but to fire those rounds on their local gun range. “I can’t think of a better way to spend a Monday evening than putting some rounds down-range to improve our marksmanship skills. Hitting what you aim at is crucial to responsible armed self-defense.”

Taff also stated that it was important to not only support your local firearms & ammunition dealers and ranges with money, but also with moral support. “The number of licensed gun dealers has plummeted, in part due to harassment by the BATFE, so it is important that firearms dealers know that gun owners appreciate the sacrifices they make and the abuse they endure to ensure that we have the practical ability to exercise our rights.”

Visit www.ammoday.com for more information about the 2007 National Ammo Day.
Maybe it's just me but it seems like every month there is a "national ammo buy day" (not that I'm complaining). I just buy when I can and reload when I can't. I'll try to do my part the 19th.
It's a conspiracy...all of the ammo being sold on that day will be microstamped and traced so that they can map gun users. :scrutiny: :D
To the wife: "Yup. Gotta spend a hundred dollars on ammo on the 19th"
She replies- "Don't try that with me, it is only a hundred rounds on ammo day"
I respond "Fine, I will only buy a hundred rounds on the 19th" (while trying to hide the $100 walmart bag of ammo behind my back bought on the 15th)
Although my wife doesn't share my passion... she is highly supportive :)

I probably won't get hit with the frying pan more than twice tonight in my sleep.
In my town the gun store is closed on Monday......so I went today.....200 rds more of .223 (100 of Win usa223r1 & 100rds of Fed ae223) That's all they had on the shelves of FMJ.....It's getting pretty grim for finding FMJ in .223, 7.62x39 & 7.62x51.....
Unfortuately I will be on vacation, in California of all places. But, when I get back I'm headed to Utah on business and plan on buying and using several hundred rounds.
does it count if I buy the ammo on Saturday? going to a gun show and always pick up several hundred rounds of reloads for the range ... great idea, by the way ...


when they kick at your front door,
how you gonna come?
with your hands on your head
or on the trigger of your gun?
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