NE Now Honors WI. NM Adds Another Quirk. Many Changes in Laws

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Gary Slider

Apr 6, 2006
West Virginia
Nebraska has added Wisconsin to the list of states it honors. This is the first change in who they honor since they first posted a list of states they would honor.

Wyoming has finally updated their list of states they would honor. Took them almost a year. The WY State Patrol also updated their list which was 3 years old and had incorrect info on what states WY honored. It only took me 3 emails and two phone calls to get them to update their lists. It shows that if you keep after them they will make the changes. &

New Mexico has added another quirk to their reciprocity. They are out to sign agreements with all the states they honor. But with one quirk. NM will not honor any permit/license issued to any LEGAL RESIDENT ALIEN. Though they honor a TX permit/license they will not honor a TX permit/license issued to a Legal Resident Alien. The same with all the other states they honor. So if you are a Legal Resident Alien even though NM honors the state permit/license you have they will not honor it as you are not a US Citizen. You can see that NM disqualification for Legal Resident Aliens by going here and scrolling down to number 4.

There are changes coming to many states concerning their firearm law and is trying to keep up. If there is a change in your state laws please let me know. [email protected] I can’t see everything especially the small changes in a states laws. would not be what it is today without people like you assisting. I can’t do this all by myself. I depend on people just like you. I want to again thank all of those who have assisted in the past. You assistance is very much appreciated. I also want to thank those who have made a donation to keep the site up and running. Our expenses have risen dramatically and your help in this area is greatly appreciated. Thank You! will be updated late this evening or early tomorrow with the changes above and other changes.
Fantastic, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your hard work.

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As a New Mexico resident this makes perfect sense to me.

The state that will give a driver's license to someone who is criminally present in the country, will now refuse to honor a permit for someone who is legally documented and present in our country.

Yep. That make sense. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
I figure NM will have a suit filed against this. Time will tell. But Politicians don't care about suits. It is not their money they are spending but the taxpayers.
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