Need advice on a new hunting bow

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Jan 1, 2012
Im about to upgrade from my old BowTech Diamond bow to something new before white tail season starts in September. Im trying to decide between the Hoyt Rampage XT, Bowtech Assasin, and the PSE Revenge, I like them all alot. Any advice, experience, or feedback? Thanks yall.
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The bowtech is the only bow that I have shot out of the three you have mentioned. One of my buddies has the Hoyt Rampage and has nothing but good things to say about it. The bowtech is a smooth shooting and a ultra smooth drawing bow. Nothing that even hints of torque or shock and lights out fast.

Any of those three are top of the line and would make anyone a real happy camper.
sorry, no advice on the specific models that you listed...
but I have been shooting my Hoyt XT Protec bow since 2006, super accurate and tough, no drama, no hiccups, just straight-up performance.

I think one would be hard pressed to find a sub-standard bow these days, if you are up in the 450.+ price range.
Matthews, Bow Tech OR PSE!
My advice is to go to an Archery Pro shop for your purchase.
You will be fitted properly, arrows will fit your bow AND you and any down the road problems will be addressed.
The Big Ticket stores simply DO NOT offer really good comparable service.
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