Need examples of ATF Injustice's

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Mar 3, 2006
I am writing an article (more like a book) that I am planning to distribute to a few of the people I know. These are people who are somewhat unaware of the realities of our loss of freedom in this nation, but who just need a little waking up. I am writing this article trying to condense a lot of information on a lot of different subjects into one "intellectual meal" that can be read to open their minds. (Ideally I would be able to get them to read large portions on Unintended Consequences but with no prior interest that is not likely.)

I have come to a section where I want to impress on them the reality that our government is trampling our liberties, including falsely accusing it's citizens of crimes, illegal searches, murders, etc...

Can anyone help me out with a link to some examples of incidents like these? I know of the Ken Ballew case, Waco, Ruby Ridge, and I know there are more. If anyone can help me out with these (John Ross, Matthew Bracken, are you there?) I would be grateful.
Aaron Zelman runs a little site called Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership ( and has some good details on some recent cases.

Go to his "Boot The BATFE" pages when you get there and peruse at will.

Make sure you have a box of tissues handy.

EDIT: What did you beat me by there, hso --three seconds? Good point about A2 Foundation, though. TNX
Grabbing the JPFO's video "The Gang" might be a good starting point. Haven't seen it myself, but sounds like it would be right up your alley.
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