Need help identifying mystery rifle ammo

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Sep 19, 2019
At a gun show this past weekend I spotted some surplus military rifle ammo for sale labelled as 8 mm Mauser. As the price was attractive and as I needed some, I purchased several boxes, but because I was in a hurry only briefly opened one box to check on the condition without closely looking at the headstamp. When I got home I discovered that it isn't 8 mm Mauser and I have no idea what it is. It came in unmarked white cardoard boxes of 20 rounds each. Here's a photo of the cartridge and its headstamp:

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Your help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

BTW, if it's not something I can use it might be for sale. ;)
It looks like 8mm to me. How do you know it's not?
It didn't fit in my Mauser. :D

I only have a cheap slide-rule type micrometer, and as close as I can measure, the bullet I pulled looks to be about 7.5 mm in diameter.

It's not 7.5 Swiss because I have some of that and the mystery case is shorter.
Thanks for the links above. The headstamp format seems to match the French headstamps, but I couldn't find a match to the actual characters stamped on mine.
OK, I finally found a match, way down the list - this headstamp from the link above matches mine, but mine isn't a blank; it's got a Spitzer bullet; also the primer seal is red, not green; the cartridge had a full load and the powder was of a type I haven't seen before - kind of like little semi-spherical BB's instead of long cylindrical or flattened pellets. (Sorry, I'm not a hand-loader so I don't know the terminology)

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Reckon its just whatever color sealer they were using that shift
The good news is....
If you got a good deal on "Mauser" ammo, you got a great deal on that.
Not a common ammo to find, it always commanded a premium, ammo shortage or not. Theres enough 36s 49/56s, etc out there, somebody will want that
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