need holster recommendation

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Dec 4, 2006
I'm looking at getting a p3at or lcp pretty soon and was looking for some holster ideas, I've been looking around and so far pocket carry seems to come the most recommended of the options out there, though I am mildy apprehensive about it (for some reason I fear it'd look like I have balled up sock in my pocket). But I'm open to suggestions of all sorts, if you carry it and it works let me know.

Also I may need a hand with lasers (considering the possiblity of getting one) and it doesn't seem that the forum for it is visited very often and I'm impatient :)
This may or may not adequately answer your question... I have a P3AT and a P32. I purchased and briefly carried the P32 before the P3AT originally hit the market. Regardless of which gun I carried, I typically just dropped one in my pants/shorts pocket. I tried a few holsters and found they usually added a fair amount of bulk, which in my opinion created a much more obvious bulge and thus became a concealment problem. I found the gun didn't noticeably print, except maybe to the most critical/observant eye, when left bare and put in a pocket. In the end, dropping the gun in a pocket was the simplest answer for me.
hmm, that has me thinking, I tend to wear fairly form fitting pants so printing could be an issue (espeacialy at work =/) how 'bout some ideas for a rear pocket holster?

The pic is of a P3AT in a K & D holster. The rig is in your pocket with the gun next to your body with the flat leather piece facing outward. Looks like a wallet.

I wear this one in either my right front or right rear jean pocket and it works fine. Concealment is excellent and access is easy.
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