Need suggestion for ammo storage

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Feb 12, 2013
I recently outgrew my safe and upgraded to a bigger safe.
The old safe was inside my house but the new one is too large and it is bolted to the floor of my garage.
The old safe had ammo storage built in but not the new one.
I am looking for some type of storage container which can lock and keep out humidity since this will be stored in the garage and my garage is not climate controlled.
I would keep it inside but my kids are at the age they like to get into things they shouldn't.
Not looking to spend a fortune. Any ideas or recommendations?
Maybe a construction job box, they are built well and have good enough security for ammo, in my opinion. They make different sizes and costs (the one linked to below is a bigger more costly one), but would hold a lot of ammo, and one could drill a hole for a power cord to a dehumidifier if one wanted. The locks are protected on most of the jobsite storage to prevent bolt cutters from getting to them.
+1 on job box. Store the ammo in ammo cans and humidity won't be an issue. I've done this for many years and never had any issues. ....

I started looking at a few items on .
They have brand new .30cal & .50BMG OD green Blackhawk metal cans for low prices. :D
I might snag a .30cal can or 2 for my range/outdoor trips.
I live & shoot in a hot, humid area so plastics are not ideal.

I was thinking of asking a local Cerakote shop to coat a milspec can too if the rates aren't crazy high. I've seen a few guys on Instagram that have it.

GI ammo cans.
Only way to fly.

Little kids can't open them, or lift them.

Fire safe containing shrapnel, explosion proof too.
That's what they were designed to do.


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Go the ammo can route. They're air tight, sturdy, and stackable, not to mention they have handles on them for lugging around when you need to move them.

If you need to secure them more, then put them in a locking cabinet or box. Not a safe or other some such, just a locking cabinet.
GI ammo cans, the US is still storing ammo in them. They are the safest way to store ammo. Be careful with the size, some of them can be heavy if they are full. Like strain your apparatus heavy.....

A military surplus double wall locker will do just fine. You can find them with integral locks, they're steel with steel shelves, and they can hold the weight. Unless you're climate is just sopping wet, don't worry too much about the humidity, it isn't much of a factor with loaded ammunition in my experience. Just think of all the rounds that went off in Viet Nam for instance.

Another idea (if you want to hide them in plain sight) is buying new paint cans at Home Depot or Lowes and storing them on a shelf with other paint cans. Kids can't really open the cans without a tool and no thief is going to look at paint cans on a shelf when there are other things that interest him.
US military ammo cans, Jerry Cans......

fun fact:
It was WW1 and WW2 that led to sweeping changes in US armed forces supply & ordinance storage policy. :D
The US army started to make more uniform storage containers and improve the logistics based on the supply/Quartermasters of the German troops.

The British nickname Jerry was why the milspec fuel cans were often called "Jerry Cans".

I learned this tidbit when I visited the US Army Quartermasters Museum in Fort Lee, VA near Petersburg.
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