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Dec 24, 2002
Nashville, TN
You have been warned. You see, there is this thing that lives there called the IMPulse purchase. This little IMP will sneak up on you and sepearate you from your money so fast you will think you just went through a divorce. Devilish little creature the IMPulse purchase. Alas I was a victim today.

Walked into the local gun monger to pick up some 06 ammo for the Garand and started to browse the pistol case. That must have been when he struck because the next half hour or so is a blurr. I woke up at home with a new box sitting next to me and a much thinner wallet.

Hmmm what pray tell could this be.

Argghh he struck again.

That little IMP victimized me into buying this HK P2000. I feel so violated.

Seriously though, I have eyed the P2000 series for a long time. It just fits my little girly hands like a glove and I have wanted to try out one of those new LEM triggers so here is what I ened up with.

HK P2000 .40 S&W
LEM trigger module
3, 12 round magazines
Night sights
4 backstraps (although the standard one fits me perfectly)
Fired case (because its for the children dammit. :scrutiny: )
Paperwork etc.

I will of course provide a range report as soon as possible but I do have a couple of observations.

1)The P2000 series fits me perfectly. I am on target with sights aligned very naturally.
2)HK charges more then any plastic pistol has any right to command. Damn IMP.
3)The trigger is butter smooth. Think VP70Z, not picture the exact 180 degree opposite. :D
4)The gun is much lighter and more svelte then my SIG P229 .40 which is the closest thing I have for comparison.
5)It is well made and machined.
6)Dis-assembly DOES not require pulling of the trigger which is a pre-requisite of mine.
7)NO MAGAZINE DISCONNECT (Screw The Children :D) Just kidding about the kids. I just don't like mag disconnects.

There you have it folks the latest addition to the stable. As I sit here writing this I find myself chuckling at the anti gunners. I am a very stable, law abiding citizen, who buys guns as much as a hobby as anything. They are my toys so to speak (In a responsible way). I am no danger to society, hell I am just a big, albeit responsible kid. But I digress.
your statement number 2 is irrelevant if it's outweighs by 1,3,4,5,6,7 :D
I gave mine P2000 LEM 40 to my dad. He likes it for the same reason, except number 2 because I paid for it :p
I know exactly what you mean.

I went to the local range to get in a little shooting one night. The guy behind the counter said "If you wait 15 minutes, it'll be 20:00 and you can shoot for half price."

So I looked at stuff in the case and in the racks for 15 minutes. Went home with a Bushmaster m4gery that night. That's my worst case of IMPulse-itis ever.

Congrats on the new addition!
Nice looking piece. That little s**t sure gets around. He got me last week. Forced me to buy a Dan Wesson PT-CCO .45. Have a great time with your new purchase.
Where were you last week before I ran into that Colt Python??? :scrutiny: :neener: I feel your pain brother...at least it was another HK finding a good home! :neener: :cool:
i've stopped fondling guns as much as i used to for this reason! i play stranger danger whenever someone comes over to "help"me, cause i know whats gonna happen next...one more thing to squeeze into the cabinet

But everytime I leave with a big smile on my face!

It's just that I have a correspondingly large hole in my wallet ;)
I own some of my very favorite firearms simply because I wandered into a perviously unknown gunshop on a whim.
An idea of how to fight the Imp...

My advice (and I use this alot of places) is to leave your wallet at home (of course, take your Driver's liscence) and take only enough cash with you to buy what you plan to go in there for. If whatever you want is important enough for you to go all the way back home and make another trip to the shop, then it just might be worth it.
Thats a sweet gun!
I drive right buy a gun shop about once a week do to my job. I have to fight my steering wheel almost everytime. Last time I stoped there it was a friday and it happened to be S&W day. I left with an air lite
357. (had an air weight in my pocket) but had to have it.
"only enough cash with you to buy what you plan to go in there for."

That is all fine and dandy till you read the sign that says "10% down on laway" Damn I hate that sign LOL

This place is bad too, I will admit I bought more than one gun becuase I saw it here and "had to have it."
Yeah, but you don't even have to leave the house to have the imp grab you. I've purchased several guns in the past few months right off these forums.
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