Never forget

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Lt. G

Jun 3, 2003
sunshine state
This might not be the right place to put this ,(sorry Mods, do what you have to do, thanks). On this day, let us take a second, remember, and never forget the sacrifices made, (Police,Fire,Rescue,EMS) and that our troops, (God Bless Them) are still making for us.

Never Forget..... Never Forgotten... and Always Loved....
Lt. G
Six years ago this very hour, four Islamic sociopaths commandeered American Airlines Flight 77 and slammed it into the very spaces I’m sitting in, obliterating and ultimately incinerating them. One hundred eighty-nine friends, coworkers and passengers died, and countless more were physically and mentally harmed. The carnage to the North was on a grander scale, but no more audacious.

The world shifted on its axis that day, and life in America changed forever.


Never Forget......never

3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment.........Ar Ramadi, Iraq 2003
22nd Signal Brigade........Mosul, Iraq 2005
Salute to the heroes....
As I stood outside Newark Airport that sunny Tuesday morning staring in shock at the destruction in the distance, a woman standing at the curb next to me asked what was happening. Of course I didn't know much beyond what we saw, but I replied that it appears we were under attack. Her appearance of shock grew even more intense, after all the phrase "we are under attack" was something I've never uttered and she undoubtedly never heard.

She asked me what I thought we should do. Even I thought my reply was surreal: "Go home, get your guns, and wait for what's next." Her expression told me she was horrified by the idea.

I can't fault her. It's likely she had no means of defending herself. I'd like to think that this caused her to realize, as many of us are aware, ultimately, no one but you is responsible for your safety, but who knows. Recent events and the response from local governments and lawmakers have shown me people have learned exactly nothing.

During the attack facts were scarce. No one knew how widespread or organized the attacks would be. If the number of hijacked aircraft had been as many as the terrorists had originally planned, there may have been dozens of cities attacked and many more thousands killed. Countless more may have suffered life-threatening injuries. What would have happened then? It's not hard to imagine the interruption of essential services like telephone, electric, water, transportation. It's not a stretch to imagine looting of stores as people ran out of food, water, gasoline. How do you get money when the ATMs don't work? What would money be worth anyway, when you can't buy anything with it? How do you call the police when your phones don't work? How do the police get anywhere when there's no gas to run their cars? Who would come to your defense? Who will care about you and your family?

I hope we will never have to find out. After all, this is a safe country. Such things only happen in far away places that you see on CNN, right?

In the meantime, read my signature line, and remember. God bless the United States of America.
more dead than Pearl Harbor

Remember this: we did not seek war. War came to us. I do not mean the Iraq war, or at least not that only; I mean the war against islamist terror. Whether it was right to go into Iraq or not, bin Laden himself has declared that it is now the most important center of his worldwide Jihad. If it were not Iraq, it would be somewhere else: perhaps even here.

(An aside: Whenever you hear or read the word "imperialist," put on your BS detector. That word betrays an assumption that the USA is a force for evil in the world, and not the chief defender of freedom and liberty for the last century or so--not to mention the chief provider of food, medical care, and emergency aid, handing out money by the billion for humanitarian causes without regard for a nation's treatment of us in the international arena. If we went into Iraq for their oil, shouldn't gas prices be lower?)

The most important thing to remember about 9/11/01 is that it was UNPROVOKED. We didn't do anything to deserve the mass murder of innocent Americans (as if we could)--and we STILL HAVEN'T. The Jihadists would still be out to kill us, even if we'd done nothing at all after that vicious attack but talk and "negotiate"--as some apparently think would have been wise.

To those who cry, "Peace, peace! War is not the answer!" I say, well, you are right. There is a way to peace without fighting. According to bin Laden, if we all convert to Islam, he will leave us alone. Who's ready? Hands?

You can "make peace" with a street criminal, too; just let him take whatever he wants from you and kill you and your family. That is peace, of a sort. War--and personal combat--are bad things, but that sort of peace is much worse.

"Remember" means "Fight."

Remember that, too.
To celebrate the anniversary of 9/11/01, I will polish my spent round from a 105mm howitzer fired from a C130 over Iraq. It has engraved on it a symbol for the C130 Spectre squadron and "Fired over Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom".

I just fervently hope it was very, very effective!
politics inappropriate

The admonition to keep politics out of this thread came up while I was composing my post. I apologize for not doing that. I shall leave it up for two reasons; (1) replying to the "imperialism" remark was richly called for, and (2) just as with Pearl Harbor and the Alamo, the context of "remembrance" includes a call to arms.


"The best revenge--is revenge."
-- Klingon proverb
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Y'all have covered this well.

I won't permit those I encounter to forget.

Perhaps Memorial Day ought to be shifted to 11 September so average folk can be "jabbed in the ribs"?

PS to critter: a Marine Dad's gratitude to you and the other ChAir Force guys covering the six of the Jarheads and Dogfaces!

Not Now. Not Ever.

My Flag at home is 1/2-staff today, but will be back up full tomorrow.
We who care will never forget.

I bought ammo today to commemorate the anniversary. I won't go down without a fight. I hope everyone will do the same. I did it to defy those that think terrorism can be defeated with the Pen.
I was working swing shift. I was still in bed asleep when my son came into my bedroom "Dad. Wake up. We've been attacked."

As i watched the news coverage, i knew that our nation would never again be the same. America lost what little innocents she had left that day.
I will NEVER forget!!

I was in Manhattan on that day. I was in Penn Station coming into NYC by train from Long Island when the first plane hit - though I didn't know anything was happening then. I was in Grand Central Station when the second plane struck. I was walking through the station and saw a crowd of people stairing at TVs in a small book / magazine store. My immediate thought before seeing what was going on that was that some tried to kill Bush. When I saw the TV it read "Second plane hits WTC!!". I said to myself "Second plane???" and I immediately knew it was a terrorist attack. The first thing I did was pray that God would assist the firemen and other emergency staff responding to the call for help and that he helped those victims that needed it. NEVER in my wildest nightmares would I have dreamt of the horror of what ultimately took place - 4 planes involved, WTC towers down, thousands dead, Pentagon attacked and dead people there also, plane down in PA by heroes who died trying save themselves and who did save people at the intended target location for which the terorists were flying to kill, etc...

I am an American!! I have been to the WTC and I work in NYC - they have attacked and killed my brothers and sisters!!

I will ALWAYS remember!!

We will NEVER forget this attack. The DVD "Islam: What the West Needs to Know" should be shown to all, to remind them of why we are involved in this war, and the what the stakes really are.
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