New AWB in Pipeline thanks to Joe Biden...

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In communism the government runs the corporations.
In fascism the corporations run the government.

Not quite...

In communism, the government directly owns and runs the means of production.
In fascism, the corporations own and run the means of production, but the government owns and runs the corporations.

Believe me, under fascism the people in the corporations are under no illusions about who is in control. They're just as much government flunkies as the guy manning the desk at the DMV.
Notes to my Senators have been sent. is a good resource to contact your representatives and view how they measure up against the facts, not the rhetoric.

It provides phone numbers, business addresses and more. Use it often, I do.

Megistopoda said:
....otherwise you're just getting in the way of the rest of us who are going to fight tooth and nail for our rights and yours.
I never said I wouldn't fight it, tooth, nail and all. I already sent emails and letters to my elected representatives. Those who comfort themselves with the fact the Honorable Sen. Biden and his ilk have no clout are whistling past the graveyard.

If my appearance of defeat without opposition has motivated others to act on my behalf all the better.

Even in the electronic age, a concise, originally worded and intelligently written letter delivered by the USPS gets notice.

I reiterate: the bill will pass. Bush will sign it. It's time to add the disclaimer:
Unless YOU act.
No one is going to do it for you.
Here's how

Need help writing a letter? Start with this web site. +1 Jeepmor for - good place to track each congresscritter's opinion. Live by the sound bite, die by the sound bite.

Sorry if basic letter writing is covered elsewhere in THR - but this issue just :fire:
The addition of the AWB to the manfacturer's bill was a plan to kill that bill. The Democrats knew that the AWB was a poison bill to the GOP.

Bush was caught on his own rhetoric. He had promised to sign the AWB to suck up to the soccer moms. But wink, wink, the bill would never get to him. Rather an unethical view, IMHO. However, the GOP in Congress saw through this and trashed the addition and then did a clean bill. Bush said he wanted a clean bill - as his advisers saw the trap. The trap wouldn't have existed if he hadn't said he would sign it. The AWB was added to screw him.

Bush has no moral standing on the AWB.
Folks, write your Senators and Reps but DON'T FORGET TO ALSO WRITE TO THE PRESIDENT!
Guns are an easy target for politicians. They can make a lot of noise and accomplish very little and their constituents think they're actually doing something. What they end up doing is inconveniencing law-abiding gun owners and completely ignoring criminals. Usually what happens is that assault weapons get hit hard, as well as hi cap magazines for handguns. This waltz has been going back and forth forever. A politician will do absolutely ANYTHING to get elected or re-elected.
The strange thing is that neither the senator or congressman that I vote for will vote for this crazy law. In fact both of them will fight it tooth and nail. Excepting the president. But I did not vote for him. There is no letter that I can write that will convince him that it is wrong.

Tell me again how voting for any of the Neocons running for office is a good idea?
Wow all the Bush hate here and the nonsense with regard to his actual record over the last 7 years is a bit hard to follow.
What actually happened while he has been in office:
1. The AWB was allowed to expire, it wasnt renewed.
2. The protection of lawful commerce in firearms act preventing the manufacturers from being sued out of business was passed and signed into law. It contains the affirmation that the second amendment is an individual right.
3. A US Attorney General appointed by Bush publicly states the second is an individual right.
4. No new restrictions or taxes on AMMO.
5. CMP is still in business and going stronger than ever.
6. I dont need an arsenal license for my ammo or reloading equipment.
7. 2 Conservative Supreme court justices appointed by Bush who support the 2nd as an individual right paving the way for a Supreme Court ruling on the 2nd as an individual right.

Now perhaps some of you folks think that Al Gore or John Kerry would have been much better for the US and for Gun Owners. Do any of you think that they would have allowed any of the above to happen?????

Was Clinton Better for US? (AWB, and Instant back ground checks 1997AMMO restrictions not passed)?
Bush I was he better (922R, Kop Killer bullet ban)?
Regan better(machine gun registry closed 1986)?
Jimmy Carter was he better????
Gerald Ford?
Nixon (1968GCA)?
LBJ (1968 GCA groundwork)??

So it seems to me that Bush II for gun owners anyway was better than any of the last 6 presidents before him.

But please point out where I am wrong.

And no Bush will not sign a new AWB.

But hey don't let any facts hit you in the Tush on the way back to the DU.
3. A US Attorney General appointed by Bush publicly states the second is an individual right.

If you think his choices for AG are good ones you probably should read a little more about them.

4. No new restrictions or taxes on AMMO.
6. I dont need an arsenal license for my ammo or reloading equipment.

Yeah, I been real good master.... I need no more whippings

7. 2 Conservative Supreme court justices appointed by Bush who support the 2nd as an individual right paving the way for a Supreme Court ruling on the 2nd as an individual right.

Not to knock it, as this was a good thing but; was this by design or circumstance? Although we will never know for certain the President was very likely looking at other issues and the 2A just happened to fall in line with their beliefs.

And no Bush will not sign a new AWB.

But, Bush said he supported the AWB eight years ago. Is that better? No. Will he sign it next year? I doubt it. I don't see it hitting his desk. The dems will kill it as it is a poison pill for an election year. But the same people need to support to keep their position intact in their home district.
Another thing I forgot above:

The feds didnt pass any concealed carry restriction legislation, and the issuance and availibility of CCW has grown significantly in the past 7 years at the state level.

There are also more black rifles in the hands of shooters than ever before.

This will make it much harder for the next president to roll back our gains under Bush II
I think this is a very stupid move on the part of the Dems. This next election will come down to the blue collar union worker in MI and OH coming to a crossroad. Vote for the Dems who are pro-labor but anti gun, or a pro-gun anti labor Republican. I predict the election will come down to these two states, maybe a third.

If I was running for president I wouldn't want to piss off gun totting union members. Huge block of voters.
If I was running for president I wouldn't want to piss off gun totting union members. Huge block of voters.

Ah, but there in lies the rub. The union members will be forced to vote their conscience or vote their union. The union heads tend to go towards the libs as the libs keep the heads in power and strenghten their hold over the members.

The Dems treat unions in much the same way they treat minorities: they pander to them but expect them to follow lock, stock, and barrel regardless of where the Dems lead them.

Given that, the Dems are concerned that they won't win unless they can hold onto the far left. So, gun control, defeat at any cost, etc are the "keys" to victory in their minds. Only when they see they'll lose the center do they pull back (i.e. Hillary's flipflopping on illegals getting licenses, billions for 401(k)s and bonds for babies).
Hey Master,

I appreciate your comments. My only concern is that you are being a tad myopic. If the only issue that compells you vote one way or another is the 2A, then I guess Bush is your guy. I tend to look at the total package and then decide, not just look a gun rights record.
This may be too political but the progun actions of the Bush administration came from the grass roots pushing him rather than his proactive agenda.

I seem to have missed actions for the RKBA that showed equal zealotry as he demonstrated in the Terry Schiavo debacle. Where was that rousing progun speech to Congress where he tried to eliminate so many federal laws?

That Kerry was worse is not a logical answer. It doesn't mean he was that hot on the issue, just that Kerry was crappier. However, folks without logical thought think that because Kerry was worse, that excuses Bush. Pardon me, he was the hope to lead the good fight and wasted many opportunities when he had a Republican Congress. Then he screwed the pooch overseas and the reaction to that may give us new bans. Thanks.

I am not one to blindly follow a failed leader and value him just because there are worse choices. The failures must be pointed out.

Sorry to be political but I hate the reflexive and subservient view of those locked into authoritarian mindsets that say go to the DU because you can't criticize the LEADER.
it's not like it takes things away from you,
just is supposed to keep people from buying new ones.
It's still sh*tty as all get out.

I was looking forward to buying one a few years from now when I had money for it.

This is total crud.
RobTzu writes:

Bush would veto it, and there are not enough votes to over ride it. That being said, time to send letters off to your Senators.


Given the man's past performances, what drives you to that conclusion, "Bush would veto it"?
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