New FEG M9

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Mar 28, 2008
Actually, an R-9

I've read a lot of threads about the Browning FEG clones, and seen it both ways... some people swearing by them, and others cursing them, so I traded a gun I wasn't particularly fond of and got one.

Most of the critiscisms I've read involved the weight of the trigger pull, which AFTER I CLEANED OUT THE TRIGGER WELL, didn't have the pounds of cosmoline or whatever the gunk they had in there for storage, seemed to lighten up considerably. A couple of sprays with gun oil, and it worked smoothe as could be. The spring's a little heavy, but that is an easy fix.

I went from an 9 shot pistol to a 16 shot pistol with the trade, so I picked up one mag change per round of shooting, and if it's the least bit accurate, I got a good deal. The gun I got was in a bit worse shape "finishwise", but I've already touched it up and it looks like new. I'm thinking about having it plated anyway, so it's a "project" gun. After I've had it apart and polished up the parts a bit, I'll know more about what can be done with it. If it shoots as good as the PA-63 I've got, FEG gets an "A"...

Anybody got any good ideas about making the gun better?

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