New find

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Jan 12, 2020
Just picked this Beeman RS2 up for new $75. Scope included. Ya a cheap Wally World rifle. But have read some good things about them. I cleaned it checked it out. The .22 barrel is installed. Shot it about 30 times. So far it seem to be pretty darn accurate and it was suprising this little rifle packs a pretty good punch.
Never would have considered getting one but for the price I couldn't pass. 20200526_174139.jpg
For $75 you couldn't afford not to. :D

The second barrel in your picture looks a little like a WW1 or earlier bayonet......which I somehow, all of a sudden think would be kinda cool on an air gun....for a hot second. :D
Tuned, soft bedded loctite on the .22 barrel set screw. and added a red dot.
You would never think this was a cheep Chinese Beeman. It s is so smooth and quieter now. A absolute joy to shoot. I took it out and sighted in the dot. Had 11 empty pellet tins, these my targets set at 30 yards. I was able to shoot them over and over. Almost becoming monotonous.
For $75 and a few hour of time a $75 rifle that shoots like one several hundred dollars more. 20200601_140544.jpg
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