New firearm inventory software in Beta - Need your help!

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May 21, 2011
Derry, NH
I started working on a application to help you track your firearm inventory and could use your help. Yes, you.

It's written in Adobe AIR, so it will run on Windows, *NIX and OSX with the same installer. Currently it is still in Beta and I could use some testers to help me squish bugs and continue to add the huge feature list I have planned.

The plan is to make it fully ATF compliant for the new regs they require to use only a digital bound book –– that is almost finished.

This is a pet project for me and I need people to help break it, help find bugs, make suggestions, etc. If you are interested in checking it out and maybe giving me a hand, you can install it by clicking the Install Badge located at:

Right now it's about bug squishing and then implementing the large feature set like setting wishlists for firearms and having it scan sites like and, etc, tracking ammo inventory and much, much more.

So give me a hand, try it out and give some feedback –– help me make this the program YOU need.
Sure it can. But you can't use Excel instead of a hardcopy bound book. Can't have excel monitor websites looking for a firearm you want to purchase. Can't have excel notify you when your ammo inventory is running low. Can't have excel do a lot of things, but my program will. ;) You can also use a carrier pigeon to talk to family in the next state instead of calling them too, but why would you? Just because a spreadsheet can list your firearms doesn't mean it's the best way.

Even the ATF states computerized records are superior than just hardcopy and no longer requires people to get permission to use one instead, as long as it meets certain standards.

If you want to continue using a spreadsheet, do so by all means! But I know there are other people out there that prefer a better method (for them) and that's who the program is for.
Is this a program to help gun retailers maintain their shop's inventory?
Cokeman: Well, in its current stage it's primarily for non-FFL and C&R people, but yes, later there will be more features for dealers to use. Its primary purpose is to replace a hardcopy Boundbook, which is what I need it for, but there are a ton of things to be added to make it useful for everyone. I know of two dealers that are wanting to use this in their shops and are sending me suggestions for features along those lines.
What's C&R?

Oh man, if you don't know what it is, today is your lucky day! So a C&R license from the ATF is for people to collect Curios and Relics -- basically firearms over 50 years old or placed on a special list. What this cheap license (i forget the cost and length but it's like $30 for 3 years or whatever) does is let you buy them interstate and have them shipped directly to your house. Nothing like the Big brown Van pulling up to your house with some firearms you ordered ;) A C&R let me buy my MN 91/30, one of the firearms on the list, online for like $120 (I got a laminated stock with handpicking) and had it delivered to my door, as an example. There are some awesome C&R firearms out there.

Check out as an example. I so want one of those Walthers! You see in the corner of the images there is a 03 C&R box? That means it's C&R eligible.

A C&R is NOT a business license. Yes, you can sell your firearms but not as a business. The purpose of the license is to allow collectors to collect easily, even interstate.

The thing is, just like a regular FFL though, you are required to keep a bound book listing every C&R you purchase or sell. As a C&R ONLY C&R firearms are listed in it -- if you buy an AR, for example, you would not list that in your bound book.

Even more importantly though, a C&R will get you a dealer's discount at most firearm accessory sites (Like say Discounts vary but I bought my dad a $200 scout scope for his Garand and saved like $60! Essentially ANYONE into firearms should apply, which is simple.

Print out the forms fro the ATF site here:

Took me a month or two to get mine. SOOO worth it, just for the discounts! This site will tell you more in depth about it (just use the link i gave you for the forms as his link is outdated):

But anyway, my app is partially being created to replace the need for a hardcopy Boundbook. :D
For the next release, I finally decided to settle the debate about using a custom identifier, consecutive numbers or unique numbers in the Inventory display list:

Filling in the identifier field will use that instead of a number.


Going into the new Settings menu will allow you to toggle a checkbox to either keep the numbers consecutive or to display the unique identifier.
v.74 is out
* Dropbox integration. Moving to OAuth shortly which wont' require a saved password for Dropbox
* Timed backups
* Settled the feud with the Inventory list numbering. In settings is an option to number them in order or not, and you can edit the Identifier field to overwrite the number.
* Federal and State License # fields in Settings page.
* I am the walrus.
Last edited:
v0.75 is out

Seems Adobe had changed something with how versions are handled and it was affecting updates. You may not be able to auto update this version as I upgraded the framework. Please download from if you do not see the auto update kick in when you load your current version. But this should prevent the issue Linux users were having, for the future.

* Emailing firearm stats is enabled
* Timers for auto backups and update checking is tweaked.
* Various other things

If you find any bugs, email me at [email protected] or let me know here!
This looks interesting, i'm gonna give it a try on Linux Mint and see if I can provide any help.
New version released:

* Encryption password option in Settings menu.
* Main Image can be unset, and is also reset if set image is removed from pictures tab.
* Tweaks to the backup system
* More work on the reports, though not finished.
New version released:

* Fixed combobox issue where boxes weren't cleared properly when using Add New button after editing a previous new firearm
* Inventory list can be sorted -- more to be added later
* Images now copied to Library folder
* Developer sleep factor divided by half
* Manual now copied to Library folder
v0.80 Released;
* Serial in Inv list is settable
* Various picture system fixes
* Pre-populated Comboboxes fixed
* Thank You list for donators in About box
* Random fixes I've forgotten to document
* I am so tired.
v0.81 released!
* Dropbox now uses UAuth -- no Dropbox password needed anymore
* Backup runs at start instead of at exit
* Added fields: OAL, Country of Manufacture, Suppressor, AOW, SBS, Full Auto, plus a small random note field for each NFA item.
* Various tweaking
Defiantly interested in your program, its been years since I set down writing code or even basic (yea I still remember basic) Where can I download and I will put it to the test with honest evaluation. Besides your from Derry,NH and I have a good friend that lives in that part of the country.
I found the link in an earlier post, so far it looks great. Wish I this was out several years ago when I worked at a Pawn/Gun shop. I have put off getting my C&R for a while and just recently applied for it. I hate paper work but like an old say "No job is finished until the paper work is complete". And from dealing with the ATF one thing I learned is they DO NOT have a sense of humor at all. As for writing in Basic, I bought my first computer back in the 80's, gave it to my son who was around 12 at the time. Came home about a week later and he had wrote a program that got both of us hooked on computers and programing. For Christmas he spent almost a month writing a program that ran for about 10 min. Somewhat of a digital Christmas card that he recorded to VHS and gave as gifts. By todays standards it was cheesie but at the time it was great.
Thanks for your work.
Congrats on applying for the C&R! It's so worth it, even if just for the discounts you get online with it. I really need to save up my pennies and get one of those nice P-38's that are around now, cheap.

Ah, computers in the 80s -- back when you had to learn to program really if you were going to use a computer. Times sure have changed, eh?
V0.82 out - Fixes the auto-update system. Everyone should be able to update automatically for now on.
v0.83 Released

* New inventory sort options added
* FIND button selects correct Tab
* RSS reading implemented for later implementation of RSS monitoring for Wishlist firearms
* Encryption no longer tied to database location to generate encryption key - Code still exists to make it an optional feature later. It IS tied to the filename of the database now.
* Toggle between @MyGunDB tweets or RSS feed through setting menu
* New option - Timeout. If you have a password set, you can set the inactivity timeout, in minutes, before it requires your password to unlock. Sill in progress (menus are stil accessible currently)
Anyone having an issue after setting your own password where you couldn't open the DB properly, install this version:

It had to do with a missing setting for new users. Your database is fine and encrypted -- it's just the app couldn't complete the read part as it was expecting to see a value not be null.

If you have any other issues, please let me know.
v0.85 Released:
* RSS Feeds should now handle being offline without throwing an error
* Serial search fixed
* Inventory report fields corrected
* Backend Changes
* Filenames for images are now filtered for special characters
* After electing an image to add, if you add another it will default to the previous location
v0.86 Released!

* arrowkeys in inventry list added
* comboboxes populated with a blank entry
* Dropbox OAuth functionality is back! Dropbox made an exception for MGDB and approved it for API usage.
* Trigger Pull field in Stats.
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