New Florida Law Begins Confiscation

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The concept has a little merit - keeping guns away from folks with mental issues - BUT gov't employees are not shrinks, and there needs to be more than 1 judge who always signs off.
The concept has a little merit - keeping guns away from folks with mental issues - BUT gov't employees are not shrinks, and there needs to be more than 1 judge who always signs off.

The thing I find unacceptable is the fact one judge has this power. Give a rabid anti-gun judge total authority with no checks or balances and if he/she doesn't like your looks, goodbye guns. It should require a hearing with a state paid defense attorney and a jury of your peers just like any other charge/conviction that restricts your rights. Maybe we need to apply this to journalists that demonstrate the inability to report the truth.
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It should require a hearing with a state paid defense attorney and a jury of your peers just like any other charge/conviction that restricts your rights.

FISA court.

Don't look, but we're in the midst of a nanny state.
Where is the ACLU?
What else will the state and one judge confiscate from the people?
Imagine if instead of guns it was cell phones, cars, birth control, the Quran......
It was just a few months ago that the lib chicks on "The View" were declaring VP Pence mentally ill because he prays to the God of the Bible. I wonder how many left-wing judges in Florida are of the same mindset...
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