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New York Anti-Gun Bills Head to State Senate!

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Dec 19, 2006
New York NY
Make Your Voice Heard Today! :cuss:

This week, several anti-gun measures passed the State Assembly and are now heading to the State Senate, where they will most likely be referred to the State Senate Codes Committee.

Assembly Bill 6525A, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin (D-88), would create new sales and reporting requirements for licensed firearms dealers and require dealers to carry a minimum of $1,000,000 of liability insurance. AB6525A passed by a vote of 85 to 53.

Assembly Bill 9819A, authored by State Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel (D-16), would ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology. The bill requires all semiautomatic pistols sold in the state to microstamp an array of characters that identify the make, model, and serial number of the pistol on the firing pin, which would copy the characters onto the cartridge case upon firing. AB9819A passed by a vote of 90 to 43.

Assembly Bill 7331, sponsored by State Assemblyman Matthew Titone (D-61), would expand the ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons”, as well as require the ballistic “fingerprinting”(registration) of all semi-automatic “assault weapons” owned prior to a specified date. AB7331 passed by a vote of 85 to 46.

Assembly Bill 3451, introduced by State Assemblyman David Koon (D-135), would expand New York’s failed ballistic imaging program. AB3451 passed by a vote of 79 to 49.

Assembly Bill 2772
, authored by State Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington (D-3), would ban the sale, use or possession of any firearm with a bore diameter .50 caliber or larger. This bill would require gun owners in possession of these firearms to surrender them to law enforcement. AB2772 would ban any shotgun larger than a .410. AB2772 passed by a vote of 85 to 49.

Assembly Bill 829, sponsored by State Assemblyman Steve Englebright (D-4), would prohibit the sale of any handgun that doesn’t contain a childproofing device or mechanism incorporated into the design of the handgun. AB829 passed by a vote of 86 to 46.

Assembly Bill 76, sponsored by State Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg (D-20), would require the mandatory storage of all firearms. AB76 passed by a vote of 95 to 35.

Assembly Bill 3447, introduced by State Assemblyman David Koon (D-135), would ban the sale or possession of frangible ammunition. AB3447 passed by a vote of 85 to 40.

It is critical that all of these measures are voted down in order to protect the Second Amendment rights of all gun-owners in New York State.

Please contact your State Senator today through the Senate switchboard at (518) 455-2800 and respectfully urge him or her to vote "NO" on these NRA-opposed measures. To find your State Senator, please click here.
so with this micro stamping thing, whats to stop someone with a steady hand and a stone from removing the "microstamp". and if it does happen, you better pick up ALL of your spnt brass at the range, i would hate for you to be charged with a crame becasue someone just put you brass on the ground at the scene of the crime.

and what would the legality be on the collecting legally owned shotguns and rifles??
Assembly Bill 2772, authored by State Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington (D-3), would ban the sale, use or possession of any firearm with a bore diameter .50 caliber or larger. This bill would require gun owners in possession of these firearms to surrender them to law enforcement. AB2772 would ban any shotgun larger than a .410. AB2772 passed by a vote of 85 to 49.
Just brain-melting. I would think even in New York this bill couldn't pass in its current form.

On the other hand, it should be a shocking wake-up call for bird hunters and sport shotgunners who aren't yet mobilized on RKBA (obviously, I'm not talking about THR members!). NRA should beat the drum on this. "See? We told you. They really are going to ban your nice genteel 12ga over-under once they get done with defensive semi-autos -- or maybe even sooner than that. So join the fight."

Assembly Bill 3447, introduced by State Assemblyman David Koon (D-135), would ban the sale or possession of frangible ammunition. AB3447 passed by a vote of 85 to 40.
This seems to include Glasers, Magsafe ammo, and the like. How ridiculous -- "we don't want you to be able to try to mitigate the risk of overpenetration."
I can now see why there is a mass exodus of people from NY.

Are these government officials for real ?

I thank my lucky stars I am a resident of TN and live part time in FL. Both are great States for gun owners.

In NY arms laws, it is VERY IMPORTANT to understand the SPECIFIC definitions, as they are not what common people understand them as.

Of note, the term "firearm" does NOT include rifles or shotguns (unless they fall under the "too short" prohibition). NY law effectively uses the term "firearm" as a catch-all for prohibited items (some of which may be exempted with licensing).

Of note (wink nudge), the term "shotgun" excludes "rifled shotguns". Examine the definitions carefully for understanding.

It is also very important to read the LAW, not the descriptions thereof. Some of the descriptions of the bills are, strictly speaking, inaccurate.

Of note, Assembly Bill 2772 does NOT address shotguns - it very specifically refers to "rifles" exclusively.
As you may be correct when referring to NY and the term 'firearm' .... The bill reads (emphasis mine): "To ban the possession, sale and use of 50-caliber weapons in the state of New York, to impose additional penalties for the use of a 50-caliber weapon"

Weapon - whatever they want to interpret your shotgun as. The bill discusses .50 cal bullets to make it sound like they only mean the Barrett, but as with anything, the devil is in the details (though the devil is all up in this one).
No, the description refers to "weapon". The description is not binding.
The actual legally-binding text of the bill says "rifle".
What's the problem? I've seen a great many people in this forum argue passionately that gun laws should be determined by the states. New York State is merely determining its own gun laws.

Whenever the subject arises of federal legislation prohibiting state discretion or protecting firearms owners across the country, a great many forum members are staunch advocates of states rights. Here's a state that's exercising its rights. :)
I keep rereading these proposed Bills, and the more I look at them the more I get deeply concerned...

I'm looking to see if anyone with a more legally focused view can offer any words on the following:

RE: Bill 3447 (Ammo)
3 18. "Armor piercing ammunition" means any ammunition {capable of being
4 used in pistols or revolvers} containing a projectile or projectile
5 core{, or a projectile or projectile core for use in such ammunition,
6 that is} constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other
7 substances) from one or a combination of any of the following: tungsten
8 alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, {or} uranium,

How close does this come to FMJ ammo? I mean, from the interpretation of this, and that it does not specifically say 'Not Including FMJ ammo', but it does say "containing a projectile" but "constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances)" leads me to read that since most FMJ ammo is just a brass case with a lead core, that this doesn't apply. I hope.


This reads like they are going after Glasers/etc, but "Hybrid Materials" means? Could this apply to HPJ ammo? I mean, I've seen HP's disintegrate in gel and it concerns me that this could apply....

As well, where / how could one see what is set/scheduled for the Senate to vote on so folks can see when crunch time is (or will this be passed in the middle of the night like the AWB in NY)?
would ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology.

would expand the ban on semi-automatic “assault weapons”, as well as require the ballistic “fingerprinting”(registration) of all semi-automatic “assault weapons”

Criminals don't buy guns that are registered. When are the Dem's going to figure that out. Taking away guns from law abiding citizens does not decrease gun crime.
They are writing the bills and laws so they can be interpreted however the court/judge would like to interpret them...just depends if they want to put the defendant away or not...one step at a time. Once they have been able to confiscate weapons in NY...CA...NJ...IL...etc., they will eventually have enough states under their thumb, and enough citizens disarmed, it won't be hard to disarm the rest of the country...one step at a time. Everytime there has been a "...that would never happen here, or to me...", it eventually does.
Robert Hairless, they can exercise their right to take mine away? No thanks.

Good. If all you have to do is say "No thanks" there's no need for concern. It's a lot easier than working with other people to prevent or avoid such things.
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