New York Discussion in Progress

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I had a Vietnam War History professor in college that made the statement that dictatorships work, and they work fast. Democracy shouldn't be snail-slow like it is at times, but there shouldn't be a rush, either.
Blankenbush quoting the drug article I posted a while back. Another R attacking the problem and not the tool. The Ds naturally are attacking the tools. (yawn) What's the head count of R versus D here? I've only seen one rep go against their side and he was a Fudd.
Barclay up

Asking if a specific gun would be outlawed.

Bringing up violent video games, and media sensationalism, asking if bill covers those issues.

A> No it doesn't.

End of questioning.
Lentol: "We're one of the states in the union that people follow". Seriously? Who follows? I challenge him to walk off a pier and wait for me to follow him.
Trent, just tell them to reboot 3 times.

Lol the web server is down and the mayor is literally breathing down my neck. Dude, what's with your icons?!!!

Love that short video.

Mclaughlkn up:

Lentol "We're trying to accomodate gun owners in this legislation"

Questioner "but that accomodation didn't allow you to pass the gun on to an heir"

Lentol "not if they reside in new york"

Talking about lists.

Mclaughlin: "It sure does have an ability to dampen a discussion when it leads to confiscation"

Talking about airline piloting now.
"We should have given this the respect it deserves... it is an abuse of power, it is disrespectful."

(talking about the method of pushing this through)

He's strongly against.
Anecdotal - that woman in Georgia that shot the guy 5 times in the face and neck with the revolver, is so frigging famous now. Her recent event has been quoted at least a half dozen times today.
"5 out of 6 bullets didn't get the job done"

"I'd like ONE person to explain to me how one bullet and a call to the cops will stop an attacker"
"making the same weapon and wrapping it in a nice pretty wood stock doesn't change the performance"

"we're legislating by a scary appearance"

"5 homicides were done with long guns, so once again I believe the criminals will laugh at this law, they won't pay any attention to this. Assault weapons aren't the chioce of instrument for gangbangers and criminals, handguns are. But you aren't going after those YET. But i know that day is coming"

On to a drug argument, mental health.
My early prediction; gonna be close.

Pro-gun reps are getting a LOT more airtime today than anti-gun. At least 3-4 times as much.

McLaughlin again "Abuse of power."

"In the end gun control is counterproductive. Harvard studies, CDC, no connection. There's a COUNTER connection. Statistical proof that gun ownership increases, murder and suicide decreases."

"We respect the rights of hunters, what about respect for those who defend their families. You're telling people "suck it up put 7 rounds inthe gun, if that don't work call the cops."

"How DARE you put new yorkers at risk, y don't have the right, THEY have the god given right to defend their families. If they CHOOSE to hae one bullet and throw an empty gun at their attacker, that's their choice. But you have NO RIGHT to remove firearms from law abiding citizens."
Last up, Mr. Jordan.

Progun from previous testimony.

Questioning Lentel again.

Vote is close guys.

Jordan bringing up technicalities in high capacity magazines. 10+ rd. Mags banned immediately. Mags holding 7-10 banned in 90 days.

Police are not exempt from that provision in this law. And if yes how so.

"We believe they are by general language that exists in sec. 265 in the penal law but we have a chapter amendment that will correct this"
still mr. jordan;

Possession of guns on school grounds.

Nothing exempts police from possession of guns on school grounds.

Lentel says "it falls on 3505 justification section but we're gonna fix that"

It appears that Law Enforcement will not be allowed to bring weapons on school grounds without a legislative fix.
How does a governor mandate what the legislative branch does? Isn't that a separate branch of government or is this guy basically playing as a dictator?
Trent, the thing is they ARE going after handguns with a 8+ magazine ban. Unless that only applies to rifles.
Jordan still

Failure to register. Suggests that failure to register is a misdemeanor in one section. Then 41-a contradicts this an makes it a felony.

Lentel: It's a little confusing; misdemeanor to not register. You have a 30 day period to cure, if you fail to do that, it becomes a D felony. Sorry an E felony if you continue to possess.

"Except it reads it's a felony if you failure to register. I submit the way this bill has been written it puts the burden on the law abiding citizen has charges against them which will appear on thei {file report} forever, stigmatizing law abiding citizens."

Lentel: "the arrest does not appear on a rap sheet"

"Oh yes it does, it shows up if you run a file 15."
OMG. So you dont register its a misdemeanor, then because you didnt register, and you have a gun its a felony. Now you've lost your RKBA forever. ASININE!
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