Newest Ramussen poll 7-6-07

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Sep 21, 2003
Headin back to Johnson City

Thompson is the only hope. This this report.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is atop the second tier at 3%. Six other candidates--Senator Sam Brownback, Congressman Ron Paul, Congressman Tom Tancredo, former Governor Tommy Thompson, Congressman Duncan Hunter, and former Governor Jim Gilmore—split 4% of the vote. Eighteen percent (18%) are not sure.
FT hasn't even DECLARED yet and he's at the top of the polls!!! Whoo Hooo!

Clinton has a lot of skeletons in closets across the country.......not to mention the fact that a LOT of people don't like her.

You are correct that a lot can change, but the major players are being defined. The also rans will be eliminated, leaving the majors players flip flopping for the rest of the race.

Love this stat from the 1st link.

A separate survey has found that 46% of Americans say they will definitely vote against Clinton if she is on the ballot in 2008.
A separate survey has found that 46% of Americans say they will definitely vote against Clinton if she is on the ballot in 2008.

Irrelevant, Obama is going to be the Dem nominee.
Irrelevant, Obama is going to be the Dem nominee

Don't bet on it. The Clinton Inc. Smear machine will be on him like Oprah on a canned ham. You can be that every secret he has will be trotted out by concerned Clintonistas.
Irrelevant, Obama is going to be the Dem nominee.

Which is why he's getting beaten badly in the polls by Hillary, even though he as broad name recognition, full MSM support/worship, full support from the left wing of the Democratic party, and has been able to float along without making hard policy decisions that will inevitably drain support.

Obama's flashy, but he can't even convincingly win the black vote. He's doomed.

I can't believe so many ppl would vote for billary.

Why not? Hillary/Bill are seen as "centrists" by most of America and a lot of people did very well during the economic boom during Bill's presidency.
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