NICS down.

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Mar 30, 2007
Las Vegas
Can you say I am not a happy person right now. After dreaming and saving for a long time I finally went to the shop today and got myself a really good 1911. I bought a Ed Brown Special Forces. However when they went to do the background check, the system here in Nevada is down. So.... I just dropped a bunch of cash and I had to leave the gun at the store.:banghead:

Highway Patrol does the checks here and they say they don't know when the computers will be back up. The part that really sucks is this. We used to be able to use our CCW instead of doing the check. However, a couple of Sheriffs did not do the required checks on permit holders. The ATF stepped in and said if the Sheriffs aren't doing the updates then it's back to having background checks done on every purchase.

I should be at the range right now breaking in my dream gun, not sitting here ticked off..:banghead:
Could be worse you could live hear in illinois I just had to wait three days to get my new glock 19
What a bummer! In Oregon the state police do the background checks at $10 a pop, but now they want to raise it to $30 instead of going with the free NICS and freeing up the police to do police work. :banghead:
Get used to it. Happens all the time. Sometimes it's a couple hours, sometimes it's a few days.

No fun, I know. Been there. But it's just one of those little injustices we have no choice but to deal with.
The Federal system goes down every once in a while. They must have a pretty decent tech support team though, because generally they get it up and running again before the customer leaves, usually within 10 minutes.

I'll never understand why states use valuable man power to do something that could be done by any gun store employee through the federal NICS system.
I call feel your frustration and hagone thru it mysrlf. Two years ago I ordered a rifle from my favorite gunshop some seventy miles from home. They called me that it came in and I drove up to pick it up. Well the computers were down so the shop couldn't do the instant check. I hung around for an hour or so and drove home. Upon arrival, I had a call the system was up and running and I was approved. So the next morning drove the 70 miles again to get my new toy. Total of 280 miles because of that damn computer, what a bummer. :(
Or you could be like me and never leave a gunshop with a gun the same day. I live in Vermont and there is no waiting period, but because when I was a teenager I got a couple DUI's I now get delayed and have to wait 3-5 days. I believe I payed for those mistakes in court. Its pretty embarassing, Oh well, I guess I learned my lesson.
does anyone know the real reason Nevada uses their own system?
IS it just a way to have a hidden tax of 25 dollars per purchase? I dont think the state makes alot of profit off it if so after paying all the wages and associated costs.
Or you could be like me and never leave a gunshop with a gun the same day. I live in Vermont and there is no waiting period, but because when I was a teenager I got a couple DUI's I now get delayed and have to wait 3-5 days. I believe I payed for those mistakes in court. Its pretty embarassing, Oh well, I guess I learned my lesson.

Check into getting a UPIN:
i know, another one of those ' texas...' replies, but -- having a CHL in texas is nice since it exempts you from the NICS check. it not only stops this kind of nonsense, but it generally speeds up the purchasing process to be only a matter of seconds longer than filling out the form and paying.
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