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NICS "Temporary Denial" on Sunday

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30 cal slob

Mar 2, 2004
Location, Location!
Here's my NICS "ding" story.

Yesterday (Sunday) I walked into a gun store and picked out a long gun that struck my fancy.

Filled out the paperwork and the dealer ran me through NICS.

Got a "temporary denial." First one ever.

I was told by the FFL that on average, you get two approvals per month, and any more trigger a red flag in the system.

I had two transfers in the previous 4 weeks (from the same FFL!). I purchased two handguns (separate occasions).

Since it was a Sunday, there was nobody manning the state police Mother-May-I command center to override the red flag.

I walked out of the store with no boomstick (no big deal, i'm at that store regularly), but did feel somewhat embarassed at being denied. Last I checked, I was a good boy and didn't do anything on the list of proscribed activities on ATF Form 4473. LOL.

It sure is getting tough to buy guns on Sundays.
Welcome to the club. Had my first one about a month ago. The dealer had a good laugh as he's known me for a few years now.

So I went next door and had lunch (not a Sunday) and by the time I got back it was all cleared up.

Seriously, something is WRONG with the system!
I hate that. I think the NICS people should reimburse my gas money when I have to drive to a gunshop twice! 50 miles each way.
Wow, that's too bad. :eek:
That is one reason I like living here in SC. As long as you can legally own a gun, you can buy them all day long. They just call in the info on your driver's license. Or, if you have your CWP, they just make a copy of it, and out the door you go with whichever new toy you can afford at the time.:D
On a business trip to a city 3 hours away from home, I stopped at a well known and large gun shop.

I chose a Kimber and the fellow behind the counter takes the handgun and my money before calling the NIC in.

I received a conditional and I'm told it could take up to 3 business days before it clears up.

Not looking to have to make a 6 hour round trip again just to pick up the firearm, I ask to have the sale cancelled and my money refunded.

The guy behind the counter tells me that there will be a 25% restocking fee. :fire:

I had to remind him that the firearm is on the desk behind him. He has not yet delivered the handgun to me....and if he believes he has delivered it, he has done so prior to obtaining NIC approval, which is a crime.

That got his attention........:cuss:
As far as I can tell there is very little consistency with the program. I've had guys get approved one week, temporarily denied one week later, and approved without delay a month after that. I know there are logical explanations for this, but it is still frustrating for both buyer and seller.

Some temporary denials are cleared up within an hour, which usually means the customer had just enough time to get home. Some take over 2 days to clear up.

The only good thing about "temporary denial" is that it has encouraged at least a few of my customers to get CHLs.
I've been denied one time and it was because the operator was making a joke. She heard the name and thought the FFL was running a check on himself and wanted to have some fun. The problem was, the FFL was my father and I happen to be a junior. So, she had some quick explaining to do.
I am usually denied, as there is another person out there and we share the same name (First Middle Last) and the same DOB (Day, Month, Year) and basic appearance (White Male, 5"5'). Anyways he was wanted for a murder in Atlanta Georgia.... he might have been caught by now, but it still denies me every time....

BTW he also has a tatoo of a scorpion on his left wrist... I have no ink

Edit: I am delayed, not denied... usually about day 3 I get a call, and I always include my SSN.
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Just curious, but do you guys who have been denied or delayed include your social security number on the form? I have an extremely common name, but have never been delayed. I've always thought it was because I was willing to include my SSN. But that may not be true. Just curious.
Picked up my Ruger Blackhawk last week and filled out the paperwork. It took less than 5 minutes. There's another guy there who had been waiting for over an hour and a half, and he was looking confused. I said that this kind of thing happens all the time and my name is fairly unique, so not that many other people will hang me up.
Hope you didn't get the NICS examiner we recently got, to look over
your transaction. He was a NEWBY for sure, and made a mistake that
we got blamed for~! :scrutiny::uhoh::eek:

This goofball gave us a verbal "PROCEED", only to find out the next
day that the transaction should indeed have been "DELAYED" by the
first party; and after further review, the transaction was "DENIED".
All of this occurred after the fact that the handgun was DELIVERED
to the purchaser; who had gone on vacation to Florida. After a yakty
yakty with the FEDS, it was put back on us to retrieve the firearm.
So, after a lot of heartache, over night travel and expense; the
firearm was returned to our inventory, per orders of the FEDERAL

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About my NICS transactions:

I have a VERY uncommon last name, NMN, and first name M****n.
Always put my SSN down.
I'm a US Citizen, but born in Poland.

The store clerk dials the number. Identifies the store. Spells out my first/last/SSN. Says I was born in Poland...

5 seconds later...

"OK, Thank You."

I'm approved.

That's been the experience for me so far, week days as well as weekends. From the time he finishes giving my info, to the time i'm approved, it has NEVER been more than 5 to 10 seconds.

I've done this about 10 times in last year. Once bought 3 guns in 3 weeks. Not a problem.

Really sorry to hear about your troubles with it!
It is scary that my God given rights depend on a stranger at the other end of the phone line.
My delay was on a Sunday, and it was cleared up by Monday afternoon. I haven't bought a firearm since the delay, so I am curious if it will happen next time...

Oh, I hope next time is soon! I could use a new addition.
Used to get OK'd instantly,
then I married a woman from China.
Because of the FBI background check for the visa and Justice Dept.
stuff, there now is always a 3 to 4 minute delay because of the flags
for the visa stuff.
Seems like I'm hearing about more and more "delays" ... ???

(might be caused by Global Warming, you know ;) )

Probably there will be even more delays after Rudy Clinton or Hilary Guiliani becomes President ... just make it too inconvenient to buy guns :uhoh:

But it is all well worth it as long as felons can't get guns, unless of course they steal them from a cop car at the donut shop :rolleyes:
heh heh. happy postscript.

just got back from the store. NICS went through this time.

had to sign and date the Form 4473 again in the section reserved for "bounced" transactions.

gotta love lunch breaks.
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