Night line reading names of all killed in Iraq

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Never knew that - says Koppel is a native of Lancashire, England, and moved to the United States when he was thirteen.

By the way, Jim Lehrer has been doing this funereal name-reading during his News Hour program on PBS for quite some time.

If it is being done to honor the fallen, more power to them. Sadly, I suspect other motives.
It is done in the typical intellectual dishonesty and disingenousness of the left, hiding a negative motive under a positive one. It is transparent.


Yesterday, I was actually listening to Err America during lunchtime. (My local radio station has taken leave of its senses and replaced Gallagher, Hannity and Savage with this drivel, but that's another story)

The commentator (some strident female), was gleefully tearing into the story about U.S. committing "torture". It was clear she had a low opinion of our military.

The next story concerned Ted Koppel's reading of names-the subject of this thread. Her tone changed as she emphasized how "censorship" prevented us from "honoring our troops". She continued on the "honoring our troops" theme, while 5 minutes before she was of the opinion our troops were knuckledragging neanderthals.

She seemed totally unaware of her complete and utter hypocrisy.

These people are either mentally disordered or willfully evil.
Night line reading names of all killed in Iraq

Translation: Leftists throw huge bash. Bring your galoshes and prepare to watch them dance in blood and bodies!

Boats nailed it with his answer. :fire:

I think you have me on the wrong list. I'm supposed to be on the leftist, liberal, terrorist-loving, military-hating, cowardly sissy list.

Hey, you said it....
How many can you name off the top of your head? How many faces can you picture?

The names in Oregon sometimes escape me with the exception of Sgt. Donald Walters, who was the real combat hero in the incident in Nassiryia that resulted in the capture of Pvt. Jessica Lynch, but the images of every service member from this state who has returned home stick in my mind. A soldier from Coos Bay. A Marine helo pilot with ties to Portland.

Then again, as was previously said, your comments about names and faces doesn't have anything to do with the cost of tea in China. Why not address why certain segments of the media feel the overwhelming desire to exploit their deaths to satisfy such a transparent end?
This thread's already too hostile. And if it drifts to "Who saved England?", it ain't gonna make it all the way across the Atlantic.

Think and edit before hitting the "Submit" button.


I think that it is obvious that Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. is censoring this because of their own political motive.

You did a good job of providing evidence that the managment of Sinclair Broadcast Group are Republican supporters.

However, Nite Line shows only one side of the story on a regular basis. They censor out opposing positions by omitting them as standard operating procedure, yet they claim to be an unbiased news source.

At some point doesn't Sinclair Broadcasting Group have the right to quit providing them with a forum to if they aren't going to be ballanced? You call it censorship, because you are opposed to what they are doing and the word censorship has a negative connotation.

I think they should use the time slot to discuss the War in Iraq in as balanced a was as they possibly can, and let the viewers make an informed decision on what they believe.
(Boats)The subtext of course being "Here they are, these young people who died for nothing." The darker view is that they were killed so that the President could make kickbacks to Halliburton.

...when everybody knows that they died so that mercedesrules could spew his vitriolic liberty junk on the English instead of Arabic, no less!

Today's liberty junk: If the TV stations were totally private, we would all agree that each one could produce the shows they thought were best for their business. Private property would solve any content arguments. The size of the audience and the sponsors would determine the content. Homesteading could determine the frequency allocations.

MR, extreme libertarian
I think that it is obvious that Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. is censoring this because of their own political motive

Refusing to use your private property to air something you disagree with is no more censorship that the NYTs refusing to publish essays by Lew Rockwell, Murray Rothbard or any other champion of freedom is censorship.

The whole concept of the airwaves being "public property" and therefore subject to control by the govt is a scam that leads directly to both censorship and govt propaganda at the same time. It won't be long before someone on the left raises a stink about them refusing to air this based on this bogus claim.

If you can have your license jerked for upsetting your masters in DC it is difficult to claim that the broadcast press is independent.

Exactly why is this an issue? Who cares? The names are public record and no one is going to sit and watch that idiot read off 500+ names.

The only people with a legitimate voice in whether or not this is political or a memorial are the families of those on the list.
If someone wants to read off a bunch of names in the public record it is their right to do so. Further if someone wants to imply that those deaths were needless then that is a perfectly valid viewpoint. Its a view i dont agree with but, i also have the mysterious ability to turn off the TV and not listen should i choose to do so.

Personally, i LIKE it when liberals do stupid insensitive crap like this. It just makes all those fence sitters rethink wether they REALLY should vote for these people just because they are "supposed" to. I personally know several 3rd generation Democrats who are simply NOT going to vote for kerry just because they are FINALLY hearing the liberal agenda from the horses mouth.

I say give these people all the rope they want. We all know what they are doing with it.
They're making the donations to stay in tight when they come around for favors, not to support an ideology. It makes sure they're cozy with whoever wins.

Disney's money proved to be very, very well spent when Congress passed the copyright extension, giving "Steamboat Willie" another 20 years worth of proprietary coverage out to 95 years, up from 14 years in 1790.

"Limited time?" What's that?
I can't believe someone compared the conquering and occupation of iraq to WWII, but thats OT, so I'll just leave it at that. I think someones comparison to vietnam was a lot more apt.

We know the media has a liberal bias. We know they have an anti-war slant. Get over it. I mean if ABC showed bloated, decomposing corpses of Servicemen killed from IED's I'd be more skeptical of airing it prime time.

Airing the names and/or photos is political as is not airing them. The anti-war crowd knows that personalizing the loss supports their position. I hate to see the deaths of these folks used in this way, but it is fair game. I think that it is important to recognize the personal loss. If that is difficult for some, well it should be. I support the war in Iraq because I believe that the goals are important to the long time security of this country. That doesn't make viewing the dead easy. It does mean that I believe that we owe them a debt that we can't repay.. oh..except by making sure that their death served a real lasting and noble purpose.
1 - If they're going to read off the names of all those killed in Iraq to "honor them", what about the brave men and women who gave all in Afghanistan? Are they not worth honoring? Ahh...the left can't really attack President Bush for Afghanistan, can they? Even they agree with the action there. Reading those names would be counter-productive for them.

2 - What about the fine men and women who, sadly, will be killed in the near future in Iraq? Is he going to read their names at some point? Maybe the week before the election?

3 - To me, doing this at this point in time is a purely political move designed to negatively effect President Bush's poll numbers. If Ted were to do this after the action in Iraq was over, after most of our troops had been brought home, I might believe it was meant to honor them. (might)

As others have said, we know Mr. Koppel's politics.

What about those who gave their lives in WWII? How come nobody ever honored them by reading their names on the air? Of course it would take a while with somewhere around 300,000 casualties....................
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