NJ Democrats try to ban Ann Coulter's book

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Sadly, Coulter's one of the better things going for Democrats right now.
When they squeal like a pig stuck under a gate with absolutly no positive response and try to ban the sale of her book, does not appear, to me, as one of the better things going for the Dems, unless you are referring to their demise.

First Amendment gives her the right to say whjat she wants without congress critters trying to ban her.
Vito funny I've never heard this out of Senator's Clinton or Gore.Could you please furnish credible proof and maybe plant a mustard seed of doubt in my mind.IMO the rep.has taken more of my gun rights and restricted the use there of than the dems.
I stand firmly with Coulter. She has the brains,guts and forum to say what most INDEPENDENT thinkers believe. Sadly,the sheeple rule!

Brilliant. Don't refute what's she saying, don't try to prove her assertions wrong, just make an ad hominem attack.

She obviously isn't a joke, as she's topping the NYT best seller list for the 6th time. She says what allot of Americans know but have been PC'd away from saying.

She's great.

So what if her book is #1?

Michael Moore's movie was #1 in America.. That does that automatically make him some credible authority on anything. Likewise for Coulter.

Laughing all the way to the bank.

50 Cent is laughing all the way to the bank by rapping about pimping and selling cocaine. Just cause he's making money doesnt make him right. Likewise for Coulter.
Coulter is as entitled to her opinions as anyone else is, including the democratic luminaries that are now attacking her. And we, collectively and individually, are entitled to say: "Who cares?" if we so choose. I personally don't give a rats' fanny what the media, Coulter or her democratic critics think of themselves or each other.

Now, if they have their way here in Corzineistan, ( formerly the state of new jersey in the united states of america ) they want to try to boycott if not ban her book outright, along with my guns while they're at it no doubt, and THOSE issues i DO care about.

I suppose after the book burnings and gun confiscations, the next step will be to round up all the Coulter fans and gun enthusiasts no? I can imagine a planning session for that over in Trenton right now. Something along the lines of this?
Ve can pudt zem all into a few kamps vehr ve can keep an eye on zem, Ja? Corzineistan uber alles!

So even though i could really care less about Coulter or her critics and wish they'd all go muzzle themselves, i will stand up for Coulters' right to speak.
Evidently satire isn't what it used to be.
I'll take Ambrose Bierce, H.L. Mencken, Mark Twain, and P.J. O'Rourke over Ann Coulter any day of the week.

Agreed. There is a vast gulf between actual intelligent, sharp satire...and profane relieving-of-one's-self on the camera lens and page.
Vito funny I've never heard this out of Senator's Clinton or Gore.Could you please furnish credible proof and maybe plant a mustard seed of doubt in my mind.IMO the rep.has taken more of my gun rights and restricted the use there of than the dems.

I'm not Vito, but you can try this on for size......


Keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them
We need to stand firm on behalf of sensible gun control legislation. We have to enact laws that will keep guns out of the hand of children and criminals and mentally unbalanced persons. Congress should have acted before our children started going back to school. I realize the NRA is a formidable political group; but I believe the American people are ready to come together as a nation and do whatever it takes to keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them.
Source: www.hillary2000.org, “Gun Safety” Sep 9, 2000

License and register all handgun sales
Hillary Rodham Clinton offered her support for a legislative proposal to license hand guns. The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Charles Schumer, would require anyone who wants to purchase a gun to obtain a state-issued photo gun license. “I stand in support of this common sense legislation to license everyone who wishes to purchase a gun,” Clinton said. “I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry, such as Chuck is proposing.”
Source: CNN.com Jun 2, 2000

Tough gun control keeps guns out of wrong hands
I think it does once again urge us to think hard about what we can do to make sure that we keep guns out of the hands of children and criminals and mentally unbalanced people. I hope we will come together as a nation and do whatever it takes to keep guns away from people who have no business with them.
Source: Press Release Jul 31, 1999

Gun control protects our children
We will not make progress on a sensible gun control agenda unless the entire American public gets behind it. It is really important for each of you [kids] to make sure you stay away from guns. If you have guns in your home, tell your parents to keep them away from you and your friends and your little brothers and sisters.
Source: Forum at South Side Middle School in Nassau County Jul 15, 1999

Don’t water down sensible gun control legislation
We have to do everything possible to keep guns out of the hands of children, and we need to stand firm on behalf of the sensible gun control legislation that passed the Senate and then was watered down in the House. It does not make sense for us at this point in our history to turn our backs on the reality that there are too many guns and too many children have access to those guns-and we have to act to prevent that.
Source: Remarks to NEA in Orlando, Florida Jul 5, 1999

Lock up guns; store ammo separately
If you own a gun... make sure it’s locked up and stored without the ammunition. In fact, make it stored where the ammunition is stored separately. We’ve made some progress in the last several years with the Brady Bill and some of the bans on assault weapons, but we have a lot of work to do.
Source: ABC’s “Good Morning America” Jun 4, 1999

More headlines: Al Gore on Gun Control


*Less rhetoric on gun control from Gore
Last April, on the first anniversary of the shootings at Columbine High School, Vice President Al Gore castigated Gov. George W. Bush for offering only “half a solution” to the problem of gun violence. He has virtually stopped talking about gun control or the National Rifle Association. Mr. Gore’s aides said he had not backed away from his gun control agenda, which includes licensing new handgun owners and limiting handgun purchases to one a month.
Source: James Dao, NY Times Sep 20, 2000

*Gore says Bush lets NRA make gun policy
In a speech to the Association of Health Care Journalists, Gore said, “Bush has convinced the NRA that he wants to take the gun lobbyists out of the lobby & put them right into the Oval Office.” Gore’s point was that gun violence was straining the health care system, to the tune of $2.3 billion annually, and that Bush was so deeply in the pocket of the gun lobby that he could not recognize this problem.
Bush dismissed those accusations. “I make my positions on what I think is right. I’ll make the decisions as to what goes on in the White House,“ he said. Repeating an accusation he has made before, Bush said: ”I’ve never been a member of the NRA. Gore has been, if I’m not mistaken.“

*This accusation momentarily befuddled both campaigns, neither of which could find evidence that Gore had belonged to the gun lobby. A Bush spokesman said Bush might have been referring to an NRA official saying that Gore had once been so opposed to gun control that he could have been the poster boy for it.

Source: Katharine Q. Seelye, New York Times, p. A20 May 5, 2000

*Photo id’s for gun purchase; ban junk guns
Q: What would you do to stop violence in the schools?
A: The one thing that all these incidents have in common is that they involve guns. And that’s why I’ve helped to pass the toughest new gun-control measure in the last generation. I’m now proposing photo-license IDs for the purchase of a new handgun, a ban on assault weapons and Saturday night specials and so-called junk guns, and a policy of zero tolerance in our schools.
Source: Democrat Debate in Johnston Iowa Jan 8, 2000

*Ban certain guns & “super-trace” all guns
I know about fighting for gun control. I cast the tie-breaking vote to take on the NRA and close the gun show loophole. It took a hard fight to pass the Brady bill and make it the Brady law to establish the 3-day waiting period. I want to go farther and completely ban Saturday night specials and junk guns and assault weapons and have what’s called super tracing so that when a gun is used in any kind of crime it can be immediately traced.
Source: Democratic Debate in Durham, NH Jan 5, 2000

*School violence: zero gun tolerance & better parenting
Q: How would you address this problem of hate crimes and violence in schools?
A: I think all of us have done a lot of soul searching about that. There was an appreciation of the fact that there were a lot of things involved. We need to get rid of the guns, get them out of the hands of the people who shouldn’t have them. We should have a policy of zero tolerance in schools. I think we need better parenting.
Source: Town Hall Meeting, Nashua NH Dec 18, 1999

*Zero tolerance for guns in schools, to end school violence
Q: How do you plan to end violence in schools, and how will you assure parents that our children are going to be safe? A: We ought to have zero tolerance for guns in schools. We ought to have more guidance counselors, more psychologists. We ought to ban the assault weapons and the junk guns and the Saturday Night Specials, and gets guns out of the hands of the people who shouldn’t have them, and license all new handgun purchasers.
Source: Democrat Debate at Dartmouth College Oct 28, 1999

*Child-safety locks on guns & more restrictions
The House voted 280-147 against legislation to restrict access to guns and impose safety locks on them. Gore said, “I will personally lead the fight to pass [these laws] as President.”
Five weeks earlier, the Vice President broke a 50-50 tie in the Senate chamber on a crucial gun-control vote.

Source: Time Magazine, p. 38 Jun 28, 1999

*Close gun-show sale loophole
I think that many of the measures to restrict the easy availability of guns to children and to others who should not have them can make a real difference [on teen violence like the Columbine shooting]. I broke the tie in the Senate to close the gun-show loophole [which allows gun sales without an i.d. or background check]. I now call upon the House of Representatives to pass that measure tonight.
Source: CNN.com/AllPolitics ‘On-Line Chat Transcript’ Jun 17, 1999

*Enforce background checks for all gun purchases
Earlier this week, Gore cast the tie-breaking vote on a [Senate] bill that would require background checks for people who purchase weapons at gun shows or who want to retrieve guns they have previously sold at pawn shops. “There is a difference between passing a law and enforcing a law,” Gore said. “We need to make sure we they are toughly enforced.”
Source: Manchester (NH) Union Leader, “Gore Asks Voters” May 23, 1999

*Focus on gun safety, not hunters & sportsmen
Q: Do you support the Brady Bill?
BUSH: Law-abiding citizens ought to be allowed to protect their families. We ought to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them. That’s why I’m for instant background checks at gun shows. I’m for trigger locks. I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun. I also believe that the best way to make sure that we keep our society safe is to hold people accountable for breaking the law. If we catch somebody illegally selling a gun, there needs to be a consequence. The federal government can help.

*GORE: All my proposals are focused on that problem: gun safety. None of my proposals would have any effect on hunters or sportsmen or people who use rifles. They’re aimed at the real problem. Let’s have a three-day waiting period, A cooling off, so we can have a background check to make sure that criminals and people who really shouldn’t have guns don’t get them.

Source: (X-ref Bush) St. Louis debate Oct 17, 2000

*Restrict guns from wrong hands, not sportsmen & homeowners
I will not do anything to affect the rights of hunters or sportsmen. I think that homeowners have to be respected in their right to have a gun if they wish to. The problem I see is that there are too many guns getting into the hands of children and criminals and people who for whatever reason, really should not be able to get guns.
I think these assault weapons are a problem.
So I favor closing the gun-show loophole. In fact, I cast the tie-breaking vote to close it.
I think we ought to restore the three-day waiting period under the Brady Law.
We should toughen the enforcement of gun laws so that the ones that are already on the books can be enforced much more effectively. Some of the restrictions that have been placed by the Congress in the last few years, I think have been unfortunate.
I think that we ought to make all schools gun free. Have a gun-free zone around every school in this country.
And child safety trigger locks on a mandatory basis and others.
Source: Presidential Debate at Wake Forest University Oct 11, 2000

*Gun licensing by states, but no registration
BUSH [to Gore]: I disagree on this issue. He’s for registration of guns. I think the only people who are going to show up to register or get a license, are law-abiding citizens. The criminal’s not going to show up and say, hey, give me my I.D. card, and I don’t think that’s going to be an effective tool to make the, keep our society safe.
GORE: I’m not for registration. I am for licensing by states of new handgun purchases: A photo license I.D. like a driver’s license for new handguns.

Source: Presidential Debate at Wake Forest University Oct 11, 2000

*No special lawsuit protection for gun makers
Gore has a checkered history when it comes to guns. As a Congressman in rural Tennessee, he was not against them As a senator and Vice president, he changed tack completely, working hard for the Brady Bill and the ban on assault weapons. It is perhaps his proudest association with the president, after the economy. Gore would:
introduce mandatory photo licenses for handgun purchases
limit gun sales to one per person per month
crack down on gun shows
ban “junk guns” (cheap handguns often used in violent crimes)
increase penalties for knowingly selling a gun to someone ineligible to purchase one
require gun manufacturers and federally-licensed sellers to report gun sales to a state authority
oppose efforts to provide special legal protection for gun manufacturers, or to loosen existing limits on concealed weapons
increase penalties for gun-trafficking and gun-related crimes
Source: The Economist, “Issues 2000” special Sep 30, 2000

*Mandatory background checks & child safety locks
I’ll fight to make every school in this nation drug-free and gun-free. I believe in the right of sportsmen and hunters and law-abiding citizens to own firearms. But I want mandatory background checks to keep guns away from criminals, and mandatory child safety locks to protect our children.
Source: Speech to the 2000 Democratic National Convention Aug 18, 2000

*Agrees with Bush on banning weapons; but wants registration
Where They Agree: Regarding guns, Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore would, if elected president:
Support the current ban on assault weapons.
Prohibit juveniles from possessing assault weapons.
Ban imports of high-capacity ammunition clips.
Raise the minimum age for possessing a handgun from 18 to 21.
Require that trigger locks be sold with handguns.
Where They Differ
Bush also would:
Provide more money for enforcement of gun laws.
Support automatic detention for young people who commit crimes with guns.
Oppose government-mandated registration of guns owned by people who don’t break laws.
Gore also would:
Require photo licensing for handgun purchases.
Limit gun purchases to one per month and require a three-day waiting period.
Require manufacturers and federally licensed sellers to report sales to a state authority.
Source: Associated Press in Los Angeles Times Apr 21, 2000

*Nationally mandated, state-run system of photo licensing
Noting that more than one of the guns used at Columbine was purchased at a gun show, Gore stressed the need to close the gun show loophole that allows purchasers to avoid background checks when buying guns at gun shows. Gore also called for requiring child-safety locks on handguns; banning junk guns and assault weapons; and requiring a nationally mandated, state-run system of photo licensing and a full background check for all new handgun purchases.
Source: Press Release, Fort Lee, NJ Apr 20, 2000

*Ban guns in churches; “lock box” for crime funding
Gore announced today that he would ban firearms from places of worship and where school events are held, and highlighted his comprehensive anti-crime agenda. Gore also announced the administration’s support of a Senate proposal that would create a budgetary “lock-box” for law enforcement. “We need to seize upon the growing consensus that it is time to get guns away from those who should not have them,” Gore said. “I believe in the rights of hunters, sportsmen and legitimate gun owners. But America cannot afford another Columbine, or Paducah, or Jonesboro.“
Gore would fight to enact legislation to prohibit the carrying of a firearm in churches, synagogues, mosques, and all places of worship, as well as places where school events are held. And Gore supports ”lock box“ legislation that would protect criminal justice funding for the next five years, and would allow local communities to plan for the future without having to worry every year that their funds would be used for other purposes.

Source: Press Release Apr 14, 2000

*Take on the NRA with presidential leadership
BRADLEY. We make a mistake when we take a tragic incident and we look at that one individual case [instead of] a much broader case. Everybody was struck by Columbine. Why? Because we saw our own kids, they looked like our kids, we thought. But 13 kids are killed every day in America with a gun and 800,000 kids took a gun to school last year. Now that is not going to change unless there’s concerted leadership from the national government that’s willing to marshal public opinion to overcome the vested interest, the special interest that’s embodied in the NRA.
GORE: I agree with that. I was a co-sponsor of the Brady Law. I cast the tie-breaking vote to close the so-called gun show loophole. The NRA has targeted me as a result. We have got to take them on strongly and pass new gun control legislation-not aimed at hunters and sportsmen, but at these handguns that are causing so much distress in our country.

Source: Democrat debate in Los Angeles Mar 1, 2000

*Tough gun laws & so much more, to stop child tragedies
Q: Your comments on the shocking incident of the 6-year-old boy shooting a girl in a 1st-grade classroom?
BRADLEY: How many lives will have to be taken by gunfire, how many families will have to be marred for life? We need very tough gun legislation, registration and licensing of all handguns, gun dealers out of residential neighborhoods, trigger locks, background checks, but above all, what we need is a leader who’s committed to this every day he’s in office. Otherwise, you’ll never beat the NRA.

GORE: I feel so deeply for the family of this little girl who was killed. The boy [lived in] a flophouse, [with] guns laying around. We need child-safety trigger locks. We need to ban junk guns. We need to reinstate the 3-day waiting period. We need to also deal with drugs. That was part of this problem. We need more psychologists and guidance counselors in our schools and more teachers with smaller classes so they can keep track of these students and their family situation. And so much more.

Source: Democrat debate in Los Angeles Mar 1, 2000

*Passed toughest gun control in 30 years; same for next 30
BRADLEY [to Gore]: I’ve offered the strongest gun control proposal of any presidential candidate in history. Gore was a conservative Congressman-he voted with the NRA.
GORE: The Clinton-Gore administration has passed the toughest gun control measures in the last 30 years. I cast the tie-breaking vote to close the gun show loophole.

BRADLEY: What you’ve seen is an elaborate “Gore Dance.” It is a dance to avoid facing up to your conservative record on guns. It is a dance that denies the fact that you do not support registration and licensing of all handguns, but you want to give the impression of that, so you say, “I’m for licensing of all mmmm-handguns.” What does that mean? It means, “I’m for licensing of all new handguns,” only new. Not the 65 million that are out there.

GORE: I support a complete ban on junk guns, assault weapons, and yes, I support photo license I.D.’s for the purchase of all new handguns when somebody goes down to the gun store.

Source: (X-ref from Bradley) Democrat debate in Harlem, NYC Feb 21, 2000

*Zero tolerance for guns at school; raise age to 21
Q: How would you protect children from firearms?
A: I will support legislation requiring gun manufacturers to put child-safety trigger locks on all guns. In our schools, I will have zero tolerance for guns. And I will work to raise the age for handgun possession from 18 to 21 and to enact stiff new penalties for adults who sell guns to minors. We should enact a 3-day waiting period for all handgun purchases, and require buyers to obtain a license after passing a background check & safety test.
Source: National Association of Children’s Hospitals survey Jan 8, 2000

*Maximize gun control within what’s politically possible
BRADLEY [to Gore]: I have proposed registration & licensing of all 65 million handguns in America. President Clinton has said he is for that. We’re in the midst of this tremendous rash of gun violence in America.. Registration and licensing is what we do for automobiles. Why can’t we do it for handguns in America and why don’t you support it?
GORE: I do support licensing of the purchase of all new handguns. The president said, yeah, he supports that idea. But it doesn’t have a prayer of ever becoming law. It’s much more sensible to try to get the maximum gun control that we possibly can. We have to find a way to make our political system work, taking into account the fact that there are so many people who are going to fight tooth and nail against measures [like those Bradley proposes].

BRADLEY: [You’re saying], essentially, that it’s too difficult to do. The essence of leadership is taking something that is difficult and making it possible [by] engaging the American people.

Source: (Cross-ref. from Bradley) Democratic Debate in Durham, NH Jan 5, 2000

*Counter gun lobby with ‘family lobby’ to shield kids
Gore stressed the need for stricter gun control laws. “Families need help getting guns off our streets, out of our schools and away from children and criminals,” he said. “And I say to every family in America: Let us create a family lobby as powerful as the gun lobby. If we did that, then instead of fighting off new protections for gun manufacturers that would shield them from lawsuits, we can start passing legislation to actually shield our children from gun violence,” Gore said.
Source: CNN.com/AllPolitics “Family agenda” Jun 18, 1999

*Voted against some gun limitations while in Congress
Gore, as a member of Congress, voted:
Against a 14-day waiting period for handgun purchases in 1985, but then in favor of a seven-day waiting period in 1991.
Against gun dealer licensing and inspection requirements in 1985.
Against requiring serial numbers on all handguns manufactured in the United States.
Against retaining the ban on the interstate sale of handguns in 1985.
Source: CNN.com/AllPolitics “Republicans use Gore’s words” Jun 17, 1999

*Supports background checks at gun shows, in tie-breaker
Al Gore made a rare Senate appearance and cast a tie-breaking vote that enabled a gun control amendment to prevail, with a vote of 51-to-50, over a less stringent version. The amendment would require background checks with the sale of firearms at gun shows. “I personally would like to dedicate my tie-breaking vote to all of the families that have suffered from gun violence,” Mr. Gore added. Today’s vote was only the 4th in Mr. Gore’s Vice Presidency in which he broke a tie in the Senate.
Source: New York Times, p. A-1 May 21, 1999

*Supports Brady Law and ban on assault weapons
Al Gore believes we must do more to get guns off the streets and out of the hands of violent criminals, without affecting the rights of sportsmen and hunters. He worked to enact a ban on deadly assault weapons, and the Brady Law, which has stopped thousands of felons, fugitives, and stalkers from buying guns.
Source: www.AlGore2000.com/issues/crime.html 5/16/99 May 16, 1999

*Voted YES on background checks at gun shows.
Require background checks on all firearm sales at gun shows.
Status: Amdt Agreed to Y)50; N)50; VP decided YES
Reference: Lautenberg Amdt #362; Bill S. 254 ; vote number 1999-134 on May 20, 1999
When everyone calms down about this politically incorrect assertion, they will realize that Coulter is dead right. For things to change, someone has to be the jerk, Coulter is good at it, and will prove quite effective.

Others will shoot the messenger.
What they're not calling her is factually incorrect.
I remember seeing a bunch of harpies on TV a coiuple years ago (don't know if it was the same bunch as 'the Jersey girls') who were bitterly complaining about how the gov't compensation (which, IIRC, was well over $2 million each) wasn't enough and were absolutely vitrolic towards Bush et al.

I was impressed with their overall crassness and greed, and couldn't help but wonder about a couple of things -
- Had their husbands lived and continued to work, would they have ever accumulated that much money?
- Had they died in the 'normal' line of duty, would their insurance, pensions, etc, ever have amounted to that much money
- Why should the .gov be compensting them at all? Why should the .gov indemnify against bad luck?
- And lastly, why was their outrage aimed at the .gov instead of the people who actually caused their husbands' death? It was just gross.

While I have great sympathy for all who lost friends and loved oneson 9/11, there are a small number of opportunists who clearly are profiting from the tragedy, and I would put the politicos who prop them up as 'moral authorities' in the same league as the scammers who emerged from under their slimey rocks after 9/11.:barf:
Mike in VA said:
And lastly, why was their outrage aimed at the .gov instead of the people who actually caused their husbands' death? It was just gross.

Because the government is supposed to be there all the time for us, making sure we are protected from everyone, including ourselves. :barf:
Holy crap. Coulter must be tickled to death. What better publicity could a right-wing author possibly get than to have a pair of shrieking hysterical New Jersey liberals start calling for a ban of her book? I hope those two harpies own stock in Coulter's publisher or something, because this is going to increase sales on the book by at least 20% by the time it's all said and done.
I'm putting in an order for this book now. Anyone that can get socialist liberals riled up enough to show their nazi roots must be hitting their soft weak underbelly with the sharp edge of truth. :p
I saw her on Hannity and Colmes last night and she didnt seem like her normal self. She wasnt nearly as vicious as normal. She seemed really subdued and vunerable. Michelle Malkin was on Oreilly and she even said Ann went to far this time.
crazed_ss said:
Michelle Malkin was on Oreilly and she even said Ann went to far this time.

Too far? Michelle knows full well that Coulter is right on the money! Malkin's even said so herself... the full weight of Coulter's book is being neutralized by this departure to a small part of it; i.e., the New Jersey girls and their culture of victimhood, which liberals embrace... They take victims of 09/11/01 and make them a shield against the president and his policies. They do this because to argue against such victims makes conservatives unable to address the message. Not only is this fact it is what liberals do all the time...a la Sheehan et al.

The larger message Coulter brings across, the religion of liberalism, is more important as it affects Second Amendment supporters... the liberalism being advanced by the secular sees a world without private gun ownership and you better be aware of it.

The liberals are dogging Ann Coulter on this departure against the New Jersey girls simply because they wish to neutralize Ann's larger warning against secular liberalism: WHICH IS A REAL DANGER....
Where is Voltaire when you need him?

Ann Coulter may be right on the issue, but wrong on the personal attack.
I lump her style with Michael Moore and Al Franken.

That said, a boycott proposed by an individual is free speech too; but
a boycott proposed by a legislature is WRONG WRONG DANGEROUS.

In a free market of ideas, truth will win out in the long run.
Ban censorship.
Granted, they are not giving Ms. Coulter (who I have personally met, spoken with, and generally respect) the respect that any author is due, however the state is not actually violating her free speech. Some state reps are being ignorant, but that is all. I don't forsee any bookstores, particularly major chains, dropping the book since it will probably be a big seller to people who do and don't support her given the publicity that the media has given the event.
Mon Jun 12 2006 19:53:54 ET

Controversialist Ann Coulter and controversialist George Carlin NBC's will appear on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno this Wednesday.

Carlin will discuss his role in "Cars," from Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. The movie is currently the #1 at the box office. Coulter will talk about her latest controversial book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," currently the #1 book at AMAZON.
One big difference between Moore/Franken and Colter, Colter is factually correct.

Ann nails it every time. For years we had to endure liberals using inflamatory language on us...now here is this charming blonde nailing them and not worrying about stepping on their toes with blunt terminology. I adore her.;)
Yep, Conservatives have to be correct. Liberals can say anything since they have cover with their allies in the Socialist Mainstream Media.

Look at Robert Byrd using the "N" word, and being a past Klansman. Gets a pass.

There are thousands of other occurances, and idiots like Al Franken, Micheal Moore, and Bill Maher put up on pedestals by the SMSM.
Wasn't not just a Klansman but the Grand Dragon.

"Sheets" Byrd :barf: is an excellent example of the double standard. That old Klansman has been soiling the halls of congress since 1952. West Virginia should be ashamed....There is a murderer in the Senate too....But we should not mention Chappaquidick Teddy, that is insensitive. Mass should be ashamed to have inflicted him up on us....But Tom DeLay is a threat to the Republic who had to be drummed out of Congress.:rolleyes:
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