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No ammo? try this, it might work

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Dec 30, 2008
I can't believe I almost forgot this. I was talking to the manager of the Walmart by me and asking if the reason that the ammo went so quickly in the morning was from employees snatching it up. He said probably not but didn't say no or yes for sure. I call at 9:00-10:00 every morning as that's when it's packed out in the morning. So far for three weeks I havent been lucky. Who is lucky are the people going in and buying everything they can get their hands on. A guy this morning bought all ten boxes of the 9mm that came in right before I called. Come on...:mad:...I just want a little so i can go shooting with my son. 10 boxes!...Are we getting ready for the war?:neener: Anyways, so I got to talking with the manager and asked if it would be possible to have a limit on ammo that can be bought in the store. Maybe limit it to one box per day by referencing the last four digits of social or license. Something that can't be worked around you know. He said that he already had talked to his uppers and they are bouncing that idea around. I asked him if enough people make the same request for there to be a limit can that help. He said give it a try. So between the thousands of us on here maybe a few hundred of us can get the ball rolling so we can "spread the wealth" of ammo. All you have to do is call up and ask to speak to the store manager. If this goes through then we all can have a chance at some plinking until the hoarding stops.
Anyways, so I got to talking with the manager and asked if it would be possible to have a limit on ammo that can be bought in the store. Maybe limit it to one box per day by referencing the last four digits of social or license.

are you serious?

i cant even begin to accept this idea. id rather stop shopping at a store than observe a limit on a regular priced item
What's crazier is not being able to even purchase that one box. I want to shoot too. Bullet hoggers:D

Oh yeah I also forgot. The toilet paper aisle was running low also and he said the may also implement
that same rationing that only allows 1 roll per person per day. Times are tough. Seriously though I need
some lead over here.
I know about living paycheck to paycheck but living from one box of ammo to the next seems very foolish!
Instead of calling, go there and wait for them to bring it out. If you can't do it yourself, have someone you know go there and wait. It is in the sporting goods section, pull up a camp chair to test out while you wait. It's not too late to start reloading.....:uhoh:
shop somewhere else i have ten stores i can go to if one doesnt have ammo another does. But you want them to ration it? What next one gun a month, magazines with a capacity of five rounds, no private party sales, is this sounding familiar? I dont think that setting a limit is a good idea especially when guys like me shoot boxes a week of store bought and reloaded.
Go shopping earlier, maybe you can be first in line. Or maybe ask the manager to order you some pay in advance and go shooting.

I didn't mean to give anybody nightmares tonight. I just think in these hoarding kinds of times having Walmart, not all gun stores,
put some kind of limit makes it more fair for the people who have jobs and can't wait around for ammo in the morning. I know I can
shop elsewhere but the gun stores around here are charging the same mount for 50 that Walmart has for 100. Don't let this get away
from what I originally posted. Not all ammo. Not at all gun stores. Not all guns. Not all magazines. Just Walmart ammo and temporarily.
You know maybe a few months until we all settle down and supply catches up with demand.
Don't advocate limits, it will come back to haunt you one day in the future.

Do you have any family members, wife, brother, sister, neighbor. Have them go to the store for you.





Limits on purchases... they exist for a reason. Sometimes they stay and sometimes they are temporary. Don't overthink this :)
If your against it don't call up. If you're tired of going to Walmart and arriving or calling just as the guy before you hoarded up then make the call. Simple.
iPhones, deer tags and savings bonds. I think you may be the one overthinking/overreaching for a reason to impose limits.

You know what forget it. This one needs to be locked down.

are you serious?....

Thats crazy talk.....

very foolish....

Never suggest.....

Don't advocate limits....

While you're at it why don't we....

I'm getting this feeling that I'm not reading replies from the "high road."
There's a simple fix for your problem, without resorting to suggesting limits on purchases of everyday consumer goods.

The next time you talk to the manager of the store, tell him that you'd like it if he could add on an extra case to his usual order of whatever ammo you're looking for, so you're sure to get what you need. Then open your wallet and pay for it, and ask for a reciept. They'll call you when it comes in, and you won't be deprived of ammo any longer.

This way, everyone wins. Nobody starts talking about rationing or limits, and you get your ammo.
I think the main point is that we don't like anybody telling us how much ammo we need or can have.

I'd bet that any of us would prefer that a privately-owned company ration ammo than the government, through legislation, but just by principle, it flies in the face of capitalism, which is far more American than apple pie.

The reaction to your idea may have been a bit extreme, but that may be a good thing. It shows that insidious business practices, corrupt politicians, fascist alien invaders, or whoever, won't even get half of a chance here in America. :)
Yes it's very low road of us to not want ammo rationing simply because you can't be bothered to go to Walmart while they actually have ammo, or order it from a catalog, or buy it from a different store, or get it online, or load your own. Yup rationing is the only answer!!!
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