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'no gun' signs in Libya

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Because Al Qaeda I mean the Libyan government is running around torturing all opposition. They have to hurry up and disarm everybody before they rise up again.
I don't see how you could have a decent Middle Eastern wedding or funeral without a bunch of AK-47s to fire into the air. I don't plan on vacationing in Libya anytime soon.
Not freedom. Not strange. They are socialists.

Actually, it looks like they're a theocracy pretending to be a democracy. Repeat after me folks, "anti-gun" is not synonymous with socialism. ;)

All socialism means is that the government owns and operates a good deal of a country's industry. You can have socialists who don't mind guns, and you can have anti-gunners who are completely and utterly against socialism.
You probably haven't met all socialists.

I would guess any.

Not freedom. Not strange. They are socialists.

So, because they are looking for a way to stop widespread gun violence they are socialists. But wait, i thought the more guns = less crime? Huh.
Sam Cade said:
phil dirt said:
I've never heard of a socialist who wasn't anti-gun.
How about a famous one?

“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.”
― George Orwell

IIRC by the time Orwell said that, he'd eschewed socialism.
Nevertheless I would agree that while most socialist governments are antigun, it is not always the case.
Fascism is another iteration of totalitarianism that is often antigun.
And Washington DC is another iteration of totalitarianism that is antigun.

Ooooops -- wait, that last is a city, not a political ideology.....well, mostly.:rolleyes:
Fascism is another iteration of totalitarianism that is often antigun.

Not to take this too far away from the topic at hand, but let's not forgot that fascism = national-SOCIALISM. As someone else correctly pointed out in the thread, all socialism means is that government directly runs most (many) of the major industries, which was certainly the case with the fascist states.

The other stuff you throw in the mix is just... local flavor
IIRC by the time Orwell said that, he'd eschewed socialism.
Nevertheless I would agree that while most socialist governments are antigun, it is not always the case.
Fascism is another iteration of totalitarianism that is often antigun.
And Washington DC is another iteration of totalitarianism that is antigun.

Ooooops -- wait, that last is a city, not a political ideology.....well, mostly.

Totalitarianism is not a political ideology either. It simply means that the ruler has absolute control and no opposition is allowed. Yes, a socialist state can be totalitarian but they are not mutually inclusive. According to AM radio France is socialist and they have elections.

Not to take this too far away from the topic at hand, but let's not forgot that fascism = national-SOCIALISM. As someone else correctly pointed out in the thread, all socialism means is that government directly runs most (many) of the major industries, which was certainly the case with the fascist states.

Fascism also equals NATIONAL-socialist so if you want to argue socialism is bad because Nazi Germany was bad then you must also accept that Nationalism is bad.
If AM radio said it, it must be true.
The former USSR had elections too. If you valued your butt you voted for the communist party.
And Hitler was elected to office back in his day too.
I know "totaliaterianism" isn't , per se, a political ideology.
Are we all being a bit picky?
Especially since I just GODWINED the thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil:
Oh, right, blame Fox.
You're right he never WON an election, he ran against Von Hindenburg, lost, but obtained a political appointment, from which he strongarmed political power.

Sometimes loser takes all........
Any of you guys going to remotely discuss firearms in Libya or just have a debate over the political lexicon?

I suspect much of the backlash we're seeing against guns in Libya is due to the widespread militia vs militia conflict that has been going on since the end of the revolution. There's serious firepower available to pretty much anyone and with free politics being a rather new idea...some groups are skipping the discussion and jumping right to the use of arms to make their point. So I'm not particularly surprised to see an anti-gun reaction in an area where arms are freely available, tempers are running high and there's little rule of law.
I suspect much of the backlash we're seeing against guns in Libya is due to the widespread militia vs militia conflict that has been going on since the end of the revolution. There's serious firepower available to pretty much anyone and with free politics being a rather new idea...some groups are skipping the discussion and jumping right to the use of arms to make their point. So I'm not particularly surprised to see an anti-gun reaction in an area where arms are freely available, tempers are running high and there's little rule of law.

That's certainly a huge part of it but there are also reports of guns being used during petty arguements in the street. I think like all things extemism is generally always bad in practice, even with gun rights.
These are people who have not had individual freedom in a generation. It's not surprising that they'd misattribute violence to the instruments used instead of the people who are committing it.
IIRC by the time Orwell said that, he'd eschewed socialism.

It's from 1941, when he was hanging out with Tom Wintringham and was agitating for the home guard to become a sort of Peoples Militia. A durn good idea.

Orwell was a diehard international socialist till the day he died and was having articles published in Partisan Review as long as he was able to send them in.
Um, it's a failed state
pretty much run by local (ie city state) gangs that KINDA get together with those who claim to be the central government. My french language channel does a MUCH better job covering it than any US new outlet.
These are people who have not had individual freedom in a generation. It's not surprising that they'd misattribute violence to the instruments used instead of the people who are committing it.

I would suspect they are not thinking guns cause gun violence but probably realise they enable it when anybody can have one, regardless of criminal history. That arguement is like saying we should all be allowed to own nukes since they don't cause mass destruction but instead people do.
I know this is off topic but wow, I never actually knew Orwell was a socialist! I guess I always just assumed, based on his writing, that he was against it. Interesting!

As far as Libya goes, it's a shame. The USA has room for improvement, but I always see things that remind me of how lucky I am to have been born here and not Syria or Sierra Leone.
Reminds me of what I was told happened after the Cuban revolution, before people knew Castro was a communist, when signs appeared around Cuba saying, "Armas, por que?" before they were rounded up.
Different time, different culture/people.
. . . this was interesting. A country is looking to ban guns so soon after using them to gain freedom? Strange....
What's strange about a gaggle of Islamofascists in the process of setting themselves up as the new despots wanting to disarm the people? After all, they saw what an armed populace meant to their predecessor . . .
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