No wonder the Repubs can't win, part II

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Mar 6, 2004

"Not to be outdone by Arlen Specter, Lindsey Graham has become the latest pro-amnesty Republican senator to be feted by a left-wing, post-American racial identity group; he will be honored by the National Council of La Raza at a gala next month. More on La Raza here. Maybe I should start a pool to see who will be the next pro-amnesty Republican senator to accept an award from leftist open-borders advocates — maybe John McCain and Soros's Open Society Institute? Mel Martinez and the Southern Poverty Law Center? Or maybe Sam Brownback and the National Lawyers Guild? Such bipartisanship!"


(The linked version has helpful links in it).
The GOP is a side act, about as viable as Anna Nicole Smith. It is We the People versus the arrayed might of virtually every major American institution--government, law, entertainment, media, education. The next few years will be volcanic.
We will have it by the end of the year--and a coalition of major Republicans will support it, including the man in the White House.

It will mark the end of a viable Republic as we've known it and the beginning of every man for himself.
It's sad to say it, but those in charge are giving the country away for the sake of votes from these illegal aliens. Don't they understand that these people will never vote Republican. The two party system is broken and no longer serves the middle classs that is being eroded everyday. If the trend keeps up there will only be poor people and the ruling elite.
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