Not allowed to ship firearms in pelican style hard cases?

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Apparantly shipping it in a pelican style plastic hard case makes the contents "obviously a gun" and is therefore somehow against the law?

If it's one of the rifle-sized pelicans, then yeah, I can see his point. Against the spirit of the law, but not the letter.

Pelican cases, of all shapes and sizes, don't always obviously advertise their contents like a Plano rifle case, but they do fairly scream "HIGHLY VALUABLE PLEASE STEAL ME!"

Look at it like a theif would. The rifle sized pelican cases cost $200 by themselves. Nobody would drop the cash for a pelican case to protect something that wasn't worth stealing. Sure that's what insurance is for, but wouldn't you rather avoid filing a claim and just get your stuff back?
So if a Pelican case is "obviously a gun" then why isn't a cardboard box that is roughly gun shaped (40" x 10" x 3") not?

Seems to me the only way to ship long guns in such a way that they aren't "obviously a gun" are to use refrigerator boxes. :scrutiny:
We see them coming in like this sometimes, though most have the sense to use a box around them.

I am seeing more and more shredded paper, with the firearm just dropped in a Priority Mail box and shredded paper around it.... not a great packing material.

Most of our distributors ship to us as G.E. on the label, but sometimes you get ones that write GUN ENVY in big letters on the box.

Got a gun in a shoe box this morning :)
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