Now I want an M11 (spoiled by a "Gas Gun")

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Dec 24, 2002
Taking the advice of a fellow THR member (E357), I bought a "gas gun" knowing not a thing about them. I paid $120 for the M11 "blow-back" model, though I believed it a bit steep for a plastic-pellet-firing gun.
I received it yesterday and haven't been able to put it down since.
It's entirely made of metal, life size and weight, very well made and hasn't choked yet on either semi or full automatic "fire". The range is far better than I believed it to be (something to do with a "hop-up" system, so says the booklet) and will eat up an aluminum can, empty or full out to atleast 25 feet (furthest I've tried so far) with the insanely high cyclic rate of 1200 RPM (20 shots a second). One could never outgrow a toy like this!

To top it all off, there's actually a bit of recoil due to the reciprocating steel bolt. Simply put, I absolutely love this thing!
Not more than an hour ago, I chased a squirrel off the bird feeder at a distance of 40' or so (though I left several small cracks in the cheap plastic view window on the feeder :( ) with the full auto option, pegging him quite a few times out of the 48rnd in the mag.
This did wonders for me coffee could never hope to match.

I'd just like to say, for the record, that I now rescind all my previously made, skepticism-fueled comments concerning gas guns.
They are well worth the money to say the least!

The only drawback is that now I'm thinking about looking into buying A: more gas guns, gas and pellets, and B: a real semi-auto M11 or something similar.
Another Airsoft lover

You should look into getting an AEG Automatic Electric Gun for your next purchase.

Just an 8.4 NiCd battery and you go ahead and charge it overnight. All sorts of cool Steyr AUG's, HK's, FN-P90's, M-16's, M4's etc. IIRC, Tokyo Mauri even makes some battery versions of semi auto pistols that have recoiling slide operation with batteries.

They can be pricey, but you'll save on green gas eventually.
The AEGs look darn nice and many are quite real looking. Good for cats and annoying children I should think. Now if only I could stop buying old rifles long enough to purchase an M1A1 AEG. :)

And a SOCOM, for those who have dreams about them, can be bought from one hundred to two hundred dollars depending on whether you want it to look at or to look at and shoot. :cool:
Remember, safety people! Always wear your goggles when you play with airsoft guns. And please, don't shoot poor animals in the face!
Hope you have fun with your toy :) It sounds like a lot of fun.

Looking around the net for some related information, I'm seeing some really interesting 'weaponry'. My question is, are things like what I'm seeing legal and what would be the police reaction to seeing/finding one?
I'm talking about, for instance, a replica M249 airgun, built with parts that don't fit the real thing and 'firing' 6mmg pellets. Or (even more wildly) a M134 minigun replica airgun in 6mmg, also built with 'not-quite-real' parts. I could almost understand people calling the police when someone lifts one of those from his trunk of his car.

ErikM :evil:
The only drawback is that now I'm thinking about looking into buying A: more gas guns, gas and pellets, and B: a real semi-auto M11 or something similar.

Go ahead and get a full-auto M11/9 submachinegun. They are still available NIB and are one of the lowest priced subguns on the market.
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