NRA Bankruptcy

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Jun 10, 2015
I am looking for the Transcripts from the NRA Bankruptcy hearing in Texas. I searched for the link but have missed it.

I joined the NRA in the 80's I believed in the cause and I still believe we need to defend our rights for the 2nd Amendment ...
I think we have lost our way and need to get back to Basics.
What I have heard is disturbing, but I want to read the transcript for myself.

If anyone knows of a link please share .

I've been following it on the Law&Crime site. What a show. I don't think anyone know how deep Wayne's criminality ran.
No one but the law firm knew he was filing bankruptcy. Not the CFO or general council of the NRA knew. The Board didn't know.
He was running a scam for the benefit of himself and friends.
I can't wait until a trustee is appointed and Wayne finds out about claw backs.

The thread is about the technical details of the bankruptcy case. Posts not relevant to that are deleted.
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Lesson to be learned there???

the public learned how the NRA chief avoids a digital trail.

“Is it true you send no emails?” Sheehan asked.
“That’s correct,” LaPierre replied.

“Is it true that you send no texts?” the attorney continued.
“That’s correct,” the NRA chief answered again.

Makes me wonder how many get their texts and Emails used against them? Without a text, Email or letter, it's word against word. He may be shady, but not a fool.
On Monday the US Trustee weighed in on the NRA Bankruptcy:

"The National Rifle Association’s hopes of end-running a legal challenge in New York were dealt a serious blow on Monday when a Justice Department official rebuked its leadership and called for the dismissal of its bankruptcy filing or the appointment of an outside monitor to oversee its finances.

Lisa L. Lambert, a lawyer in the United States Trustee’s office, which is part of the Justice Department, said the “evidentiary record clearly and convincingly establishes” that Wayne LaPierre, the longtime N.R.A. chief executive, “has failed to provide the proper oversight.” For a number of years, she added, “the record is unrefuted that Wayne LaPierre’s personal expenses were made to look like business expenses.”


John Pottow, who teaches bankruptcy at the University of Michigan Law School, called the trustee’s intervention “a glaring signal of profound dysfunction” at the N.R.A., adding that such an intervention by the trustee “doesn’t happen very often.”

NRA Leadership and Bankruptcy Assailed by U.S. Trustee | BteNews

This is a good news aggregation website on the NRA bankruptcy case and several other legal cases the NRA is involved with related to the bankruptcy and related legal issues.

ETA: a disclaimer the above website is run by Everytown for Gun Safety (an anti 2A group) that does not change the factual information contained there in.
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I have to take issue with at least one statement in the article first cited: "The United States Trustee Program oversees the integrity of the nation’s bankruptcy courts." The trustee program answers to the judges and assists in the administration of the bankruptcy code, but is not an oversight organization. It is an arm of the DOJ, which is a part of the executive branch, so is not an independent entity. It is unusual for USTP to be advocating for their own involvement, but we should get a ruling from the court next week.
From the front page: This page is maintained by Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund.
Any inquiries should be directed to [email protected].

If that is a good news aggregation website I hope never to see a bad one. :scrutiny:

We had a problem here in Indiana with NAGR. They seem to attack gun owners in the name of the 2nd amendment.
We were preparing to have constitutional carry and NAGR ran attack ads against Guy Relford, the 2A project, and gun owners.
What can happen to the NRA?

Can the organization be shut down? or the present leader gets run outa town and new
folks take over?

I'm a lifetime member myself. Wayne needed to be out years ago. The NRA isn't any more or less shady than your average non-profit involved with Washington but they made the fool mistake of camping in the enemies backyard. Any firearm company that continues to operate in a state run entirely by the left is doomed. They had plenty of time to relocate. The DOJ, being the partisan entity it is, one way or the other, is gestapo like in its application, particularly under the lefts' control as has been shown under two left presidents now.

But in today's world, yes it can be shut down, which is what they want. In theory you could have another organization buy up its debt, but it has little to sell. The NRA does do good work. This flag was thrown years ago by many people, but Wayne and company had made it impossible to remove him. I'm sure we remember Oliver North and many others who tried to make change. Under this new tyranny all we can do right now is watch.
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Let hope it's not good for WLP and his cronies so that it might ultimately might be good for the NRA after some short term pain.
I'm sore afraid that the NY AG cares not about the cabal at the top, but only the destruction of the organization entire.

And, having "slain the dragon" will find her lance embedded in a windmill and Sancho Panza nowhere nearby.
Well, there goes my Life Membership.

If Wayne La Pierre had any integrity, he would have resigned. He and his cabal were the problem. Now, New York is going to disband the whole organization.

I have run into those who believe that Wayne La Pierre is the NRA, and that the organization topples without him. Well, the graveyard is full of indispensable men. We are the NRA, and we, can assemble a new one. Preferably without WLP and his cronies.
As a lifetime benefactor member, I have no sympathy. If they didn’t know, then they should have. If they did know, they were complicit. I’m not spending a dime to help them until there are changes made and those responsible are gone. So I say let the lawsuit go through its course and see what happens.
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