NRA Making Deals Again

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I support the NRA. However, we didn't lose gun rights in small increments. The Gun Control Act of 1968 severely injured the Second Amendment in one big swipe. That wasn't too long ago.
The NRA is an exterminator.

Antis are the rats

If they killed all the rats we wouldnt need them anymore.

This seems like a simple enough equation.

The NRA has only been a lobbying group for a meager fraction of its existence

It was a non-lobbying group before it was a lobbying group

Blaming the NRA for things like the GCA and NFA is shortsighted and demonstrates ignorance of the subject

Why are we typing in bold red staccato sentences and not punctuating properly?
This is a democracy, working together and making compromises is how this nation is supposed to work.
I guess I don't understand Mr. Knox's complaint. He is a member here so hopefully he will chime in and clear it up for us.

As I understand it, there are 247 co-sponsors for this legislation (a bill sponsored by Rep. Mark Souder). Unfortunately, because discharge petitions can only be brought out on certain Mondays, there is exactly one day left on the calendar where it could happen (early September) during this session and the antis could easily block the bill from coming to the floor.

This bill would have created a major bind on conswervative pro-RKBA Democrats in the House because they would have been forced to choose between bucking their anti-leadership (and the accompanying penalties on their own agendas) or bucking the NRA right before an election. As a result they proposed a compromise where the NRA got its bill put through committee without a discharge petition fight.

This was a great disappointment to Republicans, who had hoped to cripple their more conservative Democrat competitors in the election. However, I don't see how it is a bad thing for RKBA.

The only "compromise" made here is that we wouldn't put people who supported RKBA in a position where they wouldn't be able to help us in the future (either because their own leadership blacklisted them or because they lost their seats). I fail to see that as a problem - in fact, it seems to me that relying on a single party for RKBA is probably going to lead to failure ultimately.

I would love for Mr. Knox to further elaborate on his objections here.
cornman said:
...working together and making compromises is how this nation is supposed to work.
And it's how groups of people with different interests and points of view co-exist in real life. It's how politics works. One of the ugly truths of politics is that often if you don't know how to play the game, you will get trampled.

Anyone who has reached adulthood and believes he's going to be able to get everything his own way, hasn't been paying attention.
The Democrats have a majority in both the House and Senate so any D.C. handgun legislation can only be enacted with the consent of Pelosi and Reid. That's a fact. Since the Democrats are going to have even larger majorities after the election, it might be a smart plan to get someone enacted before the election. The old saying is the perfect is the enemy of the good. The likelihood of something better being enacted next year with a more Democratic Congress and possibly President Obama is nil.
"The NRA is an exterminator.

Antis are the rats

If they killed all the rats we wouldnt need them anymore.

This seems like a simple enough equation."

I think simpleminded is a more accurate description than simple. Are you advocating killing the antis or just repeating a really bad analogy?

The only "compromise" made here is that we wouldn't put people who supported RKBA in a position where they wouldn't be able to help us in the future (either because their own leadership blacklisted them or because they lost their seats). I fail to see that as a problem - in fact, it seems to me that relying on a single party for RKBA is probably going to lead to failure ultimately.

Very lucid and quite correct.

Old proverb from somewhere. " Patience is wasted on the old as they have not the time to spare. Vigor is wasted on the young as they have not the experience to use it wisely.

Read Jeff's notes.

[Note: After seeing the actual language of the bill and speaking with key players, I am much more comfortable with this deal. While I still have some concerns and mixed feelings about how this could impact Heller's new lawsuit and the way the Supreme Court's decision in Heller might be interpreted, there is absolutely nothing in this bill that could be considered a sell-out or give-away. It's a very good bill which I can't help but support. -JAK]
I agree that Jeff Knox needs to elaborate on this more. This is all speculation according to The Hill Newspaper. As far as I know this what the bill is.

NRA members; instead of jumping the gun and trash talking about the NRA, why don`t you contact the NRA and tell them how you feel about this, and tell them as a member that you want the bill passed without compromising other rights.

It`s your NRA. You are the NRA.
The NRA is an exterminator.

Antis are the rats

If they killed all the rats we wouldnt need them anymore.

This seems like a simple enough equation.
There is certainly some truth to that analogy. However, politics is what it is. The all or nothing crowd always gets nothing.
There is another aspect to this compromise stuff that youall need to keep in mind. Without groups like GOA and a few no-compromise memers within the NRA keeping them honest, it would almost certainally end up giving away everything except single shot shotguns and maybe .22s. One small step at a time. Appearing reasonable isn't a goal in itself.
longrifleman said:
....Without groups like GOA and a few no-compromise memers within the NRA keeping them honest, it would almost certainally end up giving away everything except single shot shotguns and maybe .22s. ...Appearing reasonable isn't a goal in itself.
I agree that there's nothing wrong with giving the NRA some competition and keeping them under some pressure to perform for us. I doubt that they'd let it go as far as "single shot shotguns and maybe .22s." The NRA leadership is made up of shooters too.They have their personal interests in preserving the RKBA.

And you're also correct that appearing to be reasonable isn't a goal. It's the means.
The all or nothing crowd always gets nothing.
Sadly, folks that belong to that crowd fail to understand this simple truth even though it should be a no brainer. Just a look at the the "all or nothing" organizations will tell you how "successful" they've been.
Marginal effort is what we need, a little CCW rights here some 922o repeal there nothing too fast just chip away at it, If the NRA wants to do this awesome! if they want to allow 922o to get nationwide CCW, that's stupid.
The NRA is an exterminator.

Antis are the rats

If they killed all the rats we wouldnt need them anymore.

This seems like a simple enough equation.
That's pretty simplistic for such a complex issue; without darkness there would be no light, with no evil, no good, without plates no dirty dishes, blah blah blah.

As to what the NRA has accomplished and to what the other groups haven't; THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING. :)
Compromise isn't always a worthy goal. Compromise is about mutual respect and mutual support. Compromising is a necessary and good thing, except when it is a bad thing.

Today, we are faced with so many opportunities laced with compromise. The enemy knows that he cannot come headlong to try and coax you so what he does is to use people we trust and respect. They tell us that “it does not matter”. We realize that it does matter when it is too late.
OK I read the bill.Maybe I am too stupid to understand it as some in here,but it looks good to me.Also the NRA has a lot more functions than just fight Antis.They have many training programs along with many different shooting competitions.I guess some people will never be happy so that they can save the $35 bucks a year instead of joining in on the fight.
Update about "compromise" bill from Jeff Knox

The following was posted by Jeff Knox on the Firearms Coalition site.

[Note: After seeing the actual language of the bill and speaking with key players, I am much more comfortable with this deal. While I still have some concerns and mixed feelings about how this could impact Heller's new lawsuit and the way the Supreme Court's decision in Heller might be interpreted, there is absolutely nothing in this bill that could be considered a sell-out or give-away. It's a very good bill which I can't help but support. -JAK]
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