NRA says it’s broke and on the verge of collapse

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I dunno the veracity of these claims, but I did recently receive a letter from the NRA practically begging me to pay off the balance on my EZ Pay life membership.
I'm reluctant to dip a toe into this morass, but I'll invite folks to do some of their own thinking instead of going off in every direction thanks to some flack trying to sell column inches. The NRA has been damaged by anti-gun interests putting pressure on banks and insurance companies, and consequently has sued. Now, how does it show the court that it is entitled to relief? It must show that it has been damaged. That part was lifted out of context to send folks into a feeding frenzy or a backlash, depending upon their view of NRA and gun owners.

To litigate is to exaggerate. Please don't take the bait, don't be exploited, and don't rely on these sources. This doesn't even rise to the level of fake news.

Don't settle for factoids, speculation and spin. Keep your crap detectors activated, and reserve judgement until all the proof has been presented by credible sources. Better to be silent and thought a fool...
-----And plea for more donations.:eek:

And there is nothing wrong with that. After all it is a organization that fights for the rights I want preserved. Defending those rights unfortunately cost money. I wonder how much the Tax payers of having to fund the opposition in this law suite?
And of course if you feel you do not want to support the NRA, that is your free right to do so.
Yes, lets hear some actual facts. First of all the Breitbart headline reads
NRA warns of the possibility that it could face financial ruin because of Gov. Cuomo’s (D) alleged “blacklisting campaign.”


Would you rather have it read HAS instead of COULD?
Would you rather have it read HAS instead of COULD?

The point he clearly made is that the language is very specific and not that anyone, well, not a lot of people, wants the NRA to actually suffer financially in their 2A efforts. The additional point that many are making is that knee-jerk reactions like this only muddy the waters in discussions of the NRA's financial well-being. Jeb clearly doesn't advocate financial harm for the NRA .
Good for the NRA taking NY to court over this discrimination...which it is. Just because you don't personally like someone or what they believe in doesn't give you the right to attempt to coerce others to treat them differently via threats of punishment by abusing your regulatory powers. That is what the Obama Administration did using the IRS against Conservative groups and it was and has been found to be wrong. Why Washington doesn't have the ability to convict people for such abuses of power is one of the big reasons many of us have lost faith and trust in them.

The NRA needs to and should win this suit, and that win will shut the door on other State Gov's who would love to attack them in this same devious way. If NY should will set a precedent that it is OK to punish lawful companies dealing with another lawful organization just because you don't like what they believe in. That is against the Law and the very concepts that America was built upon.
The point he clearly made is that the language is very specific and not that anyone, well, not a lot of people, wants the NRA to actually suffer financially in their 2A efforts. The additional point that many are making is that knee-jerk reactions like this only muddy the waters in discussions of the NRA's financial well-being. Jeb clearly doesn't advocate financial harm for the NRA .

Thank you hso. And to add, it is obvious that Cuomo is trying to Blacklist the NRA from all financial Institutions would result in a financial collapse and of course be the end of the NRA which would be a step toward their ultimate goal of seizure of all firearms. Or banning firearms and the end of the 2nd amendment. Of course any major institution or corporation would collapse as well. If the Red Cross example was blacklisted, they could have the same collapse, Ford etc. Cuomo is stating that as per the NRA that he has tweeted that the NRA is a extremist organization. Yes, I am waiting for the NRA to respond. The Liberal Media has become such a huge propaganda machine that you have to be really selective with your sources of information.
The NRA is the biggest gun we have in our Arsenal to fight the Commie party out to destroy not only the 2nd amendment, but the first as well. Personally I find them more dangerous than all of our enemies. Taking away the 2nd amendment would only be the first step in total control.
Local newspaper, Kingsport Times News, page A5.

"NRA sues New York officials, cites insurance 'blacklisting' campaign", Associated Press, 4 Aug 2018.

AP quote: "If I could have put the NRA out of business, I would have done it 20 years ago." -- Gov Andrew Cuomo

The NRA lawsuit cites communications between Maria Vullo, superintendent of New York Department of Financial Services, and financial institutions in New York, and a 20 Apr 2018 tweet by Gov Cuomo "The NRA is an extremist organization. I urge companies in New York state to revisit any ties they have to the NRA and consider their reputations, and responsibility to the public."

I wonder if it would be acceptable if any governor and his state bank regulator took such a stance against a group seeking to legalize medical or recreational marijuana, warning banks and insurance companies the state did not approve doing business with the group and there could be consequences? How many national banking and insurance companies are headquartered in New York?

(In my opinion, this may play out like the incident where Bloomberg's bought and paid for Virginia State Attorney General pulled reciprocity on carry permits from states previously recognized by Virginia. When the dust settled, Virginia went Tennessee style: recognizing all valid state carry permits. The current New York objection is that NRA Carry Guard insurance offers to pay legal defense funds for people who have committed a crime -- carrying and using a gun in self-defense.)
Thanks for getting back on track. Certainly, politicians have attacked organizations that support social issues they oppose. I find NYS government attitudes towards firearms to be despicable and not grounded in any real factual basis. As an aside, was it a mistake for the NRA to go into the commercial insurance game with Carry Guard? Is that their mission? I would have stayed away from any NY financial institutions or offering the program in gun unfriendly states - but I'm speaking out of my expertise.
Hode up a second. Lets get this straight. New york post and rolling stone are saying this. Not nra.
Taking into consideration the sources of the news, I would say we don't have anything to worry about. Incidentally just the other day I received a request for a donation in regards to the up coming mid term elections, btw I just donated to the NRA for some other related election paraphernalia, so I declined.
Hode up a second. Lets get this straight. New york post and rolling stone are saying this. Not nra.
The lawsuit is linked in post #17. I read it and support the NRA going after NY big time. The Left is always spouting about the 'Law'....except when it goes against what they want, and then no holds are barred and no authority too sacred to abuse.
The attorneys for the NRA are seeking an injunction in NYS. Good attorneys are going to do this by painting the worst possible case if the injunction is not obtained. This is good practice. They want to show the maximum level of "damage" that will occur to their clients unless the action is stopped.

This is the sort of thing which can be argued as a mater of fact, not opinion. They cannot, for example just say the NYS government is being meanies (even if they are; mens rea is complicated). If the State of New York or its agents prevent NRA from providing insurance to its members as a benefit, then there is less (or no) incentive for residents of NYS to join. So, that gives a hypothesis which can be proven or disproved. Durign the deliberations additional facts can be presented, like whether other non-profit organizations are also being denied the ability to offer valuable financial services to their members.

Now, that patently anti periodicals are willing to report that this is a 'signal" that their mortal enemy is on the ropes, is rather par for the course.

This latter dovetails with a comment above, on being surprised at how few members the NRA actually has. In the last election cycle the NRA was outspent by nearly two orders of magnitude, yet most of its candidates prevailed. This much vexes the Left, which is why its minions seek to excoriate the NRA at every turn.

The NRA, for all its flaws and foibles, is a uniting organization with members who earn from mere thousands per year to millions. Which well spans the gap of how 50% of the US population lives in but 30 or the US's 3000 counties.

Is the NRA at risk? Yes, there are those who have made it a holy crusade to see it crushed, forgotten, and its every trace and influence erased. And, a house divided does not easily stand.
The original source is Rolling Stone; hardly an unbiased accretion.
"Rolling Stone" has all of the journalistic credibility of "The Spotlight" and the NAMBLA newsletter, and the UVa debacle is the reason why.

I'd pay more attention to a wino screaming at a garbage can than I would to "Rolling Stone".
After reading the court documents i don't doubt the NRA is strapped for cash. Among other things the NRA spent an awful lot of money on the 2016 election and gave discounted memberships. i'm not sure how much effect the anti- NRA crusade has had on their magazine advertisement.
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