Nra Tv

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Jan 6, 2003
Wonderful Northeast Georgia
NRA Plans Own Media Empire to Avoid Censorship of Campaign 'Reform'

Wes Vernon,
Friday, Jan. 23, 2004

ARLINGTON, Va. – The head of the National Rifle Association has thrown down the gauntlet to the enemies of free speech who wrote the McCain-Feingold campaign finance "reform" law: We will not shut up.

Repeatedly bringing attendees at an annual gathering of conservatives to their feet, NRA’s legendary CEO, Wayne LaPierre, said his members would soon launch a 24-hour news service where "we will say anything we want to say about any politician, right up to Election Day."

This is aimed at getting around the Wellstone provision of McCain-Feingold, which bans outside groups from advertising for or against any candidate 30 days before the primary and 60 days before a general election. The new law, LaPierre told his audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference, is "a bald-faced insult to the constitutional freedoms of common Americans."

Further, declared LaPierre, "I'm here to guarantee you on their behalf that it will not stand."

In addition to its 24-hour news service — "definitely" in plenty of time for the November elections, the NRA CEO assured in a separate interview – the gun rights group continues to pursue purchase of radio and TV stations of its own. It says that if Viacom, Disney and GE can say whatever they want anytime they want just because they own broadcast stations, then NRA can have the same privilege if it also owns TV and radio outlets.

Other options being considered, he said, include a "hot-air balloon or anchoring a ship in international waters to keep our First Amendment freedom."

Because the framers of the Constitution — "God bless them" – anticipated something like this, his members, as "a last resort," LaPierre told NewsMax, could invoke the Constitution's Article Five, which authorizes the people to convene a constitutional convention "and seize freedom again."

'No Law'

The "Beltway breed of bellyaching robber baron politicians" who fashioned this "smelly deal," charged LaPierre, ignored something known to every third-grader: The First Amendment, which reads "Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech."

Just 10 words, but yet it took the Supreme Court "only" 300 pages to "rationalize its way around" that centuries-old provision that has stood the test of time.

"The freedom-haters in Congress and a slim majority of the Supreme Court twisted the First Amendment from protecting the people to protecting the process."

As the gun rights icon sees it, "It's now a crime to criticize Congress when it needs it most. We’re back to the Alien and Sedition Act of 1798."

First, NRA vows to form an "unprecedented" coalition of grassroots Americans and groups "who may have nothing in common except the right and duty of free speech on behalf of their memberships."

At that point, he predicts, the drive will be on to test the limits of the anti-free-speech law, introducing repeal of the Wellstone "gag" provision.

"And if that doesn't work, we will begin pursuing the two-thirds of states [34] it takes to petition for a constitutional convention."

LaPierre is certain that "when we got to number 33, like they did in 1912, Congress will buckle" and repeal the odious law.

"This class of political elites will do what they've always done when the people threaten their power."

Beyond that, he promised his audience, which repeatedly interrupted him with wild cheers, "We know how to blister the Beltway if we must, leaving freedom-hating politicians and media elites with spinning heads and locked jaws."

While denying you your right of free speech, he said, the media conglomorates have free rein. You shut up while they talk to their hearts' content. General Electric, which owns NBC; Disney, which owns ABC; and Viacom, which owns CBS, are "into everything" from mining to oil to jet engines to nuclear plants to multiple media outlets.

"They contribute millions to politicians and lobbyists," but "you [the ordinary citizen] are frozen out, and the U.S. Supreme Court gave them limitless liquid nitrogen to keep you in sub-zero citizenship."

LaPierre sees the day when, one way or another, grassroots Americans will rise up and say to the politicians, "How dare you!" The American people, he is convinced, will not tolerate an elite establishment that "did nothing less than declare the Founding Fathers and Framers fools."

Is it just me, or is the NRA starting to wake up again after being asleep at the switch for so long?
Great idea, which numerous people futily urged a decade or more ago, but I doubt it will work at this late date. The "reformers" plan to censor TV, too, and the Supreme court gave them a green light to do so.

"Other options being considered, he said, include a "hot-air balloon or anchoring a ship in international waters to keep our First Amendment freedom.""

Typical empty LaPierre rhetoric; The NRA's charter would be lifted for RICO violations. Civil disobediance is something the NRA occasionally talks about, but would never, ever do, because the legal consequences for an organization can be so harsh. Do it as an individual, you might get fined or jailed, do it as an organization, you can get shut down completely. The organizational equivalent to the death penalty.
Who, exactly, enforces RICO violations?

Here in Kansas City, we have underground Latino radio stations, and while they operate outside of the law they still manage to broadcast.

Good comments and speech by Wayne.

If they stick to their guns I'll follow the NRA to the pits of hell (the beltway) if need be.

I am still so disappointed in Bush for signing that piece of crap legislation.
He knew better and should have made the tough decision and taken the highroad.
LaPierre sees the day when, one way or another, grassroots Americans will rise up and say to the politicians, "How dare you!" The American people, he is convinced, will not tolerate an elite establishment that "did nothing less than declare the Founding Fathers and Framers fools."

Well, while touching, the time for that kind of action was over 20 years ago. If it was gonna happen, it woulda happened already.

Yes, it is nice to see the NRA doing something fruitful, but I fear it is a day late and a dollar short.

Let's see what happens.

Right-wing talk radio has got the leftist, anti-gun owner loonies soiling their linen already, and crying foul. I can imagine a tough NRA broadcast network might force the left-wing loonies to wear diapers.

Might be fun to watch.
Why don't they just go to a "cheap" country like Mexico or an Island in the Caribean and set up a satillite TV station there or beam a signal into the states like TV Marti that goes to Cuba? I don't know anything about broadcasting, but it doesn't seem too far fetched. A stong AM radio station would work too.
By the way, when the NRA started talking about becoming a broadcast media, Sen. John Kerry wrote the FCC to try an block that attempt before anything definite had been proposed by th NRA.
By the way, when the NRA started talking about becoming a broadcast media, Sen. John Kerry wrote the FCC to try an block that attempt before anything definite had been proposed by th NRA.

I get so sick of hearing about these "Liberty and Justice for me" hippies. Sadly, there are shloads of them. :cuss:

Good idea! The NRA can start its own broadcast network and Navy, and perform "airstrikes" two different ways on anti politicians.
I'm digging this back up since I just now heard about it in a mailing from the NRA (asking for funding of course). I to believe it's too little too late, with the SCOTUS not shooting it down I'm extremely fearful of what's to come. The government is scaring me more every day and it never looked friendly to begin with. Here's the letter I emailed to all my Fed reps and the Pres:

"Blatant 1st Amendment violation

I thought it would take being disarmed before I saw the day when free speech was quenched with impunity in the once proud US of A but our decent into a police state it seems is already complete with the Supreme Court's support of the McCain-Feingold "Campaign finance reform" legislation.

What the framers of the constitution feared the worst has come to pass. A group has been barred from criticizing incumbent politicians for their hateful and anti-constitutional views. The truth has been barred from being spoken. Not some offensive lyrics or hateful rhetoric. The truth is now illegal. The cycle of hate and bigotry now have no limit. With the support of this the Supreme Court as doomed the United States to it's untimely demise as totalitarian police state.

Specifically groups attempting to preserve and restore our 2nd Amendment rights have been barred by a gag order silencing these groups 30 days before elections and 60 days before general elections. What weak voices they had amongst the throngs of bigots have been silenced at a time when people may actually be listening. This is the exact circumstances the 1st Amendment was created to prevent.

As an honest and hard working American this sent chills down my spine. If domestic terrorists were upset enough about the state of the union before and were willing to bomb a Federal building because they felt their voices were no longer being heard, what kind of message does this send? Do I now have to fear patriots more than the Al-Queda? Neither of which I now fear as much as my own federal government after this distubing move.

We still are one of the most freedom loving nations in the world and will continue to be. I hope that our government reflects the wishes of the people, and not the extremists, and continues to value and support our freedom. Please, spread the word and do what you can to see this injustice undone. The future of our great nation depends on trajadies like this one not fading quickly from memory.

I beg for your immidate and vocal action in this matter.

Burton R. Smith"
That was a great letter, I still cannot believe that SCOTUS didn't toss that piece of refuse in the garbage. The Republicans need to see rightous indignation not only now during an election season but continually. We get all bent when an election is near but don't stay activated in between.
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