NRA-- Yes? No? Maybe? Indifferent?

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You may not know it but being a member by itself is being "active".

Just like my wife renewing her Humane Society membership, she's donating an substantial amount to prevent animal cruelty.

I just renewed my membership yesterday for 2 years.

Please tell me more on how to be an NRA member for $10 a year.
After being a member for 15 years,I said "NO" to all the begging
for money. When called by them one last time, I said "I'll rejoin if
you never send me mailers asking for money", they said "we can't do that"

Tell me how to help.yet not piss away the money


Of course I will tell you how to be an NRA member for only $10 a year, but only if you promise to keep that carefully guarded secret and not tell any other gun owner.

On the assumption that you have made that solemn promise, look on the NRA's secret membership application form where it says "1 year Associate Membership" and then "$10.00" and then (no magazine)." This cryptic statement in the English language means "You can pay $10.00 to join the NRA as an Associate Member and not get a magazine." The NRA carefully hides its application form on the Internet so only the people who know that arcane search terms such as "NRA membership" will reveal it. No one expects people to look for themselves.

The approved method of getting such information is to complain loudly so that someone else tells you. That way you get to have principles while other people do your work.

But you're already using the very best way not to "piss away the money" on the NRA. Don't join or don't renew your membership. Since you haven't been a member for a few years already, just multiply what you would have paid by the number of years you didn't pay it. That's your savings. Talk other people into not joining or renewing their NRA membership and you help them save money too. Play your cards right and eventually you might even save a bundle on the cost of ammunition: no guns and no ammunition means really big savings.

The only thing standing in the way of your getting those really big savings is people like me and others here who support the NRA. When you discourage enough people like me from carrying people like you, you get into the big bucks and save the maximum.


Mr. Hairless, thank you for pointing out the difference between the NRA and the NRA-ILA. I was ignorant of that. By the way, I'm more bemused than "irate" about the mailings-- it just seemed wasteful to me, that's all. (And yes, I bought the $25 version because there was a discounted-price application in the box that contained a recently-purchased pistol-- should I have said "Heck no, I'm paying full price and you can't stop me? :) In my defense, I should mention that I declined the magazine because I didn't want my feeble membership money wasted.)

Please don't misunderstand me or Linda, AndyAZ. I don't think either of us would be so presumptuous as to criticize you for being ignorant. You are a gun owner, you have opinions, and you not only have the right to express your opinions but also the duty to express them on every occasion. There is absolutely no requirement that you need to know what you are talking about before you express your opinions. If there were such a requirement a lot of people wouldn't be able to express their opinions, which would make them feel frustrated and unhappy. No one wants that. It's why Linda almost certainly did not mean to imply that you were lazy as well as ignorant and opinionated by raising the same objection that others like you have raised--and continue to raise, and will continue to raise until the end of time--because they don't know what they're talking about. It gives the rest of us the opportunity to serve those people individually by typing roughly the same information over and over until the end of time. But none of us who do that really expects them to change their minds or their opinions. So Linda couldn't have possibly meant that as a relatively new member of an ongoing forum you had any obligation to check before wasting a lot of other people's time and spreading misinformation. You're important and we know it.

You asked "should I have said "Heck no, I'm paying full price and you can't stop me? :)" Heck no. Only unsophisticated people do such things when they want to support an organization that fights for defense of a crucial right such as the Second Amendment right for the people to keep and bear arms.

My wife and I are among those unsophisticated people: we knew about the money saving ways to be NRA members but we consciously chose to pay full price instead. We, my wife and I, are also pretty stupid. Although we were of an age so that it would be a waste of money to become NRA Life Members instead of paying even the full price for NRA annual membership, we did it anyway. Our reasons for doing so were based on the main reason why we joined the NRA in the first place years ago: to support the only national organization that stood between us and the overwhelming numbers of people who are determined to abolish a human right.

My wife and I are such idiots, by the way, that we have not based our decisions on the basis of what's good for us in our lifetimes. We are so old that the odds are against much of anything final--such as complete national gun confiscation--happening in the few years remaining to us. My guess is that you and others here are young enough so that you folks will suffer most damage. Nobody pays much attention to a couple of harmless little old people anyway. But we're so bone stupid that we feel an obligation not to stand by while the rights of our childrens', granchildrens', and great grandchildrens' generations are destroyed.

You can't get stupider than us. That's why we support the NRA.

I've also read the virtuous reasons why other people in this thread are not NRA members or have virtuously refused to renew their NRA memberships. They are good reasons, even great reasons. But any reason to not carry your share of the load is as good as any other reason, and I have a long list of other reasons not to belong to the NRA. They all begin "I did not renew my NRA membership because ...." You can create your own list of reasons by completing that statement. I haven't yet seen anyone use "I did not renew my NRA membership because my dog ate my homework," so that one is up for grabs. Really creative would be "I did not renew my NRA membership because the NRA did not stop the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius or the sinking of H.M.S. Titanic."

But I have confidence in the creativity of gun owners who basically don't want to do their share and I wish they would use that creativity instead of rehashing the same old tripe.

DANG IT, Robert! You really did it this time! :fire: You shamed me into getting off my duff! :eek::eek: I've been an annual member of NRA for 25+ years. You convinced me (this late in life!) that it is MY responsibility to do more. I'm sending in my Life Member's dues today and will help you pull the NRA-ILA loads, too.

By the way, many of the trinket incentives (hats, key chains, etc.) are donated or provided at a nominal cost to the NRA by various means, too.

PS: A most excellent post, by the way!:cool:

My sig line says it all.

(Lifer since sometime in the mid-sixties. Of the last century.)
They're the biggest game in town and the best place to put your money. If you want to give more, then look at GOA, JFPO and the others.

As for the junk mail, I get little of it and just throw it away with the rest of it.

I don't like all they do but I don't like the concept of just sitting around bitching and not doing anything about the situation.
I like the NRA. I joined to help out. I also didn't opt to get the 'discount rate' on some promotion, because I want my contribution to help the organization... ie: I'm not really in it for me. I tried out the 'American Rifleman' magazine, because it looked most interesting to me, but I think I'm going to cancel it to save the money organization (and I get more out of gunboards anyway). I'll still renew at full price, though.

I'm glad I read this thread. In spite of some 'tense dialog' I've learned a few things. I'm totally new to the NRA organization and pretty new to THR, too. So I appreciate everyone 'rehashing the old NRA thread'...
I don't know why so many people are against getting the magazines with your membership. If you feel bad about signing up for $35 a year and recieving a fairly good magazine that has a lot of good writing, and updates on national RKBA issues, well then just give them a couple more bucks. I must be a greedy and wastefull person, because I also get "Shooting Times" in addition to American rifleman, my dad gets AFF, and after we are done reading them, we just irresponsibly discard them on magazine racks/tables in places like Doctors offices, barber shops, auto shops, and basically anyplace a small pile of crappy magazines are likely to be. I even secretly hope someone might pick it up after we leave and read it, oh the horror.

Probably the biggest reason for the NRA solicitations, as covered by others, is the fact that the NRA does not lobby for our rights or assist pro RKBA lawsuits, they are barred by law from doing so. The NRA-ILA, and PVF do that, and they cannot use dues for theirs and our mission, all money has to be from donations, and unlike the bradys, MMM and most other "village idiot" organizations, all NRA or offshoot donations are not tax deductable (makes you wonder:rolleyes:)

And it doesn't end there, they often ask for help with writing letters to .gov folks, show up at hearings, and basically encourage you to be the proverbial "squeaky wheel", and they let you know what is going on nationwide through e-mail alerts, magazine arcticles, and oh yea direct mailing.
I like the NRA. I joined to help out. I also didn't opt to get the 'discount rate' on some promotion, because I want my contribution to help the organization

Same with me. I purposely DO NOT sign up for a life membership as over the years, I will have paid into the NRA more than a life member only contribution.

I usually split my pro-RKBA funds between three different organizations. CCRTKBA, NRA and CRPA (gotta get the CMP club cert somewhere!) I figure every other mass mailing requesting money is about the right time frame to donate to "that" cause. Round file the rest of the mailings.

I signed up as a life member. When I'm done paying that off, I can send $25 a month to NRA-ILA instead, without feeling a pinch.

I think that's a better choice than to forego life membership because it's cheaper.
The Magazine

I'm thinking of discontinuing the magazines because I don't want to risk having people who sit down at my coffee table stumble across the kind of information that they contain.

I mean, if people sitting in my living room were to accidentally read "The Armed Citizen" or any of the articles in there, that could lead to . . . uh, what . . . more understanding? More members? More shooters?

That could be a real problem.

As a shooter, I want to make sure I'm part of an elite group.

Adding more people to the ranks of shooters just devalues my status.

Stupid magazines.
The NRA is the main reason we can still by guns relatively easily. Anyone who claims that the NRA doesn't help protect the 2nd Amendment is deluded. Usually its the same ppl who claim Ruger-S&W-Taurus-Colt-HK-FN-<insert you favorite gun company here> is anti-gun and anti-2nd Amendment.
As a shooter, I want to make sure I'm part of an elite group.

You can always join the super secret elite forces of the Ninja Reactionary Army:cool:. They are the most powerful global gun rights organization, they fight so feircely that no politician dare cross them without seriously evaluating their desire for re-election:eek:. They even have training camps where giant bird like beasts indoctrinate the youngest ninja hopefuls in the ways of a well disciplined adult, preserving their history and culture through education and sponsoring competitions:eek:.

Where can I find out about this secret elite society you ask? Well they are hiding as Ninja tend to do in PLAIN SIGHT:what:, as of all things a respected organization of "hunters", "concerned citizens" and "sportsmen"
for more secret info on the Ninja Reactionary Army go to

They play politics instead of sticking with the constitution some times, but I suppose you have to do that to get anything done in the country anymore.

Um...,yea! I hope they play politics! That's their job! They're lobbyists after all. That's what lobbyists do! As a lobbyist in Ohio, I certainly wouldn't be doing my job properly if I didn't "play politics" as you put it. It certainly would free up thousands of hours of my time per year, if I choose not to "play politics". Thank God the NRA can take up the slack on the national scene, as well as the statewide scene. Gosh, they save me at least a few hundred hours a year.

But you're confused on one thing. It is not the NRA that does not stick to the constitution. That would be your congress. It would be my NRA that is defending our constitution. So I'm happy I could clear up that one little confusion for you.

Gee, if nothing else, pay your NRA dues each year if for no other reason than to get a $1000 worth of gun insurance for free with your paid membership.

If you really hate supporting the NRA, feel free to support Buckeye Firearms Assoc. We'll be more than happy to make you feel good about the fight for your gun rights!:D
The thread originator pointed out that the NRA strikes them as being a bit too much mom, apple pie, and 1940's like.
Well, I like that. I am more Mayberry than I am Amsterdam. I would rather call my home Boise Idaho than the San Fransisco red light district.
Having said that, I think the NRA will accept just about anybody as long as they are pro gun. I truly believe that the NRA does not care who you sleep with or what you smoke as long as you are pro RKBA/2nd ammendment.
Although it does "feel" like a McCarthy like auro to it, I am sure there are alot of hippies and homosexuals who are closet members and I have met many of them.
I agree, the NRA is the best we have and we should support them.
I won't say I agree 100% with them, I hate the fact that they seem to spend more time mailing me money requests than anything else. I think if the spent half the money on actual lobbying and stopped spending so much time (and money) trying to get more, we would have a stronger group.

I think they give in too much to get very little in return. You can only give so much until you have nothing to give at all.

At the same time, they are unfortunately, the best we have and have had for just about the entire time of this country. I am a Life member and last year became an Endowment member. I won't send them another dime of my money for the foreseeable future. I'm 37 now and joined them when I was 20. Became a Lifer at 25 and that's about as far as I'll go with it anymore.
The NRA tends to be philosophically a bit different from me-- occasional talk about God and what God wants and what is God-given and God Bless America and suchlike tends to turn me off, as my religion doesn't go in for that sort of thing.

Hmmmm,....what a curious statement! :)

Anyway, In terms of 2A defense, the NRA is much more reflective of my personal views than say, AARP representing the 50+ crowd, which masks itself as one thing then uses membership numbers to reflect political support of the total membership. I disagree with a lot of the AARP's viewpoints.

The organization that I most loath is the ACLU. Talk about screwing with the constitution under the guise of greater good! Sheesh!:barf:

Yes,...the NRA is mostly beneficial though not perfect.
Lame. I really have a hard time believing (though I know it's true) that the worst thing so many can complain about re: their NRA membership is the junk mail.

Do you not have a trash can?

Yet these same people have the nerve to complain, "another AWB got passed", or "we can't CCW in my state".

Join the NRA. Support your right (and mine) to be a gun owner. Throw the junk mail away if you don't want to read it. It really isn't that hard.

NRA Patron Member
Please join the NRA today. The ANTI's would pay twice as much to stop you yet you walk away & let them do it for nothing!

I live in NYC but I still "chose" to become a NRA LIFE MEMBER. As well as a NRA Recruiter in NYC no less!

$25 dollars gets you one year at $10 below the basic rate providing us with PRO RKBA support. Just $20 for LEO's.

Please utilize the provided links below as they will provide you with the discounted rate. I apologize for preaching to the choir but a hard head makes a soft behind!

Thank you for your continued support.

LEO's can access their link from my site menu at the 1st link below for Small Armz

All others can access it from my site or directly from the 2nd link below.
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