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The NRA has doubled (about) in size over the last decade. That's a good thing for all of us. I think it also proves the Chicken Little language must work for them. I was in my LGS last week and a guy behind the counter said he wouldn't join because they don't do enough in our state. I've also heard people complain about the amount of junk mail. Our priorities should be to keep our rights. Period. If it takes crying wolf and burying us in mail, so be it. You should also support your state's rifle assn.
I was in my LGS last week and a guy behind the counter said he wouldn't join because they don't do enough in our state.

You've got to pick your battles. An analogy from history:

Logistically, it didn't make much sense in World War II for the Allies to fight on two fronts, the European fight and the Pacific fight, all at once. After VE Day in Europe, we started sending men and equipment to the Pacific battle and won that one, too. In the meantime, all the folks in the Pacific war felt they were sucking hind tit.

And one of the major reasons we finally prevailed in Europe was that the leader of the Axis powers did not realize this and squandered his resources in a fruitless battle against Russia --Operation Barbarossa.

It's a strategic / tactical / logistics decision. You do what you can with what resources you have when you have them, and the NRA has many more programs to support besides just jumping into every lawsuit in every state.

And that's why they're "always" asking for money --and you can easily opt out of the NRA's and ILA's solicitations.

As another poster put it:

Hence the constant harping on "give us money to fight for your gun rights!".

But of course!

I guess I'm done here. Some people just don't like cats, either.

Terry, 230RN
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Great follow-up Terry! I'm with you. I give to various charities monthly, and I also give to the NRA, NRA-ILA, my state assn., The Heritage Foundation, and I'm considering the two other 2A organizations. I've stuck with the NRA because they have the critical mass needed to push back.

It's similar to the current political arguement surrounding the presidential election. Support the choice that gets the U.S. moving closest to the direction you want it to. If you like the President's views on balance, vote Dem., if you like the R's platform more, don't get caught up in losing steam for a particular candidate that doesn't represent the "perfect package." I don't mean to highjack the post, but I think the principles are the analogous. Fight the good fight!
I'm an NRA life member. When I contribute to the NRA it's always to NRA-ILA and to NRA-PVF. Anybody who hopes to keep their guns, in my opinion, should contribute as much as they are able to both. The election in November will determine whether or not the Second Amendment, and ultimately the rest of the Bill of Rights, survives.
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